
Aster's downfall

Well, it is time, it was a good run but all things must end, now I need to end this…from now on there won't be 5 chapters a week, we're going back to 3.

What did you think I was dropping? Nah, I'm just going back to school finally.

Anyway extra long one for an end to this grind, good I need a bit of a break…Stones?


Aster called in his boat and called in the backup as another boat came in grabbing the raiders, Aster personally put the scientists in his own ship as everyone got out and started sailing back to Two Island to get back on their original ship and go back to the mainland.

While they were on the ship Ash managed to find a time to pull Owari away from the celebration and out of ear from Aster making double sure with Aura.

Once he was sure he looked at, "Owari, so do you also believe Aster's actions have been suspicious?"

Owari stopped for a moment before nodding, "Yes, his actions were strange, he seemed to have a lot of information, and the timing when he showed up immediately after we subdued Major, but why do you bring this up?"

"I don't have any evidence yet, but I have reason to believe he might also be responsible for funding these guys, and the reason we couldn't find them for a long time," Ash said, his eyes darkening.

Owari's eyes also darkened, "D. are you aware of what you are accusing an Admin of, and you don't even have evidence?"

"I know, which is why I am talking to you, when we get to Two Island I plan to stay," Ash revealed, "You heard him after this he is going back to Kanto so I'll have my opportunity, I am good with computers I'll check everything, logs, receipts, calls, and I'll find the truth,"

"If there is nothing then there is nothing, but if there is something I'll send it to you and you can deliver it to the Boss, and don't worry how I'll return, I still have my Drowzee with me." Ash said, "And if there's nothing I'm prepared for any punishment,"

Of course, Ash is only saying this because he knows it's true, while they were doing the raid Ash had Porygon2 hack into the main computer and give him everything revealing exactly everything he said along with more stuff he was a part of, he just needed an excuse to be off the ship.

Owari thought for a moment before sighing, "Very well, however, I will only give you 12 hours, if by then you are not able to collect anything then report back and we will decide your punishment."

Ash nodded, "Ok I understand, I'll do it as soon as can,"

Once they were back to Two Island Owari and the grunts went onto one ship and Aster took his grunts and took his ship which was much larger saying he was going to meet with the boss for a meeting, and he was especially happy when Ash said he was staying on Two Island.

As the main ship left Aster gave one final look to Ash, "And you're sure you don't want to come with me to meet your future wife?"

Ash shook his head and kept a monotone voice, "No, if I will be working here with you I should familiarise myself with the island, I'd rather not have my fiancé's first impression of me be fear and disgust of my face."

Aster didn't even try to reassure Ash he just turned around and went on the ship sailing away, after he was gone he dropped the act and pulled out his phone, and started walking to the Joyful Game Corner.

He texted Looker saying that the 5 days were up and Aster was on the move along with a file of the new stuff he found on him from hacking his computer, giving them a location and everything.

As he walked in immediately he was seen with fear as someone who works with Aster after he looked into it he found out Aster had come here and robbed this place from the owner, and holding his daughter hostage as insurance only allowing 1 hour every day to see her.

And that's not to mention the things he did to the employees, as he walked forward he saw the owner, the real owner of the Joyful Game Corner and he flinched looking at him resentfully, "What do you want, you're kind have already taken everything from me,"

As he said that some of the employees grew the guts to also stand up and yell at him,

"Yeah get out"

"You may work with that monster but he isn't here!"

"Why do you torment us!"

But Ash ignored all of that as came close to the owner and snapped his fingers. Everyone expected something bad to happen but they didn't expect a Drowzee to appear holding a little girl who held a Dunsparce plush.

This was Lostelle, the daughter of the owner, not expecting this the owner nearly fell to his knees and embraced his daughter in a hug, "Lostelle!"

Lostelle hugged her dad back, "Daddy! Lostelle was really scared but then this big brother and the nice Drowzee came and saved Lostelle!"

Everyone who heard this was shocked, they all expected Ash to be as wicked as Aster, and then what surprised them more was when Ash looked down and closed his eyes.

"Everyone, from now on none of you will have to worry about Aster, not now not ever again, I promise,"


{A few hours later}

Ash sent the message to Owari with the caption, 'He did not hide it well.' Owari at this time was about to get to a good place to dock the ship, he read through everything and frowned in anger reading every single thing he's done.

Owari would be sure to hand this to the Boss personally, even if it cost him his position. So he made a change in direction to go to the main base, the one where the Boss usually stays, which would give this detour about 30 more minutes from the 20 it was already taking.

But that didn't matter, he was just wondering how long would it take until Aster arrived in Kanto, after all he was going to Celadon which would be close but he was also planning on doing some of his own business, so as long as he makes it he'll get to the Boss first.

{In the Port of Celadon}

Looker and Anabel were exhausted, they still couldn't believe they managed to gather a team to come with them, it was not easy and probably much more convoluted than it needed to be but without revealing D. this was the best they could do.

Looker looked at his phone wondering if D. sent him another message but nothing, he still only had the file with Aster's crimes and a word that Aster would arrive in a few hours, sent a few hours ago.

Anabel leaned over now that they were separated from the rest of the group, "Any word?"

"None," Looker said.

Anabel sighed, "Are we sure this wasn't a setup?"

Looker shook his head, "Not likely the information he delivered was legit, and he hadn't deceived us before,"

"Yeah Darling, just have some hope," a third voice above them said.

"I guess you have a point, but still it's hard to have hope in a-" Anabel stopped, there was only one person who called her Darling.

Looker and Anabel looked up and sitting there was a boy wearing a trenchcoat with black pants and sneakers, he had black gloves and long brown hair, but the most striking thing was that he was wearing an oni mask on the lower part of his face.

"Are…you D.?" Looker asked.

Ash jumped down and stood next to them, "Yep, that's me, I thought I should participate in the fun this time, and I get to hang out with my 2 favorite police!"

Anabel immediately shook her head and raised her badge, "Stop right there you are officially under arrest,"

Ash and Looker: "..."

Anabel saw their blank expressions and looked confused, "What? This is a perfect chance."

Ash chuckled and shook his head, "Oh darling, let's just pretend for a moment you could capture me, what then Aster is about to come in and I'm even here to help you all,"

Looker nodded, "He has a point, he came to offer his assistance even coming alone,"

"Yeah listen to Looker, face it darling you need me," Ash said knowing exactly how that sounded.

"And so what, what if there's no ship coming and you did this for your selfish amusement," Anabel said, then as soon as she said that a loud ship horn was heard.

"...That's… probably a coincidence," Anabel said.

Then a random police officer ran up, "Anabel, Looker, your information was accurate we found signs of reports on that ship, we will contact base to have them send support," then he ran off not even noticing Ash.

Anabel growled, "Fine, but stop calling me Darling!"

"Nah, why would I Darling, your reactions are far more entertaining, but maybe I will if you smile more," Ash said but Anabel turned her head.

Looker looked at Ash, "So you will be helping us, don't you fear that he may recognize you,"

"Oh you don't need to worry about that," Ash said as he grabbed his hair and slid it back, making it turn blue instead in front of their eyes.

Ash smiled, "Did you think it was that easy to figure out who I was, no you don't even know if this is my hair color or if this is my eye color, but for now let's get ready," he said as he walked passed them taking Anabel's badge, "Borrowing this by the way Darling~,"

Anabel blinked owlishly before turning back, "Hey wait a minute, get back here!"

Aster was on the ship waiting patiently, he was planning on sending the scientists to his personal hideout while he turned in the grunts, he also told Erika that he was coming back from 'work' and he would be late.

After all, it was time that she became useful to him, but he would deal with that once he got there, first, he needed to prepare everything.

As the ship docked he took the scientist and a few grunts off with him to escort them, meanwhile, he told the other grunts to prepare to take in the raiders they had with them.

Before he walked off the ship and onto the dock he made sure no one, especially the harbor manager, was there, it was the early morning and about to be sunrise so he didn't expect anyone to come out at this time.

He took the team and scientist with him as the other grunts started grabbing the raiders to take them off, as Aster kept walking he felt content after all only for a minor mistake everything went perfectly for him.

As he kept walking suddenly a few People dressed in dark clothes walked out and they looked at him.

Aster played it cool, "Is there anything I can do for you officers?"

As he said that a few more came up from behind as they pulled out badges, "Team Rocket Admin Aster, you have been charged with multiple crimes, please do not resist and cooperate quietly,"

Aster's eyes narrowed, "But what do you mean, I'm only coming back home, do you not recognize me? My daughter is the Gym leader. You can ask her yourself."

Anabel stepped forward, "Save the chatter, we have all the evidence we need on you, and you might not have a Rocket suit on but those grunts next to you sure are rocking that red R."

Aster kept a calm face but on the inside, he growled, "I suppose if it is needed to clear my name I'll comply,"

He held his hands out as one of the police officers approached him, but just as he was about to grab him Aster grabbed one of the scientists and threw him at the officer before throwing his Vileplume out.

Immediately the officers and grunts threw out their Pokemon and some ran onto the boats to take care of the grunts on their.

Looker sent out Croagunk, Anabel her new Alakazam, and Ash sent out his newly evolved Houndoom who had a special collar.

The battle started with everyone throwing out attacks and lighting up the sky, Aster made the grunts and scientists scatter as well making most officers have to run around to stop them as Aster himself made a run for it.

Looker and Croagunk were in charge of taking care of the grunts so instead Anabel and Ash went after Aster, as they were running Anabel told Alakazam to bring one of the shipping crates down so he couldn't run.

Alakazam quickly obeyed and did it without a thought as Aster and his Vileplume were stopped as Ash and Anabel blocked the other 2 sides.

"Surender Aster, there's nowhere for you to run, you're outnumbered and you can't run anymore!" Anabel said as Alakazam held his spoons ready for the command.

Aster looked back and had his confident smile back, "Oh so you thought I was running? No, Just setting up my trap," then he snapped his finger.

From below Houndoom a seed glowed and sprouted into a thick bush of vines and behind them multiple other vines sprouted all having come from Vileplume.

Aster smiled, "Now that that threat is taken care of I'll deal with you," he said as he raised his arms

Vileplume shot 2 thick vines from himself into the ground as 1 of those giant lines coming from the ground came by surprise and managed to slap Alakazam on the back before he could react.

Anabel grit her teeth, "Alakazam quick use [Psychic]!"

Alakazam's eyes glowed as he grabbed ahold of the large vine and then the next one that was about to come and get him, but he didn't expect the original vine from Vileplume to break through the ground and wrap itself around his throat.

As Aster smiled to himself he thought this was done since he would have Vileplume choke out this Alakazam, but he heard something he didn't expect.

"Hey, I hope you didn't forget about us," it was Ash as he stood next to the Bush that had Houndoom inside, "These vines are annoying but I hope you didn't think this would stop us,"

Then he pulled his sleeve up and there it was a keystone, Ash smiled as he tapped it, "Mega Evolve."

From the Bush bright light erupted and shined through the cracks, Houndoom's temperature started to rise so high that the water in the vines began to boil and Houndoom ripped her way through, now revealing Mega-Houndoom.

As Aster and Anabel looked in shock, Ash smiled and held his hand up, "[Fire Blast]!"

Houndoom shot one large blast of fire that Vileplume couldn't dodge due to his vines being stuck in the ground and he got the full hit, burning the vines he had and freeing Alakazam.

"Thanks," Anabel reluctantly said.

Ash gave a thumbs up back, "Not a problem darling, now let's take care of this guy,"

Aster grit his teeth as he raised his hand up, "[Sludge Bomb] now!"

Anabel raised her arm and pointed at Vileplume, "Alakazam, send it back!"

Alakazam's eyes glowed purple as the ball of sludge stopped in the air and turned around aiming to hit Vileplume

"Houndoom follow along with a [Will-O-Wisp]!"

As the sludge hit Vileplume, Houndoom summoned multiple small wisps of purple fire and threw them at the plant connecting and causing the burn along with knocking him back.

As Vileplume got hurt from the burn, Aster's confident smile was disappearing and he was feeling it, fear, his plans, everything he worked so hard for was falling apart in front of his hands.

Aster decided to hell with it, "We're taking one of you down with us, [Nature's Madness]!" (Not the Legendary move just what he calls it)

All the vines from before started to come to life as they all began falling down aiming to bury whatever Pokemon was inside under layers of whatever was left, the target at the moment was Alakazam.

But as it came down Ash whistled as Houndoom ran up and tackled Alakazam and pushed him out of the way leaving Houndoom to be crushed.

Or at least she would but Ash was already prepared for this, before the battle even began he already had Houndoom use [Nasty Plot] 3 times.

So now that he had the chance Ash smiled and snapped his finger, "[Inferno],"

From the center a fire so hot and bright it burned through the vines immediately and shot a fire so hot that it caused the remaining vines to shrivel up, and it was so bright it rivaled the sunrise as Houndoom stood there proud.

With Aster, Vileplume finally fell over, the heat and fire from that attack were too much for him and he fell, so Alakazam grabbed Aster with [Psychic] as Anabel walked up, she was about to hold out her badge but Ash still had it so she sighed.

"Rocket Admin Aster, it is over, you are under arrest."



Erika was excited, after she got the news that her father was coming back she immediately got happy because she thought he was coming for her birthday which was today, April 21.

It had been quite some time since she last saw him so she wanted this to be perfect, she knew he would be coming today so she prepared a Bento herself and was going to the dock to meet up with him at the time he told her.

As she was walking she saw the sunrise in the distance taking in its beauty, she walked with a pep in her step, to her nothing could go wrong today.

But then she saw it, a large blast of fire blasted through the sky lighting up the Sky and making multiple People peek out from their homes looking out to see what it was.

But Erika noticed something, that was coming from the Dock, the place her father was, with a gulp she began to run tryin to move as fast as she could but with this kimono, it was extremely difficult.

But eventually, she made it, and what she finally saw made her spine shiver. Multiple Police were taking in countless People off of a Ship, there was also a group of Team Rocket members being taken in, and finally, there she saw him, her father, Aster, handcuffed and being led to a Police car.

Erika's throat became dry as she stepped forward shaking in fear under the kimono as she approached the nearest person, who to be Anabel.

"E-excuse me, what's going on?" Erika asked her voice shaky 

Anabel looked back and immediately recognized Erika the Gym leader as her expression softened, "I'm sorry, Gym leader, I read the report he is your father correct?"

Erika nodded as Anabel sighed, "That man Aster, is a member of Team Rocket, an admin, and has multiple charges against him, so as the International Police we are here to arrest him."

"B-but, that can't be true, my father w-would never," Erika said, her voice nearly breaking as she was holding back tears

"I'm afraid it's true, he also attempted to flee from police and attacked several officers, I'm sorry I know this is tough for you to understand,"

Erika's hands were shaking, she looked at the car where she saw her father with an expression she had never seen before, at the same time Aster finally noticed her and smiled.

"Hey Erika, thank goodness you're here, these stupid police are trying to arrest me for no reason, why don't you get your father out," Aster said with an obnoxiously large smile

Erika was shaking thinking about what was happening, she wanted to say something but she couldn't, but Aster did, "Come on, don't you want us to be a family again?"

Erika clenched her teeth and dropped the Bento she had in her hands before finally running. She ran and ran and ran, and even when people saw her and tried to stop her she didn't stop running she wanted to get back to her gym.

Along the way Ash was on top of a shipping crate, he stayed there after Anabel and more officers came, and for once Anabel told him to go, but she said it was only because he saved Alakazam.

Ash didn't refuse and got out and watched everything, including Erika's heartbroken expression, he frowned and decided to do something.

Erika ran back to her gym not stopping to talk to any of the Gym trainers, she ran and eventually got to her room where she sat down and felt the tears coming out of her eyes.

She didn't want to believe it but it was making sense now, after all her father never come to any of her birthdays before why would he start now, he never even sent her cards or anything like that,

In her mind, she just forced herself to believe it was for work, that he cared about her, but no the more she thought about it the more she realized his actions, he never loved her like a father should, he never treated her as one.

She stayed in her room finally crying, letting out those pent-up emotions. She stayed like that for a while, but then she heard her phone buzz.

She wiped her eyes and picked it up where a certain boy texted her.

Pokemonenjoyer: Yo, Happy birthday, before you ask Mr. Fuji told me, I got a present for you all the way from the Orange Islands, hope you like it (^ω^)

Erika wiped a tear from her eye and smiled, as suddenly Abra appeared with a box, "Thanks Ash"

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