
The Beast End  

On top a frozen throne he waits… on top a frozen throne his hallowed chest beat… were down below in chilly cold his heart aches...

→→→→Excerpt From Matthias Lehner

As Jania stood awestruck by what she had just done, Thomas who somehow avoided the icy freeze sat up in amazement of the view before him! For all were sealed in an icy tomb of hardened blocks, form the mages to the warrior, form the adventures to the demons, however with shaky rocks the glossy floor trembled! Confused, Thomas looked towards the demon that just a second ago killed so many, when cracking sounds formed down the icy block, with heavy bones splintering outwards from its head to reveal a most savage eye! With blackened color and golden fire, its starry eye stared at Jaina like it how true dark hates the purity of light.

As Jaina peered into that malice filled eye! she felt it…. For the first time in a long time, she felt it! From deep inside her bones, she felt it! Jaina finally felt… cold… As that primal chill ran down her spine, she felt the warmth of fire aimed her way! For chaos energy gathered with all it might as it swallowed the arcane particles frozen between the trapped demon and herself! As realization dawns on her like a fallen star, Jaina quickly musters up a spell to defend herself when she hears a most heinous laugh from the forest around her!

[Sorry Jaina Proudmoore! But I would be a fool to let this opportunity go!] yelled Xavian with much enthusiasm.

After having said his piece dark purple reddish roots sprouted out of the ground that quickly enveloped Jaina! Knowing she was in a bad position, Jaina tried to cast a teleport spell when she found that her mind seemed to slow, her reaction didn't seem as fluid.

[Ha! Did you forget we satyrs specialize in curse magic! You aren't going anywhere!] said Xavian with much gloat. However just as he was about to enjoy watching Jaina demise a loud screeching sound burst from behind him! Confused, he turned around to see Jalzzoz standing in petrified flaming stone with the few remaining satyrs that came with them! But while Jalzzoz stayed there standing the others were spread about, their bodies broken with terrified expressions saved forever on their faces. As he looked, Xalan was nowhere to be seen but then he saw it! The thing that caused the terrible screech… he then looked towards Jalzzoz who had a surprisingly exuberant expression and spoke

[Jalzzoz you fool! Chaos dragons listen to no one! Of all the demons you could have summoned it had to be a fallen dragon!]

Perceiving the danger, he was in, Xavian wasted no time and tore open the shadows around him and stepped in, disappearing from the world!

But while Xavian ran like death was at his heel the dragon didn't even look his way for its attention was focused on a particular mountain not too far away! For the mountain was vibrant in the ash it produced, the lava that it emptied into the land below was warm and comforting for finally in a long time the dragon felt something that was familiar. A feeling… No! a sensation! That was lost to him in ages past. As if he had been drawn to the mountain the dragon stretched out its hole Ritten wings and flew like a bird who finally found his home after years lost in migration.


To this day some eyewitnesses describe seeing a terrible dragon that was covered from head to toe in greenish flames that features look strictly indistinguishable to that of a dragon from the red dragon flight.

→→→→Excerpt From Lanthios investigation

Noticing Jaina was in a predicament she couldn't get out of, Thomas grabs a spear and a sword that was lying next to him and uses the spear like a cane to stand back on his feet. While slowly walking his way to the demon flashes of memories enter Thomas mind, from the speech he just gave his men that amounted to nothing, to bar scenes in the tavern in Goldshire with his companions, to the mind-numbing cold that allowed him to ignore what little pain he still felt. With chilly tears and savage eyes Thomas walked turned into a sprint! While the demon gathered the mystical energies around and was charging an attack at Jaina. Thomas was about to lunge his sword into its big eye when suddenly the demon turned his way! Knowing full well that this will be his end Thomas didn't care he lunged forward knowingly! And just as the demon was about to let loose the flames in its eye! Multiple Scourge-ly hands grab the demon's head and with them haunting spirits enter the demon's mind! With mind interrupted, Thomas' sword sank in unopposed! However, his sword wasn't enough! Knowing this Jannok left the shadows and threw his last trusted dagger right next to Thomas' sword with enough mind-numbing poison to kill an elephant!

With a maddening roar combined with uncontrolled energies surging in the demon body, the body of the demon didn't swell like one would expect, instead the rampaging energy vented out between its scales rupturing all its internal organs, liquefying them into paste! The mere fictions itself ignited the demon blood making it look like fire was discharged from between the scales and the skin. Collapsing to the floor the demon lay dead in a pool of melted ice and bloody green fire!

With the feeling of relief, Thomas collapsed onto the cold forest floor, while Jannok ran to free Jaina from the trapped roots that were draining her mana with each thorn piercing her weak human flesh. When all was said and done Jannok said in a hurry:

[We need reinforcement, the demons are surely marching down to Redridge as we speak!]

[But why would they? What in the world can be so important that the satyrs would go this far for?] replied Jaina with much exhaustion

However, Jannok, not wanting to put any more eyes on the children than there already are, especially after witnessing what Jaina just did to her own men! said

[I don't know. But it can't be anything good for either them or us.]

Thank for your reviews, and I do agree that I could have done most of this in two chapters but I felt that doing that wouldn't encompass the whole story I wish to tell. That being said I know it annoy for some people but its written like this to give further context down the line but also to give more world building.

Sulfates_Cidifcreators' thoughts
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