
Water and Earth

Paul stood patiently, waiting for the signal. Around him were a handful of fishermen and guards who were strong. They all agreed that the woodmen would have been the preferred option for this task, but they were busy with the first part of the plan. Dom had made it clear that every part of the plan was key, and if any of it failed, it would be game over.

The Fishermen and Guards lifted heavy rocks that were stationed nearby to the fast flowing river as instructed. Dropping them in a pre-arranged pattern that had been explained to them early. It couldn't be long now he thought, soon it would be there time.

Suddenly the ground rumbled, soon followed by the sound of screams and shouts from the distance.

"That's must be the signal" Commanded Paul.


Below in the chaos, the dust had settled from the falling logs and the stampeding cavalry. The majority of the infantry were either dead or injured, with a large portion of the cavalry in a similar situation.

Bloody, crushed and mangled bodies covered the bottom of the valley. Injured horses neighed in agony and tried to flee from the scene, only adding to the chaos as the remaining bandits tried to get some form of control of the situation.

The majority of the cavalry leaders, in their red cloaks, had been killed. Of the cavalry, only a handful remained, and they were trying to bypass the logs that were now stationary to give a protective field around the remaining troops in case of an other attack.

Occasionally another arrow would shoot from the trees down towards them, causing another injury or momentarily making everyone take cover. The infantry that remained were trying to support their fallen comrades, whilst other's held formation in between the cavalry awaiting further orders.

"We need to continue forwards immediately." The remaining red cloaked cavalryman shouted, "If we stay here, they will keep picking us off one by one. Archers, shoot up towards those trees! Kill who ever is up there! The rest of you, start moving, we can come back for the wounded later!"

There were grumbles as the troops started to march forwards again. This time with a serious expressions on their faces. At least half of the infantry were left behind, either dead or injured. With less than half of the cavalry also able to continue. From 130, they were down to around 65 able to fight.

The handful of Archers shot up towards the hillside, but with the height advantage against them, they didn't cause too much risk for the hidden Shepherds who had now taken cover, preparing for their final stage in the encounter.

The Bandits continued forwards, their confidence was low, but no further attacks of arrows came back towards them. The Valley was silent, bar for them walking towards the end of the valley.

"Heads up men!" The red cloaked cavalryman shouted, "That was all they had, they fear us and had to use petty tricks! But they are out of ideas, we will destroy them, feast on their flocks and ravish their women!"

Some cheers rose from the men, but not enough to have reinforced their confidence. However there was belief in his words, the enemy had been silent ever since.


"Quicker!" Exclaimed Paul. The plan was taking longer than he had hoped, and he expected that the window of success was slowly reducing.

"Nearly done!" One of the other guards replied, "Bit heavier than I thought."

The guard and two of the fishermen rolled a large rock in to place, causing the river to finally be effected by their work.

"A couple more should do it!" A fisherman explained, pushing his back against another rock and waiting for some help from the rest of the small group that had gathered for this key task.


Dom was placed further down the valley on a slight cliffside, that looked down towards the marching troops that slowly approached his position, very soon they would be bypassing the second marker. Very soon it would be make or break.

"Come on Paul." He whispered to himself, the rest of the men gathered around him low to the ground, waiting for their moment to get involved. If Paul didn't act soon, they would be to outnumbered to have a solid chance to win against the remaining enemy. He didn't want to attempt earth, without water first.

Then it happened, first their was a rumble as the ground shook. Following this the first splashes of water came down the hillside in an unnatural groove that had become overgrown with grass and moss over the years. Then the splashes became a fast moving stream of water that sped towards the exposed troops below!"

"We've got them!" Dom exclaimed in excitement.


"Not again!" The red cloaked cavalryman shouted, "Run!"

The water quickly hit them, a never ending steam of fast hitting water that crashed into the exposed infantry, knocking them off their feet. Horses lost balance and quickly crashed in to the infantry in the centre, who slipped and struggled to keep their heads up above the water level. Loose rocks also came down with the heavy hitting water, knocking troops unconscious or breaking bones and exposing limbs that were much needed to keep their heads above the water level.

Bodies crushed in to each other, as more and more succumbed to the speed and pressure of the river that was forming. Most people wouldn't have any skills in swimming, as unlike in modern times where swimming was a necessary skill, it wasn't in the times of bronze and iron. Not only that, but even the strongest of swimmers would struggle to survive in the small tsunami of water that had hit them.

Soon the water slowed, and then stopped. What was left was another group of mangled bodies and others trying to get themselves back to their feet.


"I remember that someone said your grandfather had planned to change the flow of the River?" Dom asked the Chief and Mary.

"That is correct, he had even dug most of the trench to direct it, however my Father decided not to continue with it." The Chief replied, pondering. "If you are thinking of using that, the water will dispate as it exits the valley as the trench only goes so far."

"Can you tell me where the trench will end?" Dom asked.

"No," the Chief replied. "But I can show you!"

"I wouldn't want it any other way." Dom replied.

"Very well," added Mary, "We have Wood and Air, you have explained Water. What is Earth?"


"So it is time?" The Chief asked, crawling up towards Dom's position amongst the men.

"It is." Replied Dom seriously, "Now it is time for Earth!"

"Good." The Chief replied, "very good."

Dom slowly stood up, looking down at the men below him. The water had stopped, meaning that Paul had been able to control the amount of water that had flown down and then re-directed it back to it's usual route. What was left below should be easy enough with the final part of his plan.

"Earth, is when we use everything that nature has given us to strike back." Dom smiled, before signalling to a shepherd near to him. "Release the sheep!"

The Shepherd smiled, before doing two short whistles. Soon a group of youths ran down from the hill from behind a croft of trees, followed by a large flock of sheep. They tumbled down the hill at speed, towards the few remaining bandits that were getting themselves back to their feet.

The youth's quickly fled to the sides, allowing the sheep to charge alone towards the men. A charging group of white wool and mutton ran down a hillside towards a group of half drowned, mud covered bandits.

Here comes lunch, Dom thought to himself.

"What are you waiting for?" Dom exclaimed, "After them!"

Dom picked up the sword that had been lay next to him, and ran down the hill after the sheep. Soon he was followed by the remaining Villagers that had come with him, including the Chief and Mary who had made it very clear that she would be with them on this encounter, her own sword unsheathed and in hand as she ran down the hill.

It all seemed to happen so quickly, first the sheep barrelled in to the morale stricken bandits, before running down the valley and back towards the village and the fields they called home. The remining bandits who had just gotten to their feet, had now been knocked back down to the ground. Somehow the man in the red cloak who had re-gained control earlier was still alive, getting himself to his feet, his horse long gone from the world.

Dom charged in to the group first, stabbing down in to the shoulder of the first bandit he came across, blood bursting out as he withdrew his sword ready to kill his next target. He looked to his side to see a shepherd come running past with a cane, smashing it down on another bandits head.

Dom went to stab his next victim, who had just gotten to his feet. The kill was taken from him as a spear disappeared through his belly and out of his back, one of the fishermen happily grinning with his first kill. Dom stopped to look around him as bandit after bandit fell to the ground.

He looked towards the remaining Red Cloak, their eyes meeting. The enemy shook his head and seemed to breath out reluctantly, also looking at the battle that they were clearly loosing to the villagers.

"Retreat!" The Red Cloaked bandit shouted, before suddenly exhaling in surprise. He looked down and grabbed at the bloody hole that was now in his ribs. Mary had come at him from his side and stabbed him deeply, a mad bloodlust on her face.

"Do not let any of them survive!" She yelled in excitement, "Show them what happens when you mess with us!"

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