

The group was led to the Pokemon center by Jenny, and when they got in they saw all the Pokemon lying on the ground either clutching their heads or completely motionless.

Ash had a flashlight and was checking all of the Pokemon eventually looking at a Magikarp's pupil, "Yep unresponsive, just like the rest"

Jenny and Joy were supervising Ash since he didn't have his medical degree and then needed to see in case he did something suspicious, "I'm surprised you actually have formal training, but that won't help us here, we already know that so what is your theory that you're so confident about."

Ash gave a blank look at Jenny and thought, 'Why is it that every Jenny I talk to seems to have it out to me,' he rubbed his eyes and put his finger out and snapped, then the Magikarp started moving again and flopped on the floor.

Jenny and Joy looked shocked and Joy took Magikarp and started checking it, "What but how, I tried everything, how did you do that?"

"It's a psychic Pokemon that's doing this, my guess is a Hypno, they were stuck in a coma-like state so I just un-did it."

As soon as Ash said Hypno, Jenny immediately froze," A Hypno, you mean those Pokemon that are rumored to hypnotize children and lead them into the forest, what horrible fate."

Ash was looking into another Pokemon's pupil, "Don't say that, it's just a rumor with no evidence, like flat earth or the idea that Magcargo is hotter than the sun, at most they put people to sleep and eat their dreams. And that is only when they go weeks without eating."

Joy finished looking at the fish and moved it aside, "So you can fix this, that's great news we can get everything ready."

"No, if I do that firstly I'm fixing the symptoms, not the cause and secondly we don't know if this might be connected with the missing children," Ash said putting the flashlight down

Joy looked down, "Yes you're right, sorry I was just excited with the idea that we can fix their pain immediately I didn't think of the rest."

"It's fine, it's only natural since it's our job in the medical field to do everything we can, but we can only ease the pain but we can't get rid of it, even if it is just a little," Ash said as he was looking at one of the Pokemon in pain.

"Haha, are you sure you never got your medical degree, because you sound more wise than most of the doctors I know," Joy said feeling more upbeat after what Ash said.

"I like to think I'm not in the minority, but yes I never officially got it, but I do know everything I need to know to take the MCAT, so until then I can only do this under direct supervision," Ash said as he put his tools down.

"Well then can you at least help this little guy," Joy said as she went under her desk and lifted up a Psyduck, "This little guy got the worst of it, he's been in the most pain out of every Pokemon."

Psyduck was clutching his head as Ash looked at it and immediately pulled out a bottle, "No that's just how they are, here this medicine is made for them." 

Ash then gave Psyduck the medicine and immediately he stopped clutching his head and looked around.

Immediately Misty poked her head seeing the small duck, "Aww, look at the cute guy, he's just curious."

Ash smiled, "You know we can use this, Psyduck are psychic so we can probably get this one to find out where the Hypno is,"

Psyduck heard that and looked at Ash and gave a salute and started running, nearly making Brock trip out of the door.

"Well what are you waiting for, follow that duck!" Ash said jumping over the table he was doing things on and Jenny and his friends following.

Psyduck led the group to a large building near the middle of the city and Psyduck continued climbing the stairs, stopping about halfway for a break and then running again, all of which had the group following behind.

Eventually, they got to the top and saw a house, with a sight on the top saying Pokémon Fan Club.

Even before they knocked on the door someone swung the doors open, it was the man who called himself Mr. Pokemon and he had a smile on his face and his eyes closed, "Hello welcome to the Pokemon Fanclub, you can call me Mr. Sukizo how can I- '' but he stopped when he opened his eyes and saw the group.

"Uhh I mean I'm Mr Pokemon, and this is the Pokemon Pokémon Lovers Club. What can I do for you."

Brock stepped up and bowed, "H-hello sir, you were one of the hosts for the breeding competition, I'm Brock, the one who won the show you hosted."

"Ahh yes I remember you, your performance was quite admirable, but what are you all here, if I may ask?" Mr Pokemon or rather Mr. Sukizo tried to change the topic of conversation as fast as he could.

Jenny stampeded in front of Brock and spoke up, "You see there have been some weird disturbances and we are led to believe that there is something in this building that may be connected with it."

Mr. Sukizo rubbed his beard, "Well the only thing I can think of would be our in-house Hypno, but he never leaves our little mansion," then he gestured inside the mansion, and on the table, there was a Hypno hypnotizing someone and a Drowsy just chilling.

As Hypno pendulum put a man to sleep an energy pulsated and immediately made Psyduck start clenching his head again and roll on the ground.

"Well, that pretty much confirms it doesn't it, these are connected to the Pokemon," Jenny said as Misty picked up Psyduck and was cradling the poor thing.

"But that begs the question of whether it also connects to the children," Brock said standing next to Jenny.

Mr. Sukizo scratched his head seeing Psyduck, as the president of the fan club above all else he hated seeing Pokemon get hurt so he quickly stopped Hypnon from using his Pendulum.

He then turned back and bowed(mainly to Psyduck), "I'm sorry, and you said there are more than just poor Psyduck, we had no idea, please tell me what I need to do to fix this."

Yellow and Ash were in the back completely forgotten about, Yellow leaned over and yelled from the back, "Can you make them undo it?"

"Yes, of course, you two quickly get to it, undo this!" Both Hypno and Drowsy looked at each other and sweated as they started doing their best.

Eventually, they managed to reverse the energy and Psyduck stopped clutching his head but looked like he had a much more blank expression.

"It worked, yes now I must fix the problems that I have caused, to the Pokemon center!" Mr. Sukizo said as he was about to leave but was stopped by Jenny, 

"Hold it, we still need to find out if this is related to the missing children, we need to first-" Jenny started until she was cut off.

"PSYDUCKKKK!!" Psyduck screamed as he jumped out of Misty's arms and started running in a direction.

Everyone stared at Psyduck leaving until Ash said, "Well that seems like as good of a lead as anything, let's follow the duck!" 

The group (+ Mr. Sukizo and the Hypno and Drowsy) followed after Psyduck and eventually led to the outskirts of town, and eventually they got led to a field with kids just acting like Pokemon, there was one girl who was nearly drowning in a puddle acting like a Magikarp.

Everyone stared at the group of children with a blank look as Psyduck started acting the worst of them all, as a Psyduck.

"Well I guess that solves our mystery," Misty said looking at the children.

Ash looked over at Mr. Sukizo and gestured to the children, Mr. Sukizo got stiff and nodded and had his Hypno and Drowsy try to fix the children.

After even more time they eventually managed to fix the kids and undo whatever, so they were taken back to the center to be reunited with their parents, 

Meanwhile, Mr. Sukizo also went to the Pokemon center to try and fix what happened which took about an hour of nonstop work to undo everything, but eventually Hypno and Drowsy were sweating on the floor and everything was back to normal, children were being reunited with their parents, and Pokemon with their trainers.

Mr. Sukizo finally sat down seeing that everything was done and seemed to be acting like he was the one who did all the work.

As Yellow and Misty were helping the Pokemon Brock walked up to Mr. Sukizo, "Umm Mr. Pokemon"

"Just call me Sukizo, you already found out," 

"Ok Mr. Sukizo, I wanted to ask, why are you here, aren't you meant to be hosting the other breeding competition with Suzie and Mr. and Ms. Gold."

"Well I am only the judge for the big ones taking place in the towns, the same goes for them, so we all went back home to deal with our own things, Suzie went to her Salon and the Golds said they were going to go visit their grandchildren."

"So Suzie is in Scissor Street," Brock said excitedly, "Do you know if she is available currently."

Mr. Sukizo looked at Brock up and down and chuckled, "Oh the youth, well she has recently hired more people to help out in her Salon so I'm sure if you go there she can make time," he said before winking.

Brock became red, "Wait, no I didn't mean it like that, well I mean I wouldn't say no if I co-wait no that's not the point.

Meanwhile, Ash was checking the last of the Pokemon before handing it to its trainer, "Finally done."

But Joy spoke up, "Well that is the last one, but Psyduck doesn't have a trainer to come pick him up."

"What, so was Psyduck abandoned or is he just a wild Pokemon?" Ash asked, and Joy just shrugged.

"It would be good if someone could take care of him, someone who could heal his headaches maybe," Joy said, slightly nudging Psyduck closer to Ash.

"I Know what you're doing, and I'm not taking him, but I do know someone just as good," Ash said as he picked up the duck.

Joy seemed satisfied with that answer and bowed thanking Ash as he walked away looking for his friends.

He saw Brock and Mr. Sukizo went back and forth, so Ash left them to do that, he eventually found Yellow petting some Pokemon and so he walked up to her.

"Yo, Yellow have you seen Misty?" Ash said with Psyduck sideways under his arm.

Yellow shook a bit and turned to Ash, "Oh hey Ash, yeah Misty-she-ummm, I think she is just over there,"

Ash smiled as he led down to get closer to Yellow, "You wouldn't happen to be lying to me are you, because that would be naughty."

Yellow became red as steam started going out of her ears, "N-no."

Ash got closer, but then went back up and put on his usual cheery face, "Okey dokey, I need to give her something, have fun with whatever you're doing." Ash walked away as Yellow fell to the floor next to the Pokemon she was petting.

Ash eventually found Misty as she was over at one of the PCs doing something so Ash creped over and held Psyduck out, it took MIsty a good few seconds to notice the yellow duck next to her as she jumped back but when she saw Ash she calmed down.

"Hey Ash, what do you want, can't you see I was in the middle of something," Misty said 

"Well someone is in need of a trainer and who better than a water-type master," Ash said as he put Psyduck in front of his face.

"Really, Ok yeah I wanted a Psyduck anyway I was about to call home to ask for one," Misty said as she took a Pokeball and booped Psyduck on the noise making him go in the ball.

But Ash froze for a second hearing what Misty said, then when Psyduck left his hands he slapped himself on the forehead, "Oh my God I'm so stupid, how did I forget."

Misty was in the middle of her cheer for catching Psyduck but stopped when she heard Ash, "Wait what's wrong?"

Ash pulled his hand down his face, "I was supposed to call back home after I got the badge but I forgot, I'm never going to hear the end of this."

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