
Nine Emotions, Weapon Body (1)

Having forcefully absorbed another four paths of "enlightenment" within such a limited time caused Wisdom to be unable to quickly reform Adrian's mind.

To make matters worse each time his mind was reformed it would once again be shattered under the "enlightenment" of manuals and techniques making the entire process exponentially longer.

Luckily for Adrian's body, there seemed to be no signs of organic life in these caverns, caves, and ravines meaning his body wouldn't have to take any unneeded damage.

Exactly four days later, Wisdom finally succeeded in reforming Adrian's mind with the unintended side effect of strengthening it in the process.

For Adrian, the entire process took seconds as his mind was bathed in knowledge.

But unlike knowledge he had gained himself he would have to actively force the knowledge to the front of his mind.

Unfortunately, this process also meant that Adrian had complete knowledge of the subject with zero experience in its use.

The only saving grace was that this new knowledge acted in much the same way as his [Cooking Man] ability, so at least he had some way to do it.

Waking up from his mini-coma, Adrian found that the sky looked almost identical to when he had made his offer before.

Not paying the changes in the sky any mind, Adrian's devilish grin consumed his face as he announced, "I'm a fair businessman unlike some of you… So it's my turn to hold up my end of the bargain."

"The previous version of 'Nine Emotions' that I had shown you before was the first introductory stance for those first learning the technique. This time I will be showing you the true first stance of my Nine Emotions, Infinite Weapon Art."

After having said what he wanted, Adrian's explanation was interrupted by Sakura's worried voice, ~Rain! What are you saying… You just woke up after four days. Are you sure you can do it right?~

Hearing Sakura's worries, Adrian's mind was confused, but he still responded, "What do you mean four days? Wasn't it only a few seconds to a minute?"

Before Sakura could say anything a familiar deep raspy voice rang from Adrian's throat, "Rain… Even in the pantheon your soul was disconnected from your mind and body. Dee and the girls were terrified, because you wouldn't respond after standing still for so long."

As the voice continued Adrian's older stoic face started to morph into Zero's void-like face, however after Zero stopped speaking Adrian's face returned to normal.

Having heard what Zero said Adrian's smile changed from devilish to wry as he fixed his original words, "I'm sorry viewers who offered such lovely things. For my delay I will try to explain the purposes of my movements."

After addressing his generous patrons, Adrian whispered to Sakura, 'I'm ok. Love you.'

Even though Adrian whispered every viewer could still hear his words clear as day, and the fact that his face was as bright as a cherry tomato gave him away.

Sakura sent her response through their connection, which Nexus couldn't pry into, ~Rain… If you want to say stuff like that, say it through the connection… And love you too…~

Embarrassed, Adrian jumped into his technique right away explaining, "Today, I will only be showing the 'weapon body' portion of the main school's techniques."

Adrian started to practice Tai chi, as to have a base to connect his movements, as he continued to explain.

His slow and smooth movements started to speed up as a mixture of blood mist, Mythos, and time spread out from his attaching to and analyzing every atom and energy around him.

Only after Adrian had perfect attunement to everything within a 50-meter sphere around him did his movements change.

From the simple smooth movements of Tai chi to a mixture of movements that combined the effectiveness of Systema and Krav Maga with the unpredictability of drunken boxing.

As his movements changed, Adrian explained, "Once your mind and body connect with the environment around you, find a style suited for the environment."

"For example, because this space is cramped, I can't use big movements. Instead I have to use smaller, more effective movements that are still flexible."

"After you find the movement that suits your area or situation, dig deep and connect with your emotions and memories."

When Adrian tried to do this unlike last time it seemed like the blockage in his memories had disappeared.

Which caused his mind to flood with the completely uncensored memories he had once lived, showing the eight versions of him working together to solve his issues.

Using these memories Adrian quickly connected it to his emotion of Joy making his movements even faster and more flexible than before.

"Once you have connected to the emotion of your choice, allow your brain to be molded by that emotion. Embody the emotion in each movement."

Once his words escaped his mouth, Zero's voice sounded in his mind, "So you finally remembered."

A charming smile formed on Adrian's face as he let his mind be entangled in mindless joy further enhancing his speed and flexibility.

"Once you feel connected to your emotion, follow it along with your memories to find the next emotion."

Just as he said Adrian followed his fond memories in which all eight of his personalities were still awake leading him to the loneliness he didn't know he felt without them.

Once his emotion changed his speed and flexibility changed, becoming slower and stiffer, but much more oppressive and unending as each movement perfectly chained into the next without a single gap between.

With the change in emotion, his martial arts also changed, becoming something that you couldn't say resemble any traditional martial art.

His entire body was in constant use as with each movement of his arms his chest and legs would tense adding more power to each punch while adding explosive movement to his next move.

When he would kick his back would release steam and his body tensed, straightening allowing for the next movements to be fluid.

Adrian didn't see the need to explain each emotion as every person would have to connect them in unique ways.

For him, after he followed his loneliness he found immense guilt over his actions that had caused the others to fall into an unending sleep.

Just as his movements changed between joy and loneliness, so too did they change between loneliness and guilt.

His previous oppressive and fluid full-body movements were replaced by a palm technique that was blunt and intrusive.

Adrian's movements were easy to read, but uncomfortable to see as it would make you too feel guilty to stop any of them.

Once again his memories latched onto a new emotion as his guilt morphed into a deep anger at his past selfishness.

This anger like any emotion made his movements change once more.

Unlike the easy-to-read movements brought about by guilt, anger brought animalistic violence that no sane person could stop.

His body hunched forward as his movements jerked around shooting straight between walls with killing intent.

As his mind connected to the next memory Adrian felt he didn't deserve to be angry and he became ashamed of his anger once again changing his movements.

Without realizing his movements swiftly changed from aggressive and violent to completely defensive as his knees and back bent as if to hide his heart from being seen.

His movements look as if Adrian was fending off tens of attackers leaving no gaps to attack, however, he never actively attacked either, only parried and countered.

After his shame appeared a new memory formed in his mind as he remembered Sakura's words and his shame over his actions was quickly quelled by his love for her.

Unlike the wildly different movements between other emotions, the transition between shame and love was what you were trying to protect.

When he felt shame he protected himself, but through love his focus was on protecting another.

This emotion quickly evolved into an obsessive insanity making his once defensive and protected movements unpredictable and wild.

His brain didn't limit his strength and dulled his pain receptors making him into a mindless monster.

As soon as his obsessive, insane actions registered in his mind memories of the pain from losing himself and slaughtering everyone he held dear when he escaped from the lab.

Feeling that pain caused his movements to quicken, as his body seemed to become more nimble and elusive.

Yet as he felt that pain a nonsensical curiosity started to rise within his mind as to why he had suffered so much.

This curiosity caused his movements to change once more becoming analytical and piercing.

His body seemed to straighten as his hands became sharp spears that could find any gaps in your armor.

I hope you enjoyed today's chapter!

I would love to hear your thoughts on which of the nine emotions you connect with most.

system_evolvercreators' thoughts
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