
Military Planning

"We need Meng Gao to spread his small unit through out the city and get as much news as possible, we will send a further scouting party north who can help you with transferring news. They can also plan a potential escape route if Meng Gao or any of his men are caught." Dom announced, taking control of the meeting. 

"I'll get a squad arranged." Abubakar stated seriously, the joking personality of his becoming surprisingly serious at this moment.

"Has there been any signs of scouts to the south of Tongpai Town?" Subutai asked, aware that Tongpai Town had a scouting chief called Zuberi.

"Nothing!" The Scout responded, "We have noted that they have mainly been inside the camp drinking and partying. The defensive Commander Aelfred is often seen in precarious situations."

"They must know we are here." Xun You commented, "A days south and they don't send any force to investigate the loss of a large unit?"

"Maybe they did when we retreated, but I do agree, it is strange." Dom agreed. 

"Or maybe they didn't deem us a threat, we have grown very quick." Subutai stated, which brought a lot of nods around the table.

"Something does feel wrong at Tongpai Town." The Scout commented, feeling he should speak up.

"Can you explain?" Dom asked, wanting to know more.

"The villagers seem to live a reasonable life, but there is no luxury and it is very quiet. In Riverside everyone talks and smiles, in Tongpai Town it seems that they are just living." The Scout replied, "I am probably not making any sense, it is just a thought."

"No, that is a good observation." Xun Yu added, "When you return, see if Meng Gao can spot any of his old colleagues, it may be worth taking a risk and reaching out to see if he can sell the thought of joining Riverside to them."

"Is it worth Meng Gao exposing himself?" Dom asked, worried for his Centurions and other scouts who had infiltrated Tongpai Town's health. 

"Only if he deems so himself, I believe he is smart enough to do what he thinks is right in the situation." Subutai agreed. 

"I think we should also send some of the Balearic Slingers up as scouts as well, they can help from a ranged perspective if a retreat is needed, their stones are more subtle than an arrow." Dom continued. 

"We could also send them to do a wide range scout around the perimeter of Tongpai Town and see if there is any notice of the Type 3 Humans." Subutai stated, "We need to know if they are in the area as we suspect or not. If they are, then we can decide if we support or take Tongpai Town. If they are not, we can make the same decision, but we also need to find out where they have gone."

"If they have gone to the other large settlement on the map we found, then there is little we can do." Dom agreed. 

"Ok, then it's agreed." Subutai said, turning to the Scout. "You will rest for a few hours and then return, you will take some additional men with you, including Balearic Slingers and Spartans. Inform Meng Gao to do what he thinks is best, but to continue to gather as much information as possible and see if he can find us some allies inside. If not, I want him in a position ready to take the gate from inside if needs be in three days time."

"Has there been any news on the Eunuch advisor? Meng Gao didn't have much praise for him." Xun You asked, not a fan of Eunuch's or what they stood for. Historically they had caused several major issues during Xun You's time in history.

"There has been no news on Bagoas." The Scout replied.

"We need to know troop movements, Commander locations and a route in to the central complex." Xun You added, happy that he had the basic information he needed from the initial report.

"Do you understand your orders?" Subutai asked.

"I do, thank you General." The Scout stated, before bowing his head and leaving the Commanders tent.


Soon after the scout left, Subutai pulled out a small map that had been drawn of Tongpai Town and the geography of what they new of it so far. The square shaped, walled town, was in the centre. Beneath it to the south was a small square that represented where the Tongpai Army was stationed on a small hill, to the left of that was an even smaller square that represented a copper mine that was located there.

To the North was a semi circle that represented a small lake that was fed from a nearby stream, they had wondered if they could reach it from their River, but they hadn't had the ships to send until now. To the west was open fields and farmland, and to the east was more farmland and then the markings of trees. There were also some small squared jotted around that represented watch towers, but Meng Gao and the scouts hadn't had any issues with them as of yet. 

"I expect that the Type Three humans would come from the open plains to the west, as the forest that links up with us is there." Subutai stated, pointing at the map. "I think it is worth planning on taking the fort before taking the city. This will restrict the number of forces they have and should make an attack much easier."

"They do have over two thousand villagers inside that out number our army, so if we can find a peaceful solution that would be ideal." Dom commented, remembering the facts about Tongpai Town. 

"So we have two foes potentially, Tongpai Town and the Type Three Humans. We need to plan for both of these possible confrontations." Xun You stated as he went through some of the plans they had discussed. 

"We have gained three new Bireme's from Crassus's trip, it may be worth dispatching one up River to see if it swerves north, if there is a route to Tongpai Town Lake, we could have an additional direction to attack." Dom advised. 

"Great idea!" Subutai agreed, "Let's dispatch one of those smaller ships up the River. Let's get Gan Ning to take it and a contingent of his men, it is extra reinforcements if we need them."

"If he finds the route, it may be worth us having the other ships ready as a retreat option in case things go awry." Xun Yu commented, having not spoken much during the meeting so far. 

"Let's arrange who needs to be where then." Dom said, moving the conversation on.

"Let's bring Tomoe and Tomyris here for the attack, have them arrive in two days." Subutai stated, "They are both skilled Commanders and Warriors, I would be comfortable with their help. Let's have Liao Hua stay within Riverside and support Xun Yan, whilst Uriah can watch over the forest and continue to guard the Lumberjacks as they clear more and more of it. With the Forbidden Guard staying behind with the Sacred Band, they should be more than enough warriors to defend if anything happens."

"I think it may be worth us dispatching a commander to head up with the scout to make decisions and coordinate." Xun You commented.

"I will go." Abubakar offered. Dom wasn't sure if he was up to the task, his experience with this Commander being that he was strong but rash, and very rarely serious. 

"Good idea, remember what I have taught you in this short time." Subutai agreed, which Dom was surprised by.

"I won't let your trust down." Abubakar replied honestly. 

"So, everyone is to meet here in two days then." Dom ordered, "With us ready to attack or support Tongpai Town on the third."

"Agreed." Subutai, Xun You, Xun Yu and Abubakar agreed.


Everyone had returned to their duties in preparation for departure in three days time. Subutai had dispatched a messenger on a Red Hare horse back to Riverside to pass out his orders to the other Commanders and prepare any additional Warriors for battle. Dom and Xun Yu also mounted their horses and headed back towards Riverside with their small guard contingent around them. 

They reached Riverside as the sun began to set in the distance, Xun Yu headed towards his quarters whilst Dom headed towards the Town Centre ready for bed. He would sleep and return in two days for the Top Players Auction, before his first major action since the Xun Family Quest. 

He entered the Great Hall, and was greeted by a table of formidable women eating, drinking and chatting. Their hair was loose and the room was noisy as maids and servers ran from here to there filling up mugs and supplying food.

Meritamen was sat at the head of the table, beside her on the left where Hatshepsut the new Hero, Hypatia the Scholar, Helena the Head of the Docks, Lady Ban who was now the Head of the Household and Lady Wu, the wife of Doctor Hua Tou and Minato the Teacher. On the right where Tomoe and Tomyris, as well as Banas the Leader of the Horse Archers who had been dispatched to Riverside with information from Subutai, as well as, Peruda the Brewer, Phoebe the Doctor and Chanda the Lead Ex Concubine. 

Further down the table were some other women that Dom didn't recognise, most likely Wives of key members of Riverside or other experts that had joined and he hadn't had the chance to be introduced to them yet.

"Welcome home!" Meritamen slurred excitedly as Dom wandered in to the hall, his face pale at the sight of all of the drunk women.

"Welcome home Lord Lazarus!" Some of the others shouted, raising their glasses at him.

"Shouldn't you be drinking in the Tavern?" Dom questioned as he looked at the lead women of Riverside. 

"It was busy, Crassus was hosting some Merchants and ship Captains!" Tomoe replied, before Meritamen had chance.

"We did want to go to the Gambling Hall." Tomyris added, "But Gan Ning seemed to be on a winning streak before his departure in the morning." 

"So we decided to come here." Hatshepsut finished. 

Dom didn't know where to look or who to ask, as they all seemed to have agreed what they were going to do and Dom had little choice in the matter. 

"Well, I hope you all have a great evening, I need to go to sleep. I thank you all for your hard work for Riverside." Dom said kindly, slightly bowing his head. 

"No, we thank you Lord Lazarus." One of the women said, Dom thought it was Peruda but there was a lot of talking happening. 

Meritamen made her way over to Dom and kissed him on the cheek. 

"Will you be back in the day after tomorrow?" She asked him seriously, the drunkenness from earlier seemingly disappearing. Dom looked at her questioningly as her quiet voice was different from the slurred one she showed in front of the rest. Meritamen winked at him with a grin, to show that she knew what she was doing.

"I will be, then we will go to another Auction before departure to Tongpai Town." Dom replied to her.

"Then I will come with you to this auction." Meritamen commented, with a flirty tone, "I can't let Crassus and Xun Yu have all of the fun."

As they spoke, another pair of lips kissed Dom's cheek, which caught him off guard. Dom turned and saw that it was Tomoe, who clearly had drank too much unlike Meritamen who was just faking it. 

"Good night Lord Lazarus, I will also join you at the next Auction." She slurred. Dom remembered the last time Tomoe had drank too much and he woke with her in his bed next to him.

Meritamen laughed at Tomoe's state, catching Dom's eye and winking at him again. Dom shook his head and bid everyone good night, heading up the stairs as the Women of Riverside continued to drink and laugh the night away.

Sorry for lack of chapters this week, it's been a busy one! I'll try and get a few extra out over the weekend. Thanks!

TheMightyPerezcreators' thoughts
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