
Chapter IX

Izuna booed at me, clearly disappointed with my demonstration. "Eeeh, that's lame," she said, shaking her head. "Izuna want to learn transformation and clone technique!"

I replied, "Listen, Izuna. Everyone needs to start with the basics. Even I was no exception and I am still an academy student."

She didn't seem convinced, so I looked around and noticed a nearby tree. I kicked it, making the leaves fall around us. "And maybe someday, you can do this!" I exclaimed as I performed a fake set of hand-seals. "Nobuyuki style ninja technique: Shikai Senbonzakura!"

For a moment, the falling leaves were suspended in the air before an unknown force scattered them into tiny pieces. I heard exclamations from nearby, but I ignored the dogs and robots and turned back to my disciple.

Her eyes were sparkling with excitement. "Oh, that's cool! Izuna will do it! Izuna will do it!" she exclaimed, raising her hand.

I felt a sense of smugness welling up within me as I offered her a leaf. "Remember, Izuna. You need to concentrate and make the leaf stick to your forehead. This is the basic. Master it well enough, and you can move on to what I just did."

I left out the part where I had done it in reverse, though.

Izuna took the leaf from me with determination in her eyes. She placed it on her forehead and closed her eyes in concentration. I watched as she focused all her attention on the leaf, willing it to stick.

After a few moments, the leaf slipped and fell to the ground. Izuna frowned in frustration.

"It's okay, Izuna," I reassured her. "It takes time and practice. Keep trying."

She nodded, picked up the leaf, and tried again. This time, the leaf stuck to her forehead for a few seconds before falling off. She tried again and again, each time improving her concentration and control while I offered her bits of advices and clues.

As she continued to practice, I couldn't help but feel proud of her determination and progress. I've never thought I would be able to impart even a little knowledge to someone else.

After a while, she finally managed to make the leaf stick to her forehead for a few minutes.

"Good job, Izuna!" I praised her. "You're getting better at this."

She beamed with pride and excitement. "I can't wait to learn more from you, Derpy Onii-chan!" Izuna continued, "Now, the second technique, please?"

Glancing at the sky, I noted that the sun was beginning to set, but we still had some time left for training.

As an academy student, I knew the three basic techniques necessary to pass outside the Taijutsu, Shurikenjutsu, and written exams: rope-escape, transformation, and clone. Since we didn't have any ropes, I decided to move on to transformation.

"Watch my hands closely," I instructed Izuna. "To transform into something or someone, you need to concentrate on every detail of your desired object or person."

I executed the hand seals slowly, giving Izuna a chance to follow along. When I finished, a perfect replica of Izuna stood in my place.

As expected, Izuna failed in her first attempt. I dispelled the transformation.

"Don't worry," I reassured her. "Just remember the hand seals and concentrate on the object or person you want to transform into. Keep practicing."

"It's harder than I expected," Izuna admitted, wiping a bead of sweat from her forehead.

"But with practice, you'll get it," I said, offering her a reassuring smile.

The next time Izuna attempted to transform, she ended up becoming a chubby, rotund version of herself, causing me to burst out laughing. Izuna pouted a bit before attempting the transformation again, resulting in a version of herself that appeared drained of life, like a vampire had gotten to her. My stomach began to ache from all the laughter.

"Mou, idiot derpy onii-chan! You should have cheered on Izuna!" she pouted.

I had to clutch my stomach and clamp my mouth shut in order to stop laughing. "Alright... alright. I won't laugh anymore. Make sure to pay attention to every detail," I said, trying to stifle my laughter.

"Izuna knows that," she half-fussed. I remained quiet and allowed her to concentrate.

This time, her transformation was somewhat successful, and as the smoke cleared, a pair of fox ears rested on the crown of her head, along with a giant mofumofu tail behind her back. I couldn't help but find it endearing, although I was unsure what she was trying to accomplish.

"What are you trying to transform into, Izuna?" I asked curiously.

"A giant fox!" she exclaimed, examining her new set of ears and tail.

I paused, repeating her words, "A giant fox? Why's that?"

"Because it's cool, duh, derpy onii-chan," she said, as if the roses are blue, violets are red.

If we were talking about giant foxes, then there was only one in Konoha. "The Kyuubi?"

"Oh, that's it! Izuna wants to become the Kyuubi!"

"The Kyuubi has a set of nine tails, just like its name, you know," I reminded her.

"But one tail looks cooler," she said, turning her back to me and swaying her giant tail in demonstration. It was so cute that I felt like I was going to puke rainbows.

Although I was aware that Kyuubi was a sensitive topic in the village, I couldn't help but wonder what Izuna found "cool" about it. Perhaps it was just her childish mind, and I was overthinking things.

Cool is the furthest thing in my mind after witnessing him that night. Terrifying would be the apt word.

As my mind wandered, I couldn't resist getting closer to examine her transformation technique. I playfully pounced on her head, ruffling her hair before moving on to the ears. She certainly had a talent for producing transformations that felt so real in just few hours of practice.

Izuna's tail swished around as she cheekily smiled, "Ehehehe, feel the power of Izuna's transformation technique." Her good mood was evident in her demeanor.

"You're making rapid progress, Izuna. But remember, practice is still necessary if you want to become a giant fox someday," I reminded her.

"Another step closer to becoming the ultimate ninja!" Izuna exclaimed with enthusiasm.

I nodded in agreement, impressed with her determination.

Izuna looked up at me with shining eyes, a bright smile spreading across her face. "Onii-chan, do you think I can become a ninja like you one day?" she asked eagerly.

Anyone with half of the drive and decent reserves could surpasses me.

I smiled at her. "Of course, Izuna. With enough hard work and determination, anyone can become a ninja."

Izuna's smile widened even further, and she gave a little hop of excitement. "I'm going to work really hard and become the best ninja ever!"

Izuna came from a line of ninja as Kato-sensei, so it's just given. I envy her a little bit in all honesty.

I chuckled. "I don't doubt it, Izuna. You have the talent and the drive to go far."

Izuna beamed up at me, and I couldn't help but share that degree of enthusiasm in training to become a ninja.

As we walked back towards our home in the village, Izuna chattered excitedly about all the things she wanted to learn and all the missions she hoped to go on one day. I listened with a smile on my face, glad to see her so full of energy and hope for the future.

As we reached on the crossroad, Izuna turned to me and gave me a tight hug. "Thanks, Onii-chan. You're the best."

I hugged her back, feeling grateful for the bond we shared. "No, Izuna. You're the best."

We parted ways and I watched her until she disappeared to the seas of crowd.

In a good mood, I took a small detour from my usual path. As I walked in a familiar road, I noticed a nondescript three-story building.

I knew it at a glance. It was the orphanage where I had lived for a year before enrolling in the academy. It should have been quiet at this time of day, but then I heard what I thought was someone crying and shouting.

With a frown on my face and curiosity, I approached the building and listened closely. The sound was definitely coming from inside. I hesitated for a moment before deciding to investigate. As I opened the door, the commotion became louder and more distinct.

As I entered the building, I heard the sound of someone crying. Following the noise, I came across a woman who seemed to be hitting a child. Without hesitation, I stepped forward and prevented her from striking again. She cursed at me while the child's sobs echoed through the corridor.

I noticed a few orphans peeking out from their rooms, wisely choosing not to get involved.

"What are you doing?" I demanded, my voice bristling with anger that I struggled to contain. "Don't you see you're hurting him?"

I looked at the child, who couldn't have been more than a year old. His whisker marks and blonde hair were a dead giveaway as to who he was.

I realized that the woman was not the old matron I had come to know, nor any of the orphanage staff for that matter.

"And who are you to interfere in this orphanage?" She spat; her eyes bloodshot with rage. "You're just a freak whose mouth should be sewn shut. Get out of here before I report you to the authorities," she threatened.

I stood my ground. "On what authority? I'll have you know that the Hokage himself will be informed of the goings-on at this orphanage," I replied firmly, trying to keep my temper in check. The woman was clearly unhinged.

I couldn't understand why they had replaced the kind old matron with this wicked witch. But I knew that arguing with her would be pointless.

With utmost care, I scooped up the baby and made my way out of the orphanage. It was no place for him, not anymore.

"And what makes you think you can just take that cursed demon like that?!" She screamed after me as I walked away.

I didn't bother turning around, knowing that it would only provoke her further. Instead, I focused on the baby in my arms, who had thankfully stopped crying. I couldn't believe that someone could be so cruel to an innocent child like that.

I knew that his treatment was worse since childhood and I don't blame anybody who would overlook how was he being raised since baby. It's a miracle he turned out as he was in the show.

As for now, I couldn't just leave him at the orphanage, so I took him home with me. I knew that I couldn't keep him forever, but I couldn't bear the thought of leaving him in the hands of that woman again.

he would be safe with me in the meantime.


I returned to my one-bedroom apartment and noticed that the paper bag Izuna had given me was neatly folded on my desk.

As I looked at little Naruto sleeping, I couldn't help but frown at my impulsive decision. It was a spur of the moment decision, fueled by anger.

However, looking back, no one in their right mind would have ignored such a situation. I couldn't turn my back on my integrity.

I had promised not to get involved too much, but I couldn't ignore something that was happening right in front of me.

My mind was in turmoil, but I realized that it wasn't worth dwelling on. Problems are only as big as you make them.

I decided to turn the night early on, and crawled to my Futon.

Thankfully, one-year old Naruto isn't as attention grubby as his older-self.

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