
Another Test (4)

Perseus POV

"High risk, high reward, I like that." Shawn replied with a smile "But let's go for a level 2 instead, but let's just listen to this orientation first, applying for this can wait, we got about a week."

And the screen then changed to a 4-page list, and I read them to see that it's the class lists for Class As of the 4 academies, 11 students in each list with the name of our homeroom instructor/teacher...being the principal.

Well, I was right, class A is reserved for those they deem the cream of the crop. And I'm in it because I can already use a talisman at a higher level compared to everyone else here, and for the names, I can recognize some of the surnames, they're from famous families with a famous wizard or witches as their head.

The academies are great and all, but those they deem elites are rarely based on resumes or the tests they carried out when we applied, not that they mattered, there are no prep schools, and the tests were just physicals and some psychology tests, they also have us give them our blood samples, and even though they didn't tell us what it's for, we know why.

They're using it to find great sorcerers in their family line, the more they find in one bloodline, the more chance that they'll produce a successful sorcerer, it's unfair, but it does produce results thus far, and so they're not changing any of it yet.

"These are the elites among the first years of each academy." Principal Arthur announced "And as you can see, they will be personally mentored by us, they are also given priority in choosing their posts, so if the post already accepted a group, but one of them applied to the post too and the professionals on the other end deem that one of these students are also qualified to be deployed there, one randomly chosen among the previous group will have to take up with another post.

"Our curriculum give them access to better seats on the flight there, they get more credits each month, they are given more privilege than the rest. And if you're wondering, it is indeed possible for you to attain the same privilege." he answered the question in everyone's mind "After each year, if we deem anyone from any other class as superior, we will use them to replace a student of the A class or we'll add you to the class without replacing anyone in there if these students do enough work to retain their spots..."

He then went on to list our other benefits, which by the way, are great, we get basically business class seats, and we get 1000 credits a month instead, which...not bad, that's like double, and as students of the academy, no taxes, so we'll get that 1000 without having to pay anything to any government.

But that means me and Shawn are also incentivized to work harder and choose better spots, I mean no one is stupid enough to not want to retain a position in this class, it's the least crowded class, and Class B is like triple the number, and then there are class Cs and Ds, which are divided into C-1, C-2 and so forth.

On the tablet though, they got our portraits and so those sitting around us recognized me and my brother immediately, if you're wondering, yes, my portrait has the blindfold, I have one without it, but I guess at least the academies respect my privacy.

I felt glares of envy and jealousy, some are ominous even, getting to learn from the principal directly is a great benefit, but before anyone can question why we're in that class and they're not, the principals explained that the students of each class are chosen based on the result of the test on the time of our arrival.

The orientation then went on normally till the end when the test is then announced, which people sorta forgot as time went on and everyone is either dreading it or more excited than ever since they want a chance to show off.

But the test was not what everyone was expecting, the principals beckoned some people over and they pushed these 4 giant crystal balls on stage with dozens of more staff members holding smaller ones going out the many different exits as well.

They announced that they will now have everyone line up on their way out by the different exits, they are going to record our affinity with the different elements because we can only cast spells based on the ones we have an affinity with.

"Just extra information for everyone, having lesser affinities now does not mean you can't get more later nor does it determine whether you're a terrible sorcerer." Principal Arthur added "And even if you don't gain more affinities later on, just look at Principal Timberman, he is recorded to only use 1 element, and yet, he has risen to become amongst the greatest wizard in the world."

He then called those 44 students, us included, to go on stage where they'll have us show off our affinity before the rest can leave and do the same on their way out.

Damn, it, I hate attention. Why can't I just take one on the way out?


Shawn POV

I was instructed to place my hand on the giant crystal ball and injected whatever mana I had into the crystal ball in front of me when I placed my hand on it, and later a greyish-colored ball floated around in the gigantic orb.

"Wind, 1 element!." a staff announced

I am then told to go behind the stage area and joined the rest of my new classmates. Perseus earlier was announced to have an affinity with the light element, 1 like me, so I'm not too embarrassed as most of the 44 have 2 affinities. But as soon as I got to the back...

"Damn it, I can't believe I have to be in the same class as a blind guy." one guy exclaimed

"Why don't fictional stories not have bullies for once?" my brother complaint "Can't wait for your redemption arc."

Vote with power stone and add to library please

PerseusSilvercreators' thoughts
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