
Prussian stratocracy

Any recommendations or opinion so far is appreciated

If there are spelling mistakes, please let me know.

if we get to twenty-five reviews extra chapter following multiples of five (double reviews do not count and I will delete them)


I added a paragraph that got lost in translation and put German names to the military titles and will soon change the auxiliary titles.


POV of Wilhelm

With the bank operational and many nobles willing to borrow at low-interest rates, I had already laid the seeds for future negotiations.

Because I will have to get many raw materials and we must begin to build the foundations of an empire that can stand the test of time, we must be ready for when the opportunity comes to control the seven kingdoms completely.

With the war almost over there was only one important task left and that was to define how we would govern our new territories, my nobles are waiting for a land distribution with them.

But unfortunately, I have other plans for them, it may not be popular, but it will help a lot to establish the basis of a system that will resist the pressure resulting from an economy centered on war.

We had gathered in my tent, since I needed as many nobles as possible to be present and I didn't want to risk that a Westerosis had learned our language, I listened to our conversations.

I waited patiently for my nobles to arrive at my tent until the vast majority of those invited to the meeting were present.

''What will be discussed today,'' Helmuth asked leaning towards me.

''I am going to appoint a new GeneralFeldmarschall, I can't keep handling military logistics, tactics and making sure there are no unexpected problems in our camps and at the same time handling the administration of the conquered territories, I need to delegate some responsibilities'' I whispered into Duke Helmuth's ear.

''I see, it's going to be interesting to see how most of them will fight for the most important military position'' said Helmuth laughing a little while drinking his beloved sweet wine.

Finally, all the nobles and high-ranking officers had arrived at my tent and were waiting for it to begin.

''I thank you for being able to attend this meeting in such a short time, but it was necessary, as we will discuss important issues, for the future of our people, I know it is a bit rushed, but the war is already over, it is only a matter of time so it is necessary that we begin to prepare the future steps'' I said with a strong voice extending my arms

''But there is an essential matter that everyone must know... as everyone expects we have a vast territory which we must govern.... although I would like to fulfill the responsibility that is in me as king in giving a good treatment to my loyal vassals.... unfortunately the actions of Lothar von Ruppin and his band of nobles have led me to have to rethink my decision on how to divide our territories''

''Since it has been demonstrated for the second time in my government we have had those who have tried to disobey my orders, first my cousins and now the old nobility led by Lothar, unfortunately due to these acts I have to question the foundations of the Prussian society, the nobility will no longer have direct control over the land, now it will only be under the control of the crown'' I said with a serious tone.

The faces of the nobles showed disbelief, surprise and disappointment, many began to grimace as they heard the news

Most of the nobility began to look at Helmuth because theoretically, being the highest-ranking member among the nobles present, he would be the most affected

But Helmuth was laughing as he watched the desperate faces of his fellow nobles.

''But obviously the crown will never forget the service of its loyal subjects, they will all retain their hereditary titles, only they will no longer carry with them the right to rule'' I continued speaking, but stopped at a raised hand

I gave him the signal to speak

''Your majesty, I understand your decision and can empathize with it, but .... but the income how will we support our knights, if we cannot keep part of the income from taxes or to certain luxuries to which the common people could not acquire with a normal job''said one of my nobles rather worried.

''As I was saying, the crown will never forget the service you provided, and monthly stipends will be given to all the nobles so that they can maintain a standard of living according to their social status''.

''But in the same way the crown will need administrators for the extensive conquered lands and I will depend on you again, only it will no longer be based on a hereditary regime, only the best will occupy the most important positions''.

''We will divide the reach for the moment in thirty governorships, where the governors will be personally elected by me and the indispensable requirement is to have completed ten years in military service or to have passed the military academy'', I said smiling to all of them.

''This mandate will be for a period of six months or moons, extendable for another mandate, then they will be disqualified to return to govern the same territory for another ten years, the governors must first establish the districts and divide the administration among men who can read and write, the defense of the governorships will be in the hands of the army, before we establish a permanent conscription method''.

Most of the nobles started to nod, as I am indirectly securing jobs for them and their children because the nobles are obliged to go to the war academy.

''I only want the best because Prussia and its people deserve only the best, everyone should give their best, if someone is incompetent, he will be removed from power, those who are efficient will be greatly rewarded'' I finished raising a glass with orange juice.

My knights began to distribute alcohol to everyone so that they would join me in the toast.

"FOR PRUSSIA"'' I shouted

''FOR PRUSSIA'' shouted my men.

I waited a bit until my men began to drink and relax after the news because it turned out quite well, the Prussian nobility is too loyal to try anything, I just have to keep them happy with gold and securing them positions of power and they will be satisfied.

When the moods had calmed down I again called my men to attention.

''My dear vassals, taking advantage of the fact that we are all here, considering the recent events, I must appoint a new GeneralFeldmarschall because it is not necessary for me to take care of all the military duties now because we will enter a period of peace that will last until the next campaign'' I said with a cheerful tone.

''For this duke Helmuth you have been the main pillar of the kingdom defending the eastern border from the Russians, Poles and the Tartars, you are the most veteran nobleman in our ranks and that is why I offer the position of GeneralFeldmarschall to you'' I said kindly looking at the duke and giving him the medal that GeneralFeldmarschall must wear.

Helmuth began to grimace with his lips and put his cup on the table.

''My king, I am grateful for your consideration, but I must decline such an honor'' said Helmuth loud enough to be heard by all.


''May I know what leads you to refuse such an important position, Helmuth'' I said a bit nervously

''My king in all honesty, I don't think I am the best choice for the position, the tactics we Von bock's use to defend the east are not the same tactics the tercios used to fight in drier terrain, there would be a huge conflict between my tactics and those that are used in the actual battlefields and if I am honest, I am tired I have been serving the kingdom for centuries I will continue fighting because my position forces me to, but I don't want more responsibilities, I consider it is better that you choose someone young that adapts to the changing times'' said Helmuth with a calm tone while he looked at me fixedly with his only eye.

''But if you command me my king I will obey and take the position and do my duty to the best of my abilities'' Helmuth said lowering his head.

''I understand your wishes Helmuth and I will respect them'' I said turning to look at my nobles who was excited.

'Well, well, now, who, Helmuth was the best choice, but he does not want the job.... someone young'

'Von Roon, he is the most competent infantry officer..... few connections with the nobility I suppose...although he is quite xenophobic...but what Prussian not xenophobic...only Helmuth wasn't.'

I sighed heavily before making myself comfortable in my chair again.

''Friedrich von Roon''I said looking at the infantry officers area.

''Your majesty, at your command''von Roon said an excitement that could be seen in his eyes.

''Von Roon your service has been essential for the conquest and by request of the duke who should choose someone young so that they can acquire the necessary experience for future wars, I offer you the position of GeneralFeldmarschall of the armies of Prussia'' I said as I handed the medal to one of my knights who went to give it to von Roon.

''I humbly accept the position, I promise to continue to maintain my performance as I did in this war against the Westerosis'' said von Roon with a huge smile that reached to each side of his face.

Roon put on his medal and displayed it proudly before the other officers, there was a small celebration in the tent and alcohol flowed like water among the Prussian nobles.

After a few hours, the nobles began to return to their stations because there was still a lot to do.

''Roon, Helmuth you stay'' I said to the duo of nobles who were getting up to return to the city.

''What does my king need us for?'' said Helmuth looking at Roon.

''Bring me the Tarly'' I said to a Teutonic knight.

The knight came out of the tent and went to look for the prisoner

''We are going to solve the problem of oldtown, Helmuth I will charge you to be my eyes in the city, you will be the man who will see to it that the Westerosis who try to play politics in the city are controlled and understand that they cannot have too much power'' I said looking at the one-eyed nobleman.

''My duties?'' asked Helmuth.

''You will have the power of veto, any initiative that the westerosis make to modify laws or try to move funds, it will be your duty to prevent that from happening, you will be the nanny of the westerosis nobles, little work and a nice climate so you can work for the next years, is that ok with you?'', I said while preparing the decree assigning Helmuth as the commissioner in the city of oldtown

''Yes it sounds excellent to me, moving from the swamps and knee deep snow to a warm and comfortable place would be very welcome for old bones'' said Helmuth smiling.

''Roon, Helmuth I need you to send me as soon as possible the list of nobles and officers you recommend to fill administrative positions in the administrative divisions of the reach, they need to be the most competent, I need to remove some of the administrative burden from the territories or I won't be able to concentrate on our jobs'' I said while taking out a map of the reach and spreading it on the table.

''What will those jobs be my king'' said Roon showing a big smile.

''We are going to concentrate our resources in three areas on construction issues, we will build a port city at the outlet of the mander river we have to provide protection in the area, the old elites preferred to fortify the shield islands to avoid incursions, but in several occasions they have failed a city there would avoid any attack with intentions to plunder by the mander river''

''The border with Dorne at the torentine river, we will build a system of fortifications in the area to avoid any kind of Dornish incursion, we may be at peace in the future, but we cannot trust that they will respect the new border and try to plunder our lands with sporadic attacks, it is necessary that the border is secure at all costs''.

''Finally, north of high garden where the rivers meet, we will build a capital worthy of our illustrious people, it will be an administrative center almost in the exact center of the reach from where we can supervise everything without having to travel far'' I said finishing pointing out the areas of the constructions.

''Roon this is where you come in, in time we will retire almost the entire army, the teutonic knights will become priests and administrators, the soldiers will leave the army and start civilian lives to do their business and have children.... many children.... maybe a tax exemption for children. .... but well we need you to prepare a training camp your men were always the best trained and you will have to train the locals to fight like us, but for the time being prepare the facilities for it, ciderhall that will be the meeting point'' I said looking at von Roon.

''You want to rely on the locals for our defense?'', said Roon surprised

''We have to do it.... we can't have the army mobilized forever, it's not popular for soldiers who have served more than twenty years and neither that we can keep paying the salary to more than a hundred thousand men'' I said Roon who was not convinced by the idea

''In time we will have our first converts to our faith and we will have religious unity in the army'' I said

''Honor, discipline and loyalty is what makes a Prussian, that makes the kingdom of Prussia, the Westerosi have none of that.... they are undisciplined... they stab each other in the back.... and honor....their honor is to rape and pillage everything around them''said Roon rather annoyed

''Among the conquered there are those with honor, there are those with loyalty, there are those with discipline, but they are spears that are not yet sharpened, steel that is not yet forged, it will be our duty to instill that in them, your duty'' I said looking at von Roon.

Roon began to smile and nodded.

the knight had brought my guest.

''Lord Tarly it is good to see you again'' I said looking at Lord Tarly's serious face.

''It almost seems like yesterday you judged me and took my lands, well, why am I here?'', lord Tarly said with a sarcastic tone

I have a proposal for you Lord Tarly, an excellent one'' I said smiling.

''Will you give me back my lands?'', said Lord Tarly keeping his face serious.

''No, but I could if it meets my expectations, but only your castle'' I said smiling.

''What do you want me to do?'', Lord Tarly asked.

''Oldtown will become a special administration to be led by a westerosi, and considering that you lord Tarly have militaristic ideals that combine very well with us, we thought you would be perfect to lead the republic of nobles that will rule oldtown from now on'' I said pointing at the map of the city mentioned before.

''You will be in charge of being the face of the city and you will have to collaborate with Helmuth ..... you will have to do your best to make your noble friends tear each other apart for power, if you succeed I will give you back your castle and I guarantee you will be one of us and you will have access to all our knowledge of military tactics, century of military tactics that you will be able to access because you would be a Prussian in the eyes of all'' I said staring at Lord Tarly who had his eyes shining at the word tactic

''I suppose I could do something about those politicians'' said Tarly keeping his face emotionless.

''It serves me.... one more thing I need you to say in future that you converted to the protestant faith''I said adding a bit more to the deal

''What makes you think I will abandon my gods?'' said lord Tarly

''What makes you think I asked you to do that? I am only asking you to say it, you can worship whoever you want, but officially you must be protestant'' I said to lord Tarly who was still watching me with that serious face.

''Well I will do it, I hope you keep your word'' said lord Tarly.

''We Prussians always keep our word'' von Roon said.

Lord Tarly nodded and Duke Helmuth took him away to explain his work while I returned to the castle, as I had to wait for news from my fiancée and Charles.




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