

The tournament grounds buzzed with anticipation as Alex made his way to the arena. The crowd's murmurs grew louder, whispers of the unexpected bets on him reaching a crescendo. He could feel the weight of their expectations, but he also knew that he had the support of his friends and their unwavering belief in his abilities.

Saying goodbye to Jiten and Emily, Alex entered the participants' area, where everyone was preparing for their matches. As he walked in, every participant looked at him, intrigued by the rumors circulating about the bets placed on his victory. He proceeded to do what he always did, and then found a secluded place to sit and mentally prepare before his turn.

While he was deep in thought, a teenager around fifteen years old approached him and introduced himself, "Hello Alex, my name is Lewis Straybolt." Alex immediately became vigilant as he recognized that name; Lewis was his opponent. Not showing any signs of hostility, Lewis continued, "I am also your colleague from EIL, and I came here to talk peacefully with you. May I sit?"

Alex nodded, and Lewis took a seat. "It must be very hard for you now that everyone knows you," Lewis said sympathetically.

Alex looked at him and responded, "It is what it is. This isn't something that I can control."

Lewis smiled, understanding Alex's plight, and continued, "Oh, but you can! See, all these people are expecting a lot from you just because you are one of the four heirs. And, just between the two of us, I think it's very unfair. So, here's what we can do, just don't go in when you are called. If you do that, no one will see you get awfully defeated."

Realizing that Lewis had an ulterior motive behind this conversation, Alex asked, "Is that everything you wanted to say?" His anger was evident, but Lewis didn't seem fazed.

Lewis got up, still smiling, and replied, "Okay, Alex, I must go. My entry is on the other side. Just keep that in mind, I won't lose. I already made a promise with Max. See you."

As Lewis left, Alex's mind raced, trying to comprehend why Max would make such a promise to see him lose. Despite the confusion and frustration, Alex managed to clear his head. When his turn finally arrived, he entered the arena with his sword in hand, ready to face whatever challenges lay ahead.

As he stepped into the arena, a hush fell over the crowd. The atmosphere was electric, and all eyes were trained on the novice-ranked Alex, who was ready to face a high apprentice rank and defy the odds. Taking a deep breath, he grounded himself in the moment and focused on the task at hand.

On the other end of the arena stood his opponent, Lewis Straybolt, a high apprentice-ranked student, exuding confidence and experience. Seeing Lewis connecting with the crowd as if he had already won only fueled Alex's determination. He had faced numerous challenges throughout his journey, and this was just another hurdle to overcome.

The referee's voice boomed through the arena as he announced the start of the match. With a loud voice, he stated the rules, "No magic, no strengthening potions, no artifacts allowed. The victor is decided after his opponent is unconscious, surrenders, or his weapon is no longer usable. Do you understand the rules?" Both Alex and Lewis nodded in acknowledgment, and with that, the referee signaled the start of the match.

As the match began, Alex initially overestimated his opponent, expecting an easier time. However, to his surprise, Lewis didn't possess the level of skill he had anticipated. Alex also reflected on his previous opponent, realizing that his first match had been more challenging. This realization caused Alex to grow more confident, believing that victory was within his reach.

But as the exchanges continued, Alex's focus shifted when he noticed a crack forming on his sword. Concerned about the integrity of his weapon, he became preoccupied with defending against Lewis's strikes without relying on the sword's offensive capabilities. He relied on his agility and nimbleness, evading each attack with precision.

Amidst the intense battle, Lewis couldn't help but notice Alex's distraction. A wide grin spread across his face as he seized the opportunity to taunt his opponent, his voice dripping with derision. "What's happening, Alex? Something wrong? Ahahaha!" Lewis mocked, reveling in the sight of Alex's disconcerted state.

Feeling the pressure mounting, Alex desperately searched his memory for a solution. Then, a surge of inspiration struck him, reminiscent of Oswin's teachings on utilizing sword qi—the energy force within oneself. Realizing that he could tap into his inner strength, he closed his eyes and cleared his mind, momentarily shutting out the chaotic arena.

Sensing a brief vulnerability, Lewis seized the moment and launched a swift attack, expecting Alex to falter. However, to the astonishment of everyone present, Alex's training and focus paid off. With remarkable grace and agility, he evaded Lewis's strike with impeccable timing, narrowly avoiding the blow.

In one fluid motion, Alex swiftly turned the tables. Channeling the energy of his sword qi, he retaliated with precision and force, swinging the hilt of his damaged weapon towards Lewis's temple. The impact resonated throughout the arena, leaving Lewis dazed and helpless. He crumpled to the ground, knocked out cold.

The crowd erupted in a mixture of astonishment and exhilaration. Thunderous applause filled the tournament grounds as spectators rose to their feet, witnessing Alex's remarkable display of resourcefulness and skill. Standing tall at the center of the arena, Alex glanced at his sword, realizing it was on the verge of breaking. He turned his attention to Lewis and spoke with unwavering determination, "Next time, don't make promises you can't keep."

With those words, Alex shifted his gaze towards the crowd, searching for a specific person. As his eyes locked onto his target, he pointed his sword directly at them. The atmosphere became electrifying as the entire crowd erupted in excitement, their gazes fixated on the person to whom Alex's sword was directed.

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