

He finally was confident in his ability to read and write the new language and he would sometimes practice by writing notes to himself just for fun. That was what he was doing right now. He had just finished writing himself a note as he walked out of the library and through the streets.

As he neared the place everyone was staying he heard loud clashes of metal on metal. Curious, he went to check it out.

As Alex stepped around a corner, a flying sword slash flew right by his face and cut off a few strands of hair.

"The fuck?" Alex said as he looked up.

Alex saw Shanks breathing heavily and defending against an attack from an unknown man. Alex immediately pulled out his weapon and charged at the unknown assailant.

"STOP!" Shanks called out.

Alex froze with his weapon two inches away from the man's head.

"Huff… huff… This is a duel." Shanks said.

The man he was fighting nodded.

Alex sighed and put his weapon away before sitting down on a hill and watching the two continue fighting.

Alex watched as the two's swords clashed. Shanks was slightly losing out in terms of pure swordsmanship, but seemed to be equal if not slightly physically stronger.

Alex stared down the duo as he analyzed the fight. He was impressed by the skill of this attacker. He was starting to push Shanks back the longer the fight went on. He also looked to be around Alex and Shanks's age, maybe a year or two older.

Shanks deflected another slash and it ended up cutting into the earth behind him. Shanks kicked off the ground and ducked under the next attack from the man and his large sword that looked like a cross.

Shanks slashed at the man's side but somehow, his blade was deflected yet again. Shanks used the momentum of his sword strike being deflected to spin around and attack again. His sword was met straight on and he could only push the man back a step before they were caught in a deadlock.

Shanks tilted his sword and allowed the man's sword to slide off it, knocking him slightly off balance. Shanks used this moment to kick the man in his chest. The man slid backwards a few feet and spit flew out of his mouth.

Shanks smiled, he leapt at the man as fast as he could and brought his sword down from above his head.

The man he was facing glared at him, his blade suddenly changed colour and he charged at Shanks.

Alex's eyes shot open and he kicked the ground, using the springs in his boots to fly through the air even faster. He pulled his weapon out from Lugh and landed in the middle of the two before deflecting the attack from the unknown boy.

Shanks's attack missed due to Alex's intervention and he cut a deep gash into the earth below him.

Alex sighed. "Sorry, but my friend's sword was a gift. It would be a shame if you destroyed it. You win the duel."

The unknown man nodded. "It was a good fight. Red Hair Shanks. No wonder you have one of the highest bounties in the west blue."

Shanks sheathed his sword and nodded. "You win, Mihawk. As Alex said. You would have sliced my sword in half with that haki. I see the reason they praise you as a prodigy bounty hunter."

Mihawk shook his head. "I don't care for that title. It has nothing to do with my true goal, to become the greatest swordsman in the world."

Alex lowered his weapon. "Does that mean this fight is over?"

Mihawk thought for a moment before nodding. "I don't know if I could take on the two of you, let alone the other people you travel with. Also, while a little extra cash would be nice… I think you would make a better rival, Red Hair."

Shanks smiled. "You're not so bad yourself! But, you better be careful, if you let me go now, then you'll never beat me again."

Mihawk smiled. "I look forward to it." He said as he walked away.

Shanks laughed and flopped to the ground, out of breath. "If only I could use the colour of arms, I might have won."

Alex smiled. "I think your problem was your swordsmanship, his was a lot more refined. He's been training for years for sure."

Shanks looked up at Alex. "Really?"

Alex nodded. "I'll make something to help train you. How does a dummy with 8 arms sound?"

"Like fighting, it would be hell." Shanks replied.

"Good, then I'll give it 10." Alex replied with a smile.

Shanks clicked his tongue. "Bastard."

Alex chuckled. "It won't be able to teach you swordsmanship, but it will help with reaction time and different methods to defend against different attack patterns. I'll make one for myself as well."

Shanks sighed. "Thanks, man."

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