
Chapter Three: The Fight

Ever's POV

After about an hour of driving and jamming to Twenty-One Pilots and various other artists, I furrowed my brows in confusion when Enzo pulled over next to a clearing of land that was surrounded by woods.

"Is this the part where you kill me?" I joked, shaking my head in mock disappointment. "I knew it was too good to be true!"

He threw his head back laughing, the sound alone making my heart swoon.

"You and those horror movies I swear! But no I'm not gonna murder you... This time" he muttered the last part wiggling his eyebrows suggestively, making me laugh as I smacked his arm playfully.

"But in all seriousness, there is something I want to give you. I was gonna wait and give it to you after, but I'm sure we'll be preoccupied with... Other things..."

The thought of what those other things could be made the skin on my body become warm as an excited shiver ran down my spine. I was so distracted by my very indecent thoughts that I didn't notice him grab something from the center console.

"Happy anniversary baby!" he exclaimed, handing me a small blue square velvet box, successfully pulling me out of my daze and surprising me.

Carefully taking the box from his hands as he watched me with an unreadable expression on his face as tears pooled in my eyes. I opened it revealing a beautiful ring.

It was a thin silver band with a small cosmos flower on top. At the center of the flower was a tiny opal stone. His birth flower and birthstone.

"it's a promise ring... " he clarified, reaching over to grab the box from me- taking out the ring and setting the box back down before grabbing my left hand.

It was then that I noticed he was wearing a similar ring on his left hand as well, except he had a water lily with an emerald in the center. My birth flower and birthstone.

"Ever Monroe... " he began, looking into my eyes with such love and compassion that I couldn't help but tear up again at the sight.

" As cheesy as this is going to sound, I have been in love with you since the day I first saw you at my first football game in our eighth-grade year of middle school. I remember thinking 'damn that girl is so beautiful, how can I make her mine?' " He chuckled a bit at the memory making me smile.

"I also remember the pep talk I had to give myself just to walk up to you after that same game when I saw you standing there all alone waiting for your parents to give you a ride home. But being the clumsy idiot I am, as soon as I had gained enough confidence to talk to you- I tripped over a rock and fell face-first into the pavement,"

"I remember that! I ran over to see if you were okay and when you looked up at me your nose was bleeding and I helped clean you up!" I couldn't help but laugh remembering the incident.

"yeah and I ended up ruining your favorite hoodie with my blood! You even made me give you my hoodie as payment" he chuckled rolling his eyes, making me laugh again.

"Hey! If I could have my favorite hoodie- then you couldn't have yours either!" I defended myself raising my arms in surrender.

"anyways, let me finish!" he playfully glared, making me laugh again.

"Sorry, go ahead!"

"I remember looking into those gorgeous grey eyes of yours after you helped clean me up and wondering how someone can be even more beautiful up close. And low and behold a few months later after getting to know you and hanging out after school- at my last game of the season I had finally gathered the nerve to officially ask you to be my girlfriend." his voice began breaking as tears gathered at the corners of his eyes as he continued.

"When you said yes, I caught a glimpse of the future where you were saying yes to a slightly different question- a question that requires me to be on one knee...and the realization of she's the one I want to spend the rest of my life with rang loud and clear in my head, and my heart."

"so with this ring, I promise you, Ever Monroe to love you, and cherish you, through the good times and the bad. To be a shoulder to cry on when you need it, and to be your protector- your guardian until the day I can ask you to be mine for the rest of our lives... I love you so much..."

To say I was crying would be an understatement. I was bawling my eyes out as he slipped the ring onto my finger, and unbuckled my seatbelt, pulling me over so I could straddle his lap while holding me close, lightly kissing my lips.

Does this mean he'll accept us? That he'll accept the baby?

Only one way to know for sure that he means what he said...

" Do you mean it?..." I all but whispered, resting my forehead against his. 

My body was shaking and my stomach was doing somersaults making me feel ill. I was so nervous and Enzo could feel it so he rubbed his hands along my hips trying to keep me calm. 

"Of course I mean it, baby! What's wrong? You're shaking…" he soothed, pressing his lips to my cheeks, attempting to wipe away the continuous stream of tears to no avail. 

"I'm pregnant… " My trembling voice rang out clearly in the quiet of the car. 

Relief flooded through my chest immediately after the words left my mouth, but that relief instantly became regret as soon as I opened my eyes. 

Enzo's usually tan features had become an ashen gray as he became rigid, and his eyes were desolate and distant as he stared blankly at me. 

"baby? Are you oka—!"

In the blink of an eye, I was shoved off of his lap and onto the passenger seat– my head smacked off of the window making me hiss in pain. 


I flinched at the sudden raise of his voice, bringing my knees to my chest and hugging them for comfort as I shook my head 'No'


He slammed his hands against his steering wheel, muttering more curses under his breath refusing to look at me. 

"Are you sure? I mean, those tests they uhh… They could be wrong right? So how do you know?" It sounded like he was trying to convince himself that I wasn't pregnant and that bothered me. 

" 2 months… That's how long it's been since my last period and around that same time, we were on vacation with your family remember? Especially that night on the beach? We forgot to use protection… I just found out this morning… "

My voice was breaking as I tried to explain everything slowly to which he nodded with his eyes closed and jaw clenched still muttering profanities. 

After what was only a few minutes– though it felt like an eternity– of silence, he finally turned to look at me with a deadly serious look in his eyes. 

"Get rid of it!" His voice was sinister and low, making me feel tense as I just blinked at him. 

"... What?..." 

There's no way I just heard him correctly… Right? 

"Get. Rid. Of. IT!" He growled getting dangerously close to my face, a mix of anger and disgust burning in his beautiful green eyes. 

"No." I hated how weak my voice sounded. 

"No? NO?! Don't tell me you actually thought I would want that… That… That… Thing! You're crazy if you think I want anything to do with it!" His bitter laugh sent cold shivers down my spine as I continued to cry. 

My hands instinctively held onto my stomach when he punched the side of the passenger seat, frighteningly close to my arm, his eyes narrowing at the action. 

"Did you think I was going to hit you? Ever, you know I would never do that…"

He reached over to hold my face, but I moved away before he could touch me. I honestly feel hurt and disgusted that he could even tell me to do something like that. 

"Baby, you have to understand… We're only just about to start our senior year. How are we going to have time for a baby? We're not ready– I'm not ready… So please if you love me, you'll get an abortion…"

"And if you loved me like you say you do, you'd never ask me to do something like that!" I cried shaking my head in disbelief as I reached down to grab my purse feeling the need to escape. 

"Babe, what are you doing? Don– shit!" 

Oh, you have got to be fucking kidding me! 

"You only love me huh? Then tell me Enzo… Whose panties are these? 'Cause they sure as hell aren't mine!" I bellowed out feeling my anger rise in the pit of my stomach, burning up the butterflies I once felt for this man. 

Holding up a neon pink thong that had gotten stuck to one of the pins on my purse, I threw it at his face, jumping out of his car, and slamming the door in his face when he tried to explain. He jumped out after me trying to grab ahold of my wrist but I was faster, slapping him so hard in the face that he flew back against his car. It was my turn to laugh bitterly when I realized the real reason he didn't want me to have this baby. 

"The reason you don't want me to have this baby has nothing to do with the fact that you're 'not ready'–" I started, using air quotations at the end. 

—" You just don't want your side piece to find out, because then she'll dump your sorry ass! So you know what – FUCK YOU! She can have you, but I'm still keeping this baby! And before you say anything- don't worry- I'll raise it by myself!"

my words were laced with venom as they left my mouth, stinging Enzo where he stood. I think I saw him flinch when I shouted. 

"Tch, whatever, screw you Ever! Good luck finding a way back!" he hissed rounding his car and slamming the door shut as he entered. Just before he sped off he rolled the window down shouting words that stung so bad I thought I physically heard my heart break. 

"Just so you know I never really loved you! You were just a nice piece of ass and getting close to you was just the easiest way to get into your pants!" 

And just like that he was gone. Leaving me stranded in the middle of nowhere like I was some sort of pet he couldn't wait to get rid of. The feelings of anger, sadness, and betrayal became too overwhelming for me as I fell to my knees, the asphalt scraping them but I didn't care. 

No one ever told me how bad it would hurt to get your heart broken...

I think I would rather get shot...

Sobs wracked through my body as I ran my hands through my hair and became annoyed when my hair got caught on one of my rings. When I saw which ring my hair was caught on, my sobs turned into agonizing wails. It was the ring Enzo had given me just minutes before the fight. Those agonizing wails soon gave way to pure rage the more I stared at that ring. 




Tearing the ring off my finger, I held it tightly in my fist as I slowly stood up and angrily wiped the tears off my face winding my arm back to throw it deep into the woods– hating myself for hesitating. 

Come on Ever! He is a piece of shit who never loved you! He said so himself– so stop hesitating and do it! 

Get rid of it! Throw it away, just like he threw you away! 


And so I did. And it felt good– for a moment at least, because as soon as the ring was gone the whole situation became much more real. Enzo was gone–no doubt going to his new girls' house as soon as he left me here. And now I really am gonna have to raise this baby alone. 

"I'm so sorry little one~ I tried… " I whispered rubbing my stomach lovingly a lone tear slid down my cheek and I didn't bother trying to wipe it away this time. 

I need to call Bri… 

The thought occurred to me while I sat back down on the ground, not caring enough about the fact that I'll get dirty. I'm too far past the point of caring right now. 

"Just great! No service… Now, what the hell am I supposed to do?" I asked no one in particular. Ya know 'cause I'm alone. 

I seriously can't believe he left me here… 

No! Stop it! What's important right now is that we find service and a place to stay!

Well, I can either start walking back the way we came from until I can find service…  


I can start walking in the opposite direction towards the nearby town with the possibility of not only finding service but also finding a place I can stay for the night as it's almost –9:30 pm. 

My stomach growled, interrupting my thoughts as I huffed in annoyance. 

Well, I guess I know what I have to do then… 

Grabbing my purse and wiping the dirt off of my pants as I stood up, I started the long trek towards the nearby town– praying that there is a motel or someplace I can stay for the night. 


I've been walking for about an hour now and I'm exhausted. My feet hurt, I'm hungry and I would die just for a sip of water right about now. Okay, maybe I'm being a bit overdramatic. Or not. But seriously, I haven't come across any signs of life.

Like, no road signs, no cars, not even animals which was surprising considering im just outside of the freaking woods! And the cherry on top of this turd sundae? It's pitch black outside because it's the new moon so I have to use the flashlight on my phone just to be able to see! 

Could this day get any worse?!

Just then the sound of thunder roared through the night sky. 

"Oh come on! it was a rhetorical question!" 

I yelled out to the universe, the action probably would have made me look like a crazy person had I been surrounded by people, but since Im by myself, I could care less. 

"huh, that's weird~ I could have sworn I heard thunder– yet there's not a cloud in the sky!" 

But as the sound got louder I realized that what I was hearing wasn't thunder– but the loud engines of three motorcycles that were headed in the same direction I was going.


But what if they're in some sort of gang? I mean who rides their motorcycle so late at night if not members of some gang? 

Should I hide? 

But what if they're nice? 

Should I ask them for help? 

I was so lost in my thoughts that I didn't even notice when they stopped right next to me until I felt a hand rest on my shoulder making me jump back as a small scream involuntarily left my mouth. 

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