
Chapter Twelve - A Serious Talk

In these last couple of weeks, I've maintained a simple routine: I wake up early and exercise my body. I am quite slim and with very little agility, this might not help me at all for wielding magic but one never knows what might happen. After that, I have classes, breakfast, gain more improvement points, more classes, some self-study at the library, and if there is time left, I also practice spells.

I need to find Headmaster Dumbledore. I'll write a letter about the inevitable events of this year. I plan to give it to him and make him open it at the end of the year, that way won't create a difference in plot points, something that causes me quite uneasiness is: just how the heck will he react to the information, will he try to get all the information out of me in a calm manner or insidiously with legitimacy, and then use a memory charm ending with me having a mental disability and messing up with Harry's successful future? I won't deny I am fearful, if I stay quiet I won't change the future, but then when everyone in the magic world is in chaos and my procreators are free, what's going to happen to me? 

It would be great if they ignored my tiny existence.

I don't know if they see me as a "daughter" or a disposable object. Will they drag me down with them? Will they use the Imperius curse to turn me into a puppet?

What's more, supposedly Bellatrix did not love her husband, am I even his daughter? How terrifying to even think I could be related to Vol… NO! Dispelling those thoughts, it would be worse and maddening to think, my mind following a darkening train of thought, to simply put it I just needed to put the letter correctly and send it a few days before the upcoming Quidditch match right now. 

Once I finished writing the letter with my opinion of the important events, I sealed it and saved it in my pocket.

There are still 3 days left before the Quidditch match, and the time has come to give what holds my future or my ruin, but what was Dumbuldor's password again? I know it tends to be candies but..

I was passing around, maybe I should tell McGonagall, but the problem would be what if she stays in the office while he reads the letter? It would be really rude to say 'Hey, this is something that you shouldn't listen to.'

- "What might you be doing in front of the Headmaster's office?"-

Jumping from the sudden scare of hearing a sharp condescending voice, yes just as guessed it was Snape's.

- "Good evening professor, I wish to speak with the Headmaster, unfortunately, I don't know the password to enter."-

I could already see myself losing some points to Gryffindor, but there was no turning back after reaching this point. 

- "The Headmaster is a very busy man and he can't attend to every tiny problem, go back to your common room."-

 - "I understand but my problem has to do with the stone, Voldemort, and maybe Quirrell."-

I was scared he would use legitimacy so I kept looking at the floor, if my words didn't work I was going to run, I didn't care if he took 100 points.

- "How do you even…"-

I was feeling dizzy and with an incoming headache.

- "What is happening? Severus, what are you doing?"-

I raised my head seeing Snape was still pointing his wand at me, Shoot! That was close a little longer and I would be dead? 

Well, not quite, he would have just seen my memory maybe…

Luckily the Headmaster had come out of his office and let us in, my legs were shaky, internally I just wanted to curl up and scream in pain, how could Snape just point a wand at an 11-year-old girl?

- "Well I am all ears."-

The Headmaster held a questioning yet patient gaze, I inhaled deeply before speaking with my head held down, why was I looking at the floor? I did not want them to read my mind.

- "Professor first I hope you do not use legitimacy on me, I have a way to prove that I am not lying with my information."-

I took out the hidden letter and gave it to him.

- "Do not open it until the end of the school term, at this moment I will tell you certain knowledge of past events that I should not have access to as a student here."-

The day Harry's parents were murdered, you met with Professor McGonagall in her animagus form after she spent the whole day observing the Dursleys and complaining about them being the most muggle muggles she had ever seen, it was Haggrid who went to pick up the baby with a bike borrowed from Sirius. 

Sirius was suspected to be the secret keeper of the location where the Potters were hiding.

Professor Snape even after what he has done, you keep him by your side for information and because he won't be discovered thanks to his excellent occupancy skills.

The Order of the Fenix was founded by you, and some of the members are the Wesleys, the Potters, Longbottoms, Sirius, Lupin, Petter Pettigrew, Mundungus Fletch, Edgar Bones, Benjy Fenwick.

Professor Snape knew Lily Evans before starting school and they were friends.

Sirius almost caused Professor Snape to be attacked by Lupin on a full moon when he revealed how to pass through the Whomping Willow, additionally, Professor Snape hated James not only because of how he treated him but also beca…

- "Enough!"-

An angry yell came from Snape, who looked ready to send me the Avada Kadabra curse, Oh come on Snape, everyone is an adult in this room, I said in my mind, I ain't crazy enough to say it out loud, Dumbuldore merely stroke his beard pensively, I wasn't sure what else to say after that, anxiety building inside, Did I make the right choice? Will they believe me? Will he wait to open the letter or ignore my instructions and immediately open it?

While I was lost in thought and out of breath from speaking so quickly and for so long his judgment was decided.

- What is exactly what you want to do with this information and what's inside this letter?"-

- "The content only includes events that will be happening this year, the reason why I wish for you to wait until the end of this school year to open it is so that you trust me about the information I have, the main problem is that I am not 100% sure that my knowledge will be exact without changes, the first notable difference would be my existence, Bellatrix was not meant to have kids, if I am an extra there should not be a problem but if there are more changes I can't be sure that everything will go according to my memory. Above everything I also want to do something that might seem egotistical, I don't want to be used by the Lestrange once they escape Azkaban, and I don't want to die either in case Voldemort uses legitimacy and the entire future is destroyed. I hope you can help me learn Occlumency, and I also want to help Sirius Black since he was unjustly incarcerated for a betrayal that he didn't commit."'

- "Certainly, if you know what can happen in the future your life is at risk, about the topic of Sirius, I assume you have proof of his innocence, but I also want to know how Sirius would help you?"-

- "I wouldn't benefit from it, I just want to leave the orphanage, if I can convince him to become my legal guardian, I could live independently, from what I know he is not a very responsible nor mature adult, and I am not looking for a "father" I just want to leave the orphanage. My other option would be my next closest family member, Narcissa Malfoy, but I want to stay as far away from the Malfoys as possible.

- "So you are expecting to free a convict from Azkaban and for him to kindly adopt you. Do you see how dumb that sounds?" - Exclaimed Snape with a snort.

- "While it's true that I don't have a way to free him by myself, this is why I've come here professor, Peter Pettigrew is an illegal animagus rat that has been living with the Wesleys. I acknowledge that you lack trust in me at this moment, which is why I have written that letter."-

Dumbledor took a moment to consider the information and then asked me to explain everything related to Sirius and Peter, after a long explanation the room fell into silence, and I took the opportunity to make a recommendation. 

- "Why not kidnap the rat, hit him with the animagus reversal spell, interrogate him, hit him with the memory charm to forget us, and prepare a scenario to show the Ministry of magic, I'm not sure how but something like that could be done."-

Just as a reply was going to be said the doors were suddenly opened and Professor McGonagall entered.

- "Headmaster there is a student who has not arrived at the dormitories and we have already searched the castle for…"-

I got registered in her field of vision and she stopped talking. After an uncomfortable silence, the Headmaster cleared his throat.

- "Very well, this conversation has been going on for too long, Minerva I apologize for the misunderstanding, I ask you to bring this student to her common room, miss Lestrange lets put a hold on this conversation, I'll take into consideration your suggestions and I will call you at a better time, Severus notify all other professors about a meeting tomorrow morning."-

With that I was left in an awkward situation with the professor, arriving at the entrance of the common room, the professor left while I entered to meet with three small wizards, Hermione jumped to hug me and started to fuss about me.

- "Eli, where were you? After dinner, I looked for you and the boys didn't know where you were either. I waited for a long time and you still hadn't shown up. What happened?"-

- "I am sorry Hermione, I had some questions that I asked the principal, time kind of flew by too quickly and when we realized the professor got there, guys thank you for worrying about me it's very late now we should all go to sleep, Ron wake up."-

Poor Ron was already falling asleep on the couch, so we went to our rooms straight to bed. Maybe I was really tired, either the stress had taken all my energy away or my 11-year-old body had a low tolerance for staying up late nevertheless, I fell asleep as soon as my head hit the pillow.

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Translator: Translate Spanish, Portuguese, Korean, Japanese, Chinese and French. To English.

Proofreader: Those in charge of reviewing and correcting the translation (grammar, punctuation, etc.).

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