

Liam struggled to hold back a broad smile as he listened to the Mayor's announcement.

Other than Alucard giving him a little smile, nobody seemed too happy for him. 

Right. This little game didn't make them friends. It made them group members. 

Even Spirit of Nature had a stony, firm face. Star Dust looked like an extraordinary item. 

A new country like Xoltrah could benefit greatly if they managed to secure such a reward. 

Though, that would incur danger as a result, hence the conflicted look that seemed to measure whether or not this game was even worth it to play. 

And of course, the Adjudicator looked disinterested in life. 

The Shadow Weaver looked calm despite losing.

Children cried when losing. Men felt a pang of regret, but moved on. Zeniths remembered but would never forget. 

They paid back their debts. 

Judging by her distant, abyssal eyes, Shadow Weaver was clear she was imagining something morbid.

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