
Card Shopping At the End of the World (Part 2)

DIMENSION: MANGA (The One That Saves the Day)

"What do you think, Atem?" Yuugi Mutoh asked his twin brother. "It's strong."

"It is strong. Strength is important. If it can be used with a magic card, it can be extremely strong," his brother Atem answered.

"That's a newer card," she said. Alright! The more she could speak, the better she could get to know him. "It's risky though because it's real strong. They have banned excessively powered cards like Pot of Greed." Hey, she couldn't play, but she still knew her business. "If you buy it and it becomes banned, there isn't a refund. That's why it's only like 103,000 yen."

Still, he didn't seem too interested in any extra conversation. Well, not with her anyway.

"It is risky, but it's worth the buy," the taller blonde-haired said to Yuugi Mutoh. "It's cheaper than it should be because of the risk."

She literally just said that.

"Good point, Jounouchi. If something is banned down here, will it still count in the Gods Game?" Yuugi Mutoh asked his brother Atem.

Hitomi sighed. She looked at her computer again. Huh. It didn't mention Yuugi Mutoh had a twin brother? There was no information on it. Strange, his brother seemed to even be as eager into looking for the right cards as he had been. What the heck was a Gods Game too? New terminology she did not know? She started to look into it. Maybe it was a new kind of professional game that would be trending soon.

"You're right, it's risky." Yuugi Mutoh finished talking to his brother and moved on, leaving the other card behind. "We need a total of 40 of the safest cards. I prefer not to cut though, unless we have to."

A game without wanting to cut? What on Earth was this game they want to play? Yuugi Mutoh was spending a lot in her store too. Someone like him should have gone into Ultimate Cards in Tokyo, instead of picking her shop. Why did he pick her shop with all his friends? Risky. She could tell him after he bought cards from there that there would be a much bigger selection at Ultimate Cards in Tokyo. He might appreciate it and finally crack a smile.

So far, he and his brother both seemed unable to smile. Too concerned about business. Then again, if he knew about it already? He might be offended to be told where to shop. Okay, she would think about it before he left.

"Nothing compares to my Red Eyes around here," the taller blonde-haired man said to Yuugi Mutoh. "We really should head to Ultimate Cards."

Damn. Guess she couldn't offer that anymore. Hitomi stayed quiet and just did her best to assist. As long as they each got a few decent cards, it would be worth it.

"Your occult cards are absolutely for chumps," the white-haired man complained. "I couldn't win a single duel with any of these. This is a duel of a life-time. It involves lives. We need the best cards."

"There are more shops," Yuugi Mutoh said to the white-haired man. "Don't worry. The most important thing is getting the best cards we could today. There's no telling what could happen in the future, and I want at least some cards as soon as possible."

"We didn't sneak around everything in Domino City for nothing," the taller, blonde-haired man said.

Domino City? The place next to her town that was saved this morning? These men should have been in a hospital or something, the news said everyone left in Domino City was being checked for all kinds of things. Money says they were fine to her. They were shopping. She wouldn't squeal.

They weren't quick to pick up or put down what they wanted. The amount they were putting out though? She would have to restock her store again for rare cards because they were taking more than just a few she could get at the end of the year.

Not to mention, although they never smiled, they did notice her computer searching. Thinking it would get her some points with the single rich famous guy, she gladly obliged to help.

Now? Hitomi wasn't so thrilled to be obliging. Her membership was making it's money hard today. They wanted every hidden ability, the best cards that she had, history of infamous duels that had been played in the last ten years, etc.! Not a single thank you from either one, nothing. Fine, don't pay attention to her as a woman, but still treat her like a human being.

They had been there for hours. Sometimes talking to each other, but mostly not. Yet, they were definitely freaky twins. It was like they were connecting telepathically or something. Yuugi Mutoh would point to a card they went over, stare at his brother for a little while, and then go to another card. His brother Atem was doing the same thing.

That's why they never went to Ultimate Cards, Hitomi figured. They were casing out her entire stock, finding each and every thing about any potential card. They couldn't do that over there. They also had the benefit of her helping them consistently. They better buy at least ten cards from her or she was going to-

"We are going to need you to get us eighty cards," Yuugi Mutoh answered.

Eighty? She smiled as politely as she could. "Of course, Gentlemen. Would you like a wide professional holster as well or just card protectors for each one?"

"Two holsters, no card protectors," Yuugi Mutoh said.

No card protectors at all? He probably had his own. "Which side of the store do you want to start on?"

"The right will be fine." Then she watched Yuugi Mutoh stroll over to one of the baby carriers. "Are you okay so far, Hikaru?"

"Yuugi. You need to pick him up," his twin brother said to him.

"He cries, Atem." Yuugi Mutoh moved back further. "He can feel what I'm feeling about Anzu."

The man Yuugi Mutoh, who had been so serious. Only paying attention to cards with no other interest in even the most basic politeness. He trembled. This person. He was in some serious emotional pain.

Yuugi Mutoh's twin came and laid his arm on his brother. "Masika will come back to us, separately again. We will not let either evil win. The rivers will run red with their . . ." He stopped.

"Hey?" The tall blonde-haired called to Yuugi Mutoh's twin. "That wild side of you, Atem? Make sure it fully comes out during the game. We don't need calm and nice in this god's game."

"Jounouchi," Yuugi Mutoh warned him. "Atem doesn't need help to increase that right now. We need cool heads for this game." He backed away from the baby.

Well? Rich. Game shop owner. Unfortunately? Not free to grab. Whoever that Anzu or Masika had been, they were entrenched within his heart. Damn.

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