
Rebirth and perk

Third PoV

In a blank void devoid of all life where nothing exists in the expanse of space where there is only emptiness where even colour does not exist stand two beings. A tall man around 1.95 meters tall (6'4) with black hair and red eyes and an athletic build is standing adjacent to a giant who has glowing blue eyes with no mouth no nose and no discernable facial features just glowing blue eyes that dance like flames on his black skin.

The man looks to be in deep thought as he stands opposite the black giant the man takes in a deep breath and then exhales in a deep sigh and speaks caution sneaking into his voice " So I'm dead and you want to give me a chance to be transported to another world and live again with my memories"

" Yes," the black giant replies casually as if this is a normal conversation and is not a complete slap in the face to all people and their understanding of life and death.

"Why would you choose me of all people? I wasn't a very good person sure I gave to charity but that was just to distract the people from seeing the massive inequality of wealth was just good PR" the man states with no hint of shame for what has just come out of his mouth.

" you see your second chance at life has nothing to do with your moral character it's purely for the entertainment you bring to my life. See when you were building your vast business empire you intrigued me with your character and I just knew you would perfectly fit the role of my entertainment once you died and I could send you to a more fun world " the giant states in a jovial tone

"Okay so I'm keeping you from being bored with all your power, which world am I going to? " the man asked with caution evident in his voice

The Giant replied extaticsly his eyes growing brighter the longer he spoke about that world "You my red-eyed friend will be going to the DC universe from your past life I believe you are somewhat familiar with it ".

The man who now had a look of horror on his face replied in a wary voice "Yes I know some stuff about that universe things like the Joker killing Robin, Trigon being Raven's father, true form Darkside and the death of Superman those things and the general plot of some shows and comics but nothing that would help me survive as a human".

The giant looked intrigued and asked his question "Why do you think you would not survive ".

The man looked befuddled as if not sure if that was a rhetorical question but decided to answer anyway "You're joking right you know how dangerous that world is world ending threats occur almost daily and if I survive them I could just end up being tortured to death by a freak in clown makeup who has a fetish for flying rodents".

The giant paused for a moment as if in deep thought and then spoke again " I see I have overestimated your abilities as a human and failed to consider your limitations in that world how about this I give you a perk so you can do well in that world the options are as follows. Option one you get to have the Scarab that blue beetle has in your choice of colour of course as well as it not having any programming to control you at all and it being unhackable. Option two is you get the powers of the spider man from Marvel as well as the venom symbiote which will not try to take control of you and will actually work with you. Lastly, in option three, you can make your own character and the background of that character and his powers however, there are limitations to this one you can not choose races like the endless or angles like Lucifer nor can you give them powers like omnipotence or reality manipulation or time control or the speed force".

The man sits down for a while lost deep in thought and after an unknown amount of time passes the man speaks in a firm tone "Option three please "

The giant laughs for a while and then speaks his eyes glowing brighter than ever before "Tell me the background of your character the race gender look and how and what their power should be "

The man's eyes shine with a vicious spark as he speaks " My characters race should be half Kryptonian and Half Sayain from dragon ball"

The giant eye smiles and then speaks "Interesting choice may I ask why "

The man speaks with a hint of pride in his voice "The Kryptonians are the most broken race in the Dc universe and the Sayains also are a broken race but their hybrids are even more broken as they remove all the weaknesses of the other race and amplify the good traits along with adding their own abilities in and significantly improved potential of that person, I mean just look at Gohan "

The giant looks amused even if he has no facial features to show any expressions " I see so you want to talk about the background and abilities of the character "

" Yes but one question can the background include the Sayians and how they interact with the universe," asks the man

"Yes" replies the giant quickly

" Okay so for the background, I want this to be it...and these should be the abilities " but as he was about to continue the giant stopped him "You only get to pick one extra ability your race and background make you too powerful already and it's not fun to see a super overpowered Mc "spoke the giant

" Fine, I guess I want super regeneration on the level of Lobo " the man replies begrudgingly

The giant eye smiles and nods in acceptance then speaks " Good luck my now tail-having friend but first, to aviate your worries no one will be able to access the memories of your past life not even the presence and the character will live its life till the age of 27 on autopilot act as you would and then your soul will take over its body getting all the memories and experiences and emotions attached to the body goodbye my now tail having friend ".

The man pov

I wake up in a circular spaceship that resembles a Saiyan pod a lot so I guess the background was right just then the space pod starts to jerk about and I feel it crash into the planet .


I wait for a while and then get out of the pod. I feel the cool ocean breeze on my face I can smell fresh air and foliage as I look around I see tones of trees and a vast expanse of water surrounding the sand I am standing on . I seem to be on an island interesting.

The End

So it took a while to upload as I was figuring out where to take the story , update will be infrequent till mid-June due to finals also I have a question can you guys help me decide the name of the Mc as a hero as well as his normal name because I'm drawing a blank

Normal name suggestions

Hero name suggestions


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