
The silent war II

I managed to finish the chapter, I only had to do it four times until I liked one version.

on sunday I will give you a fixed schedule of chapters


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-Pov of Mervyn seventh moon 286 AC

After helping the serfs, we quickly took them to the Teutonic knights in the fortified area of the city and returned to our patrol, which seemed increasingly problematic.

The city was surrounded by small camps outside the walls where the majority resided, those who couldn't afford the monthly payment for a home, indicating that they hadn't even been working here for a month, since with the minimum pay from any job, one can secure a roof and hot food.

In addition to resolving numerous fights because it seemed the pagans were killing each other, fighting over everything, exacerbated by their cultural differences. It wasn't uncommon to see fights over basic things. It wouldn't be such a problem if it weren't for the fact that some were authorized to carry swords or other dangerous objects, despite the strict control over the purchase and sale of such items in The Reach.

For hours, we dealt with minor thefts, fights, and a murder where we had to wait several minutes to sketch the face of the murderer and make copies at one of the local printing presses so the murderer's face would be known to everyone. Such incidents had necessitated the deployment of three tercio regiments to help control everything since the police were overwhelmed with so many minor crimes, preventing them from focusing on major crimes.

When we returned to the city again, we encountered the most common crime in the city. There was a barbarian urinating on the walls of one of the houses as if it were the most normal thing in the world.

I was about to take personal action, but two policemen patrolling the streets saw him and reacted immediately, taking their batons and hitting him on the back until he fell to the ground, where the two policemen repeatedly hit him while the man screamed and desperately tried to protect his head as the surrounding people watched without doing anything.

Until they finally stopped beating him and dragged him towards the dungeons.

"Guys… behave in the city… it seems the police have less patience than we do… damn, I was just going to scare him, but their methods seem much more effective," I said, eyes wide open from witnessing the beating.

The sound of the cathedral bells signaled that our guard shift had ended and it was now another group's turn to watch over the night. I quickly took all my men to their quarters as I didn't want them sneaking out to do something foolish, given the police were very intolerant of crime.

I handed in my report to my officer and took advantage of the remaining time to buy some things that are plentiful in the city but rare at home, like "cheap" spices, as some I couldn't afford even with my generous salary, and books, mainly an illustrated Bible. Although books are relatively cheap, buying this beautiful book meant almost half a year's salary, but it was worth every penny.

Finally, I went to the Prussian citizen's tavern to drink some local beer diluted with water so as not to get drunk.

The tavern was full, but I managed to sit with someone who didn't mind my presence, as just by looking at his hands I knew his trade, and we shared some stories.

"Siegfried… Siegfried… Siegfried… look at you, you're fat," said a Prussian officer I recognized by his ornate armor, followed by another officer.

"Emil, Bertram, how's the favorite troublemaking duo of old Roon?" said the Prussian with a smile.

I tried to get up from the chair to greet my officers.

"Don't bother, we're not on duty. We almost didn't recognize you… it seems the good life has taken its toll on your body," said the officer, sitting with his companion at our table and ordering something to drink.

"Ha, ha, ha, I haven't gained that much weight, but now I don't have to worry about getting hit with my officer's steel rod for relaxing… but it seems you two have moved up… but what happened to Bertram's black eye?" Siegfried said.

Officer Bertram pressed his lips together and looked down.

"The idiot took off his helmet while on guard. A glass bottle hit him in the face while he was breaking up a fight. And you… Mervyn, right? How was your patrol?" asked the Prussian commander.

"Very well, commander, we resolved the problems, assisted with some raids, all without casualties or injuries. Just one murder, and we're still looking for the culprit," I responded confidently.

"I see… and what are you doing with Siegfried? Discussing some business?" asked Commander Emil.

"I don't know him at all. I asked if I could join him because the tavern is full and we started talking… should I know him?" I said, somewhat nervously.

"Ha, ha… that fat blob there is probably one of the richest in Prussia… the lucky guy found a gold mine under his feet and the king, long may he reign, rewarded him generously for his loyalty with more gold than we'll earn in our lives together," said Emil as he settled into his chair.

"And speaking of that…I guess you pay?, Siegfried?" said Bertram with a familiar smile.

"Typical Bertram, hasn't changed a bit, which is good. Yes, I'm paying, just don't make a scene… well, about what we were talking about… when you almost got into a fight with that noble," said Siegfried with a big smile.

"Ah, yes, well, the guy insisted on…" I resumed my story but we were interrupted.

"Here's your order… by any chance, are you Captain Mervyn?" asked the waitress in the common tongue with a smile, leaving several beers.

"Yes… but how do you know my name and who I am?" I answered with a question, remembering that this woman was in the group of serfs we had helped.

"Ha, ha, ha, I asked the knight to whom you took us, he told me your name and I would remember those determined eyes anywhere," said the waitress smiling at me.

"Anyway, thank you very much. Who knows what would have happened if that noble had taken us back… thank you very much. Thanks to you I quickly got a job and will be able to sleep in a shelter until I can afford to pay for a house," the waitress continued, taking my hands while still smiling with blushing cheeks.

'Her fingers… rough and hard… what the hell?'

The waitress returned to her work, leaving the group of officers.

'No… I remember perfectly that she had soft hands… I'm sure…'

"Hey, Mervyn, the woman is pretty, but it's not worth losing your head over her!" said Bertram, grabbing my shoulder and breaking my concentration.

Without bothering to respond, I picked up a fork with my right hand and showed it to the Prussians who were with me, making sure they understood. Their happy and relaxed faces turned serious as they straightened their backs in their chairs.

"Should we leave?" Bertram asked, wiping the beer off his mouth.

"No, changing our search patterns too aggressively could alert the thieves," said Commander Emil, speaking in code.

"By the way, Mervyn, are you completely sure that shipment will arrive tomorrow?" Bertram asked, also following his officer's lead.

Siegfried seemed a bit confused but decided to stay quiet and not say much.

"With complete certainty, that shipment will arrive at our barracks without problems," I replied, keeping calm.

We stayed in the tavern and constantly analyzed the waitress, who frequently came over to flirt with me. We started hearing her story when the work demand decreased, allowing her to get very close to me, sitting on my lap in an attempt to gain my sympathy.

She was the daughter of the local miller from her lands but also helped with the family garden and feeding animals... Once again, she showed us her hands, rough and calloused.

For a moment, I doubted if my memory was failing because her story seemed truthful, but Emil began to write something in a notebook, and it did not go unnoticed that the waitress's eyes moved as if reading, raising an eyebrow after reading what Emil had written.

When she left, we were all alert and sure that this woman had something up her sleeve because it's known that only Prussians educate the lower classes, and she, newly arrived, knew how to read or at least seemed to.

When she got up from my lap to return to work, I took the opportunity to get up and leave the tavern, leaving the Prussians to tell her I had extra work.

Making sure several times that no one was following me, I went to the police looking for a Finn.

Knocking on the door where the investigators were, I heard noises inside until I was finally let in where several Finns were present.

"What do you want?" asked the white wolf-headed Finn.

"I'm here to report a possible spy," I said seriously.

"I suppose you have proof to accuse someone of espionage?" asked the Finnish leader.

"Yes, a recently arrived servant working as a waitress. She has a pretty credible story, but when I first met her, she had the softest hands I'd ever touched, and when I found her in the tavern, they were hard as rocks," I tried to tell the story.

"Are you drunk? I think I can smell beer on your breath," said a Finn to my right.

"Don't waste our time with drunk stories... captain, we're very busy," said the Finnish leader.

"I'm not drunk... Yes, I had two beers, but diluted with water... I swear to God what I'm saying is true. I remember every moment clearly... her hands were soft and then rough and hard... plus, she knows how to read," I said confidently.

"You should have started with that... a peasant who can read... are you sure about that?" asked the Finnish leader.

"Yes... Commander Emil and his second in command witnessed it. We saw her read some papers the commander had written, and she seemed confused a second after reading what was written," I responded, this time more calmly.

The Finns began talking among themselves.

"We'll start the investigation immediately, captain. You need to let everyone who knows know not to do anything, to move completely normally as if nothing happened. That way, we can investigate further... You can leave," said the Finnish leader.

I obeyed their orders and returned to my duties. For a week, I continued doing everything normally, resolving security issues frequently and frequenting the tavern, ensuring the spy remained calm and didn't discover she had been uncovered. I kept flirting with her frequently.

Until finally, the next day, while we were preparing for a raid, it didn't escape my notice that the head of the investigators was present. When our eyes met, he simply nodded.

Our entry into the house was, as always, violent and quick. My men spread out in the house, taking advantage of the initial panic.

While moving through the hallway, I found the spy I had been looking for, packing things before trying to escape.

The first in line charged at her, trying to hit her with a baton. The woman moved quickly, dodging the blow, unbalancing my soldier and pushing him against some furniture.

Another soldier drew his sword and tried to stab her. Before I could prevent him from killing her, the spy, with an iron pan nearby, hit the soldier in the head after dodging the sword.

Seeing that she was turning towards a window, I lunged at her, but the damn woman was very agile and avoided me, making me crash into the wall. But more of my men entered the room.

She grabbed something and tried to jump out the window, but luckily I managed to grab her leg and didn't let go, even with the kicks she was giving me in the head with her other leg.

My men tackled her and threw themselves on top of her, creating a small mountain of steel.

When we finally restrained her, I quickly shoved a piece of cloth in her mouth to prevent her from biting her tongue and tied her up.

"What the hell happened here?" said one of my men.

"Seven soldiers to capture one woman... damn, we'll be the laughingstock of everyone," I said while finishing tying the woman.

While more fights could be heard in other rooms, a group of Finns entered and began searching her room, opening the suitcase the spy had taken, which was filled... with human faces.

The Finns detained us for several minutes until another Finn, somewhat short, arrived with several dogs.

They began thoroughly searching the room, finding glass jars with liquids, daggers, and books. Finally, the short Finn brought his hand close to the woman's face and removed it, revealing the face of an older woman, different from the young woman she appeared to be.

That Finn tried to make the woman talk by placing a metal device that prevented her from closing her mouth but left the tongue free, and something could be understood.

But she refused to talk. The Finn grabbed one of her breasts and twisted it violently, but the woman didn't even flinch.

The Finn said some words in his language and then turned to us.

"What did you see?" asked the Finn coldly.

"See what? We didn't see anything... right, guys?" I responded to the Finn and turned to my men. They responded as the Finns liked, and my men nodded, saying yes.

"Smart boy... you saved me the trouble of a threat..." said the Finn, then spoke to his men, who let us go.

Finally, we returned to our patrol.

'What the hell have I gotten myself into?'


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