
Leslie The Ice Cream Girl

To be fair, the girl's reaction was a tad bit weird, and Albrecht was somewhat bothered by it. Then again, he wasn't in any position to ask her what was wrong. He was fairly certain that they hadn't met each other before, and asking her something personal might cause him to overstep his bounds.

"By any chance... are you... Albe—" The girl tried to initiate a small conversation while she was scooping ice cream.

"Albrecht Stein? Yes, that's me." Albrecht interrupted before the girl could even let out his complete name. In his mind, some of the 'Albrechts' in other dimensions were screaming at him, and he couldn't believe that they knew the girl.

No, knowing her was an understatement. Some of them were really close to her.

"And what's your name, young miss?" Albrecht asked. Since he gave her his name, she should be forced to return the sentiment at the very least.

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