
All Of The Beauties Of The World Follow My Lord

[Special Quest Map Complete]

A notification suddenly popped up in front of Dom, signifying that they had completed the quest and won the Battle of Kadesh. In doing so they had changed the original outcome and Dom wondered if that was for the best or not.

[Player has fifteen minutes to complete any final tasks before being transported back to departure point. Please be aware that any followers or item's taken with you or collected on your journey will also be transported immediately]

A huge smile appeared on Dom's face as they were finally able to go home after two very challenging and exhausting days. The Riverside group had fought well and used their ideas and tactics to revolutionise this historical battle, completing changing the outcome and giving the Egyptians an overwhelming victory. Dom was excited to see the mission rewards when he returned, but first he had fifteen minutes to get anything finalised.

"You look very happy suddenly husband." Meritamen stated, causing Tomoe and Subutai to look over at him.

"I've just realised that everything I had set out to do has been completed." Dom replied kindly, causing Tomoe and Subutai to give each other a look of understanding.

"I shall depart and prepare the troops." Subutai stated, standing up.

"Have the Hittite warriors who surrendered pack up as well." Dom stated, "You have less than fifteen minutes."

"Uriah!" Subutai commanded across the table to the Hittite Commander that had surrendered to them, "come with me I need your help."

The Hittite stood up immediately and bid farewell to his fellow surrendered commanders before heading around the bottom of the table to Subutai and the other's from Riverside.

"Uriah," Dom interrupted before they headed off, suddenly thinking of an idea. "If your families want to head to Riverside, as King Rameses offered to the others for Egypt, they are more than welcome to. You are members of Riverside now and not prisoners."

"Those are kind words." Uriah stated with a gentle bow, "I shall think it over."

"Well you have less than fifteen minutes." Dom replied.

Uriah was confused by this, but followed Subutai towards the entrance. Tomoe stayed behind with Dom, awaiting her orders.

"I want you to sneak in to the upper floor of the palace and find as much gold and jewels as possible and lay claim to them. It doesn't matter what it is, but do not get yourself caught or hurt in the process." Dom ordered.

Tomoe grinned at him and stood up, slowly stepping away from the table and blending in to the chaos of the banquet where people were now merrily dancing and talking in groups.

"What is going on?" Meritamen asked Dom seriously, interested in what her future husband was doing and why he was doing it.

"I may have to depart rather soon due to some things that have come up in my Kingdom." Dom replied honestly. "We may have to delay our marriage until my return."

She looked deep in to his eyes, causing him to have a slight shiver as she did so, before replying with a smile that would melt the hearts of many, "We shall see."

She turned and whispered to one of her guards, who disappeared in the crowd, before grabbing some grapes from Dom's plate and eating them slowly one by one whilst looking at Dom. Dom smiled back before thinking about how he would best manoeuvre himself out of the current situation. He only had around ten minutes left, so he decided he could just wait it out patiently whilst Subutai and Tomoe followed through with their tasks.

Suddenly there was silence again, as King Rameses stood from his seat and clapped his hands loudly. He stared over towards Dom and began to speak again.

"I have heard that our new ally and my Son-in-Law Lord Lazarus needs to leave to return to his Kingdom." King Rameses began, "This is a shame, but as a King I can understand that the needs of the people are important. So that we do not delay, I believe we should commence the marriage now so that my Daughter can head back with him."

"I am not sure we have time to arrange a fancy wedding such as what is needed." Dom replied seriously, thinking about modern western customs.

"I am unsure what you mean." King Rameses replied, "In our culture, a marriage is a simple procedure, I give you my daughter and a gift, and you accept them, then you provide me with a gift and are married. There is no need for any further complications."

"I am sorry, but I have not prepared any gifts." Dom replied seriously.

King Rameses laughed happily, and Dom suddenly had a daunting feeling that he had been duped, and that because he had dismissed Subutai and Tomoe, he didn't have anyone else to think of an escape plan for him. He still had around seven minutes left and he had to delay for a little longer if he could. As Dom was thinking this, King Rameses had continued.

"You have gifted me the City of Kadesh, the greatest gift I could have received." King Rameses continued, before pointing at Abubakar who was sat beside General Tau watching on with a smile." Abubakar was it?"

"Yes your highness!" Abubakar responded in shock, not knowing how he was suddenly involved.

"Lord Lazarus, I will gift you Abubakar and the Elite Unit that fought for you today as a personal guard." King Rameses continued, "A high honour, with this we have now traded gifts and you are married to my daughter."

The whole room broke out in loud applause and cheers, whilst Meritamen had a huge smile on her face as she touched her soft hand gently on to Dom's. Dom himself sat there in shock, before looking over to Abubakar who was also looking at him in shock, neither of them planning on this situation happening. Dom and Abubakar both turned to General Tau, hoping that he would come up with an excuse for Abubakar to stay, but he just shook his head with a look of shock on his face also.

"I am very much looking forwards to seeing your Kingdom husband." Meritamen commented as she looked at Dom, "I hope to give you strong heirs and help you grow so that you can rival even my father."

Dom looked at her beautiful face, and past her deep dark eyes, once again noticing the headband on her head. Her headband had a small golden sculpted snake on the front of it, and Dom thought back to what the Prince Pareherwenemef had said earlier about Scorpions and Snakes. It seemed that King Rameses had planned that speech with his son earlier, creating a Kingdom to rival his own in the future.

[One Minute Remaining]

Dom looked at the notification and the small sixty second timer that had appeared and began to countdown. He stood up from his seat and bade farewell to General Tau, Abubakar, Meritamen, King Rameses and the Princes, before slowly walking towards the entrance. Stating that he would see them all shortly.

As he walked, a small Golden Portal appeared in front of him, on the other side it was day time and he could see the outlines of the Warriors Halls of Riverside. A big smile appeared on his face as he felt he was now home at last. He took a step through and suddenly appeared back in Riverside.

As he arrived, he looked around and saw similar portals appear around him. Tomoe appeared first, her arms carrying a large chest which was overflowing with jewels and gold that she had taken from the palace, a huge grin on her face as she caught Dom's eye contact.

The second portal appeared and Subutai walked through it, followed by the Cavalry. They strolled through and pulled through Dom and Tomoe's horses, as well as all of the materials and weapons they had taken with them.

Dom looked forwards and saw that Lucius, Shang Yang and Gan Ning were all stood there with smiles on their faces at their return. Riverside didn't seem to look much different than when they left and the Units that had been gathered seemed to have only just moved on from where they had been before the quest started.

"That was quick!" Lucius commented, "You've only been gone around twenty minutes!"

"We were there for two days!" Dom replied tiredly as he walked forwards, planning to shake Lucius's hand in greeting. As he did though, he noticed that shock suddenly appeared on Lucius's face.

Dom turned and followed Lucius's eye line to a gap between the Warrior District and the Lumber camp. A third portal suddenly appeared, and around two hundred armoured Hittites walked through, follow, led by Uriah who was riding on a brown horse. These Warriors led around six hundred civilians. This caused absolute chaos as this was the largest influx of people that had arrived in Riverside and the large group suddenly appearing made all those nearby, be it Warrior or Civilian gasp in shock.

There was also shock on Uriah's face as he appeared, the portal closing behind him as the people all appeared, in the middle of the crowd were several large carts, full of materials and seeds as if the people had left to go on a large migration. Uriah looked around him and saw that their were lots of mesmerised faces as they looked at the beautiful forest in front of them with it's strange purple colours, and the rich farmlands to the east.

Dom hadn't been expecting this, and quickly turned to see the shock on Subutai and Tomoe's face at all of the changes happening around them. Tomoe then suddenly dropped her large chest of jewels and gold on the floor, causing a loud clatter, her face paled as she pointed behind Dom.

Dom quickly spun around and saw that a fourth portal had appeared, stepping out of it was the stunning Meritamen, followed by Abubakar and the surviving Elite Egyptians from the battle at Kadesh's gate.

"So this is the Kingdom of Riverside?" Meritamen said softly as she appeared, her every step purposeful as she walked forwards to Dom and linked his arm, "So where do we live husband?"

Lucius and Shang Yang looked at each other in shock, whilst Gan Ning's eyes almost popped out of his head as he saw the stunning woman appear in front of him, he then turned and looked at Tomoe, before looking back at Dom.

"All of the beauties of the world follow my Lord." Gan Ning lamented.

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