
A talk

I started at my father his helmet was relating on the table in front of him saying you called for us commander my father smiled and leaned back in his seat saying yes I did but your a little late if I may ask what kept you I shrugged saying sorry sir Beowulf didn't want to let Rex into it's piloting room or something like that I seen Gibbs and Zeeva grinning they wasn't the only one Cortana was staring at us grinning like a proud older sister her helmet was on the ground between her legs Betty side and looked to Helge asking is this true daughter Helge nodded saying indeed Beowulf is quite the stubborn mech or something like that Betty slammed a hand to her face shaking her head James chuckled shaking his head next to her my father then leaned forward saying the commander summoned you to a meeting and you dragged your feet and not just that a princess of the moon empire asked for you to be where and you still kept us waiting and the best excuse you got is Beowulf a mecha didn't let anyone disturb you could you at least come up with a more realistic excuse I expect better from both of you, especially from you my son and he glared at me Betty looked to Helge saying the same goes for you little missy don't think for a second that we won't talk about this cuz we will I side saying enough if you want the truth is quite simple we couldn't stop cuddling with each other and we didn't care if either of are parents summoned us especially parents who opened radio in Beowulf to spy on there kids nore did we care about a princess asking to see us y should we listen to someone who holds no authority over us we are not in the cadet academy anymore so they hold no power over us both my father and Betty was shocked at my words but then the princess leaned forward saying bold words coming from a Leviathan or have you forgot it was my mother who excepted and hide your families from the sun order I looked over to her saying don't act like you helped us out of the kindness of your hearts it is the leviathan that holds the secret of the system besides you say you hide us but you used us you used are skills be it to train your own soldiers or have us fight your battles for you hell even one of the leviathan was cloned so you could make your own soldiers and yet those clones are used as disposable soldiers tried like they ant living people the princess shrugged saying that maybe true but you still live in are empires so you must follow our rules I chuckled cutting her off your empire do you mean the empire full of turncoats and greedy politicians who if we didn't give you that information you would have been clueless and if it wasn't for another members of leviathan who got dragged into your army and got captured sense you was too pussy foot to O I don't know look for them but no good soldiers died but till the end, they did there duty and you haven't even paid your respects to them no you listed them as turncoats when she heard my words her eyes brows scratched together like she was trying to find a rebottle but she couldn't find any words so she just huffed saying your quick with your words boy but be careful who you talk to in such a town you may regret it I chuckled darkly no princess Ayla Alice Moon I will never regret speaking my mind which so happens to be the truth she was a little shocked that I knew her full name my dad slammed his hand onto the table in front of him saying enough playing around Hunter lets get down to business I rolled my eyes saying sure father but I got one pieces of information that you all might find intriguing I started at my father waiting for his permission my dad side leaning back into his chair saying fine Hunter but this better be good and not just more of your games I nodded saying no need for the threats father I am done messing with the princess Fives chuckled when Ayla turn to him and gave him the look of are you going to let this happen but when seen him laughing she crossed her arms and huffed looking away I started talking then grinnjng under my helmet has Betty told you what happened at the dances my father side nodding ok then I won't have to explain much then there is a good chances that D and his partner are still alive and being held prisoner for their information and knowledge in weapon building Ayla huffed again asking y would they keep two very dangerous targets alive just for them to build weapons if you haven't noticed they got plenty of weapons so what you say makes no sense I side saying you would be right normally but they are the builders that mixed the different types of weapons we have the rifles that the assassins was using was one of there earliest designs Ayla started at me more interested and how would you know that I shrugged simple I am a craftsman and I can tell these things that's all you need to worry about I looked to my father trying to read his expression but he was stoned face he showed no emotions at all Betty was also staring at him waiting to see what he will do right then he side saying ok Hunter thank you for letting us know about this we will have to move up are plans if that's the case but let's get to the real reason y we called you up here you both know the heavy mecha falling star well with all the funds and resources that Hunter so graciously gave us we are going to repair it that mecha needs two pilots that can work in sink together to run her naturally we thought of you for the first people but there are others so you can turn this opportunity down if you want to but just know we won't ask again so think carefully of your ans but right then a beeping noise came from the door I heard movement under us and someone leaned back in there seat saying it's sir Rex and Lady Rage Commander my dad waved his hand saying let them in the person nodded and pushed a button in front of them and the door slid open Rex and Rage stepped through it the door slid shut behind them they looked to everyone nodding as they walked pass Helge and me they sat down on the empty couch both sat down there helmets on the table in front of them Rex looked to my father saying so what have they said will they be the new pilots to fallen star my dad shrugged saying they haven't answered the question yet Rex nodded and looked to us smiling so what will it be young leviathan's Helge and I was already thinking back and forth between each other when my dad said we could be it's new pilots I looked to her and she looked at me we then both looked to are teachers I started at Heavy and she at Cortana Heavy had his helmet on but I could tell he was a little tense I looked back to Helge and she at me and we agreed on are answer and we both looked to my father Helge spoke first sorry commander but I respectfully refuse the fallen star is a long to medium range mecha and that's not my fighting style sorry and I still got much to learn under big sis Cortana I am still a new members of Leviathan and I want to work to make a name for my self and to earn the honor of piloting a heavy mecha besides mecha battles are slowly becoming a thing of the past do to how expensive they are ship to ship is becoming the new thing that and good old-fashion infiltration units I am very weak when it comes to that sorts of thing so I want to learn wall I still have the chances my father nodded ok and he looked to me saying what is your answer son remember this is a great honor the chance to be a heavy mecha pilot may never come up again so think carefully we can always find you a second pilot I chuckled saying thank you father but no falling star is a amazing mech but it's not for me Helge is my partner if she any my second pilot I would rather pilot alone it would be faster besides brother Heavy has a lot to teach me like Helge I want to learn I want to fight I want to crall and fight my way to become the top hunter that kills the predators if I become the pilot to falling star sure my skills will grow but nowhere near as much as they would if I follow Heavy I may never get the chances to become a heavy mech pilot but I don't need a mecha to be respected just like the previous owner of this armor I will never yield to my enemies I will never watch my man died as I stand on the side ordering them no I will be there standing next to my brothers and sisters in arms there is where I will provide my self, again and again, molding my self into a warrior that my grandfather would be proud of seeing his armor on and just like my swords are enemies blood will flow like a river they may cut my body and I may lose some battles and I maybe badly wounded and I may fall but like a Phoenix, I will rise up from the ashes stronger then before with nothing but my skills and my honor I will fight my enemy with nothing but a smile on my face cuz at that moment I wish to be nowhere else but right there fighting I would not want anyone to be in my place cuz wheres the fun in that I will dance the dangerous dances of death testing my fate and if I die I will take my enemy down with me y cuz I am a mother fucking Leviathan silences feel over the room even the people below us stopped what they was doing and turned to look at me but I started at no one but my father and he started at me one second two second three seconds time slowly ticked bye you could almost cut the tension in the air with a knife my father and I started at each other he was stained faced but I could tell me was trying to read me even though my helmet was on but I didn't move I had one hand resting on top of Ace my other hand was resting on my belt buckle after 15 seconds my father finally leaned back in his chair he had a proud smiling on his face and Betty was staring at Helge the same way my father then spoke good you both pass Helge and I was shocked but Betty spoke before we could ask any questions we wanted to make sure that all this crazy shit hadn't made you arrogant and initialed you both have done well and have honored your families but your both are still young and there much of the galaxy you don't know about your also both still are newbies in Leviathan sure you have earned some respect but your both still at the bottom and you got much to learn that's y we wanted to test you and even if you agreed it wouldn't have mattered we just wanted you both to choose your own path so that being said and Betty looked to Cortana saying look after my daughter demon banchy Cortana teach her all she needs to know to service Cortana nodded saying with pleasure don't worry by the time you see her again she will be a great warrior Betty smiled nodding work her to the bone my dad then looked to Heavy saying take care of my son stone golem Heavy I trust his education to you Heavy nodded saying don't worry Fang I will shape him into a warrior who has the right to where that armor my father nodded good he then looked to Helge and me saying Helge dragon and Hunter Dragny you will leave this place with your teachers they will teach you everything you need to know to survive as a Leviathan warrior sense neither Cortana or Heavy have the gift of the galaxy so Star will move between you both to educate you on the basics but after that it's up to you to train your self's and find your own path this will only take 4 months 2 months with each of you naturally after that this is when the real training starts but I will leave that to Heavy and Cortana and yes you both will be separated for most of this time how long you ask well I am glade you thought of that you won't find back to us till 5 years have passed your both 11 when this time is passed you both will be 16 to 17 this might be two long seeing that we will be losing 4 fighters and pilots but this is the normal time limit don't worry Hunter both Bonnie and Clyde will be staying with us with Albero checking in we will train them both when Bonnie is well enough but Clyde we will start immediately so when you get back they will be under your command and ready for combat and don't worry about your siblings Serenity has taking a like to them so we are adopting then only if your fine with it that I nodded ok but only on one condition the old man Rick James fixes his arms and he will be there teacher and guardian he will be one of the family as uncle Rick he has been trained since he was in the infiltrate but you know how they are he is also an excellent hacker and a pretty good mechanic so he will definitely be useful not only as a baby sitter my dad thought about it then nodded ok I agree Rick will be there guardian and we will make sure his hands are better then new anything else I then thought about one last thing I nodded yea there's a good chances my mother jain spliced the two boys like me and it's even more likely the two girls wasn't physically born but grown and born in a lab make sure Albeto looks them over please his eyes want wide nodding ok Hunter will do the two ships are already ready Heavy and Cortana made sure of that wall you two slept and both star and my mother made sure to pack all your stuff so it will be on the ships so you will be leaving immediately do you two got anything to say or add before you leave Helge shook her head but I nodded yes I got one last thing father I am the 7 smith but how am I supposed to learn and craft if I don't know how or ant with you all my father eyes opened wide saying what your the 7 smiths I wasn't informed of this but no matter I will send Quill with you he has his own ship so you can just stay with you till he is done I will quickly send him a massage I smiled saying thank you and tell him to grab his stuff from his safe my dad nodded and tapped on his watch and sent that message anything else Hunter my dad asked I smiled and took off my helmet then I looked to Five I was grinning like a proud brother well brother I was right to give you that task congrats Fived smiled saying yea thank you for that little brother I nodded saying like I said you was the only one I trusted to do it and I wasn't wrong Five nodded and stood up he held out his hand for a shake I laughed and brought him into a one metal arm hug saying don't miss me to much and watch over are younger siblings they will look up to you so don't get a big head Fives pat me on the back saying will do and we slip apart he started into my eyes saying go get this trial over with I will be waiting for my partner and equal when you get back we will stand together again plus the first round is on me I laughed saying I will hold you to that brother I looked to the Ayla who was trying not to smile or look up at us take care of my thick-skulled older brother will you he is worth it probably Fives smoked me on the shoulder saying what the hell does that mean you little but right then Ayla broke out laughing we both slowly looked down to her Fives was stunned as for me I was smiling after a bit Ayla calmed down and looked up to me saying will do Hunter I will do my best I nodded that's all I can ask I then pulled on my helmet and looked to my Heavy said I am ready master Heavy nodded saying good then let's go and he walked around the table and passed us I turned and fellow I thought to Helge who was still reading my mind see you later partner Helge thought back see you soon love the door opened for Heavy and we walked out he walked to the left to the 0 gravity tunnels he jumped through it and started floating down I followed him silently we didn't go down to the bottom floor like I thought we got off on one of the middle floors but we didn't go through the door way that lead out onto the bridges no we want through the door opposite it which lead into the furnace it's self the hallways was panted a boring looking gray and there was pipes over is some had smoke coming out of them these halls was very shity not in everything is broken way but in the this hall looks depressing way but we walked through the halls some time we turned to take another path this places was like a huge mase if you didn't know the area you would get lost after a few minutes we walked into a huge hanger with some ships hanging from the sealing but most were on the ground this place was lively mechanics running around everywhere with space droids following close behind them Heavy walked to one of two ships that was placed in the front of the hanger there was two ships both the exact same two huge front landing legs and a box a big square in the back where we would get on with a ramp the middle area was straight and where the living quarters would be above the two front legs there was a the piloting room that was heavily armored one was painted dark blue the other purple there was two heavy blasters in the back one on either side right under the piloting room was two more heavy blasters but the arms looked like they could shoot out plasma rockets and I could tell there was plenty of fun toys on both I seen Quill standing in front of the blue one he had three bags at his feet when we walked up to him he turned he nodded to Heavy and me we nodded back Heavy started walking to the ramp I looked to Quill asking which bag is mine he pointed at the smallest I nodded and picked it up and I followed Heavy Quill followed behind me Heavy pushed a button on the side of the storage box when he did a ramp slowly lowered we walked on this square was the storage/ shop/ storage in the back there was two stands for medium mecha the one on the right had Rabo on it the other was empty in the middle if the room was a small one-man arrow headship it was painted red and black I assumed this was Quills ship on the left wall was a workbench next to it was all the printers one would need on the right was a storage area that the gravity could be locked so nothing could shift or move Heavy walked through the door that was between the to mecha stands Quill and I followed the next room was just a hall way with 4 rooms Heavy walked down the hall and stopped when he got to the end he turned around to us saying welcome to your home for a while so get settled in I will take in 5 but just get acquainted to the ship and your room my room is the second on the left Hunter your stuff is in the one across from it Quill you can pick between the other two Quill simple nodded Heavy then turned around and walked through the four that was behind him that lead him into the piloting room I walked to the second door on the right I pushed the button and the opened I walked in I used my innate ability to close it behind me this room was pretty basically a bed on the top left with a table below it there was a armor stand also next to the bed placed on the back wall on the right side was a door which lead into a small bathroom and shower next to it was a screen and in the back wall on the right was a materials printer with a dresser placed next to it there was a familiar duffle bag with my name on the side of it on the table the bed was bare there was no sheet or blanket hell through was not even a pillow I smiled and walked to the table and put down my new smaller duffle bag I then walked to the armor stand I took off my helmet and put it on the stand I took off all my armor and weapons so all I had was a short sleeve black shirt and pants I then walked over to the printer saying let's get started this is my new home for now might as well make my self at home right.

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