
Do you have any goals?

Alex's vision blurred once again.

The scenery around him shifted.

Alex was lying down on the ground again. Three boys stood over him, taking turns stomping on his chest.

One of the kicks landed right below his ribs and his body shook as he coughed up blood.

The boy who kicked him freaked out when he saw the blood on his shoe. "You filth!" He screamed as he kicked Alex in the face.

The other two boys stopped him. "Wait! You'll kill him!"

The boy with a bloody shoe scowled before turning and walking away.

Alex looked up at the sky. He didn't say anything nor cry, only waited without a care in the world. He watched as the clouds moved and the sun began to set. For hours he did nothing but look to the sky while his body ached.

Eventually something came into his vision. It was Grace.

She looked down at him in a panic. Alex felt cold, his eyes felt heavy. He didn't even try to fight to stay awake anymore as his eyes closed.

The scene shifted again and Alex woke up inside a house. He looked down and saw his whole body wrapped tightly in bandages. He looked to his side and saw Grace sleeping at the side of his bed.

Alex shifted out of the blanket and stood up before walking away.

A little while later, Grace's eyes slowly opened. She stretched and went to check on Alex's condition. However, her body froze when she saw that he was missing.

"Kid? Kid! Where did you go?!" She frantically shouted as she ran around her house.

She searched every room to no avail.

Eventually she ran upstairs to the roof. The door swung open and she looked around.

Alex was standing on the edge of the roof and staring out into the distance at the setting sun.

Alex looked down towards the ground and back up at the sun. He looked down one more time before slowly leaning forward.

"NO!" Grace screamed as she ran at Alex.

She just barely managed to grab his hand before he could fall.

She pulled him in and hugged him. "You can't do that!" She said frantically.

Alex's eyes looked lifeless as he replied. "Why?"

Grace held him tight. "You'll die!"

"So?" Alex replied listlessly.

Grace let him go and grabbed his shoulders as she started him in the eyes. "What do you mean? Do you want to die?"

Alex shrugged.

Grace grabbed his shirt angrily. "WHY?! How could you just throw your life away?!"

She grit her teeth and tears welled up in her eyes. "How can you choose death?! Do you know how many people would kill just to live another day?! Do you know how many people don't even have a choice???"

Alex pat her head. "Don't cry." He said in a monotone voice.

Grace's face softened slightly as her anger began to subside. She pulled Alex back in and began to bawl her eyes out.

Alex didn't hug her back, nor did he resist, he just let her do what she wanted.

15 minutes went by before Grace finally calmed down.

She took a deep breath. "Why? Why do you want to die?"

"Why not?" Alex asked.

Grace looked at him sadly, she reached her hand out and stroked his cheek. "Don't you have anything to live for?"

Alex shook his head.

"Then, isn't there anyone who will miss you? Anything you're leaving behind?"

Alex shook his head.

Grace smiled kindly, with a sad look in her eyes. "I'd miss you."

Alex's eyes slightly widened as he showed the first hint of emotion that Grace had seen from him.

Grace's smile widened. "What do you want to do in the future?"


"Then, what do you want to be when you grow up?"

"I don't know."

Grace pursed her lips. "Do you have any goals?"

Alex shook his head.

Grace sighed. "Then, you're staying with me. You aren't allowed to leave until you can answer my questions."

Alex didn't respond.

Grace looked back to the ledge and at the sunset. "Why were you watching the sunset, do you like it? I think it's pretty beautiful."

"No. I don't like it." Alex replied.

Grace was a little shocked. "Why?"

"The cold comes once the sun is gone." Alex replied simply.

Grace bit her bottom lip with sad eyes. She hugged Alex. "Not anymore. You won't be cold anymore, I'll keep you warm." Grace smiled. "Then maybe one day, you'll enjoy the sunset too."

The scene shifted again.

Back inside the house. Grace took off his bandages and gasped. She traced her hands along Alex's torso with awe-stuck eyes. "How?" She asked.

Alex didn't know what she was talking about and didn't even respond.

Grace smiled. "It must be a miracle, you're already healed."

Alex just nodded.

Grace looked at Alex. "What do you want to do in the future?"

Alex shrugged.

Grace smiled. "Then, tell me tomorrow."

The scene shifted.

Alex and Grace were eating together. Alex was eating at least three times as much as Grace. She giggled as she watched the kid shovel food into his mouth.

"What do you want to be when you grow up?" She asked.

Alex paused his meal. "I don't know… yet."

Grace smiled. "Then, tell me tomorrow."

Alex nodded.

The next day.

Grace was reading a book while Alex sat on the couch and watched her.

Grace looked up from her book. "Do you have any goals?"

Alex thought for a moment. "No. Not yet."

Grace smiled. "Then, tell me tomorrow."

Alex thought for a moment. "Grace…"

Grace looked up at him. "Yes?"

"... do you have any goals?" Alex asked.

Grace scratched the back of her neck. "Well, I'm going to be the smartest person in the world one day!" She said with a huge smile.

Alex looked down and began thinking about something.

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