
A slight setback

I gathered some strings that were still in my bed area. (I needed to clean it anyway, I'm not sleeping on cobwebs!!!), proceeded to the crafting table, and activated my polymath ability, my eyes started to glow green and I saw the many things I could craft with the string item: Bows, fishing rods, etc. However, these items weren't what I was looking for!

I needed paracord and the recipes I gained were just Minecraft-related items. Now normally I can craft things that aren't in Minecraft, for instance, I created shower heads, couches, etc. But stuff like that was pretty easy to create, I don't know how to create paracord in real life, let alone Minecraft, Hmm what to do?

As I was lost in thought, I got an annoying visitor in my area, A sharply dressed shadowy figure.

|What's the matter? Forgot how to craft something already?| Mr.Doubt said

"Not right now, I'm trying to figure out another custom recipe!!!" I replied in an annoyed manner

|Didja try those sparkly eyes of yours?|

"Only works when I try to make Minecraft-related stuff, If only I could use this ability on some actual cords here..."

Mr.Doubt cocked his head as he moved closer to my location

|What are you talking about? Don't you have some of that para-whatever those are called on you right now?|

"What're you even talking about???"

Mr.Doubt reached for my pockets and pulled out the knife that got sent with me from my previous world.

|Take a closer look at the handle of this dagger|

My eyes shot wide open, was the answer really under my nose this entire time!?!?

Mr.Doubt smiled creepily |That's right, there are some paracords on the handle on this knife, why not use your ability now?|

I nodded and activated my polymath ability, and I scanned my pocket knife and instantly learned BRAND NEW recipes in the special green book that only I can see.

Okay! Let's see here...

Dagger? No, tip? No... AHA! Here we go, the paracord!!!!

I was given the exact recipe to craft the paracord I needed, and it doesn't look too hard to make! I should finish this quickly, and we can continue with our plans!

I turned to Mr.Doubt

"I gotta hand it to you, this is probably the best idea you had since I got here." I complimented

|Wow, this must be a pretty genius idea then if you liked it more than my others!| Mr.Doubt said with a laugh

"Don't push it."

His face dropped from laughing to a scowled look |Whatever, I got things to do anyway!|

He instantly disappeared into a cloud of smoke and dropped my dagger on the floor in the process.

Wow, he seems a little short today, I wonder what got him so upset, usually he'd want to annoy me a little more after giving me one of his "GOOD" ideas.

I shook my head and decided it would be best to just get back to work. I gathered my materials and started to follow the custom crafting recipe from my special crafting book.


I used another one of my custom crafting recipes to create a knife tip.

"Let's see, only 3 iron nuggets? That's crazy cheap!"

I placed 3 Iron nuggets in a triangular position and BAM! A knife blade without a handle, this is where the weapon part of my project comes in!

Next, I used the paracord to craft a wristband on my crafting table, one that was able to attach a dagger blade to, so I added a snap closure to it.

'Hmm, what color should I make it? What does she usually wear on a daily basis? Yeah, better make it black! The finished design looked kind of like a black lanyard.

Once the black tactical wristband was finished, I combined it with the knife blade to the snap closure area so that Spider Girl won't stab herself by accident.

The item was finished, now to finish my pièce de résistance!

I walk to the library a couple of rooms over, I grab an enchantment book from the shelves, the Bane of Arthropods enchantment.

"Time to find a meaningful use for this book" I whispered to myself.

I placed the wristband weapon on an anvil, followed by the book, the items started to glow brightly, and I turned my head so the lights won't blind me.

When I looked back on the anvil, I noticed the book was nowhere to be seen, and the wristband started to have a small purplish grow to it. I couldn't believe my eyes, IT WORKED!!! I quickly grab the item and exit the room.


I approached the spider girl who was alone in her room, I noticed she seemed kinda down in the dumps, loafing around in her room, a completely understandable feeling.

"Hey, mind if I come in?" I asked

Silvia quickly turned her head in my direction once I broke her train of thought and walked over to me.

"Oh, sure, what's up?"

"I have something for you, something that you MIGHT benefit from!"

I handed her the lightly glowing wristband.

"Is this a- knife???" she said a bit hesitant

"N-No, well yes, but it's supposed to be an accessory, y'know one you wear on your arm?" I'm fumbling a bit here....

Silvia quickly understood where I was going with this despite my terrible explanation, and clipped the special wristband around her wrist, I also noticed she was examining the intricate item.

"Such an interesting design, never seen someone make something like this before, thank you!" Silvia beamed up to me.

"Of course, and this is more than just an accessory you know!"

"Oh right, you mean the hidden knife part?"

"Well that too, but I mean the band is enchanted!"


"Yeah, I put the bane of arthropods' enchantment on it. You see, I think it will stop these 'night frenzies' of yours if you wear it at night!"

"Wow!" Silvia remarked as she looked at the paracord, "But what if this doesn't work?"

I scratch my head "Eehhhh, we'll cross that bridge when we get there...."

"Well, what about the trip?"

"We're gonna put that on hold for a little bit, no good traveling if you still get like this at night!"

"Well... I could always just stay at the base if otherwise if-"

I place my hand atop her head "You're coming with us, don't stress over it" I said with a reassuring smile

"U-umm o-okay!" Silvia mumbled as her eyes looked up at me.

"We won't leave today, all we can do is wait until nighttime okay?"

She nodded as I left the room.


It was almost nightfall, I explained to everyone else my plans for tonight, and they seemed to understand the situation.

I turned to Rei, "Sorry about this, you can stay here for the night if you'd like!" I said as I placed down a hammock

"I don't know...."

"Oh relax, not many people come to visit my base, and I live in the outskirts of the city, you should be fine!"

Rei looked a bit bewildered "Wait, you did so much for this place, wouldn't you get more visitors regardless?"

My shoulders drop a bit at that response "Well you see, many residents are still pretty against the fact that I have 'monsters' living with me, so they kinda stay a distance from my place..." I explained

She huffed at my response "That's so stupid!"

"Tell me about it!" Teles chimed in

I get back to the subject at hand "So anyway, you should be fine staying here until we can convince the others that you can live in the city..."

"Oh all right" Rei gave in "But I'm going to go tend to the horses before morning hits, I'll be back soon."

"Okay," We both waved her off as she snuck away out of the village walls. I then put up a hammock in the living room for Rei to sleep on when she came back into the room.


I called Silvia into my room, it was almost nighttime, and I needed to see if this plan of mine will work. Teles also followed me into my room.

"You don't have to be here you know?" I said, "I know this side of her makes you... uncomfortable!"

"It's fine, I can at least teleport you out of here if things don't work out, I mean, it is YOU she would be after."

I couldn't even argue with that logic, "Okay, thanks!" I nodded

Silvia walked in and sat on one of the chairs I had near my workstation, she seemed kinda uneasy.

I looked at the time, it was near the middle of the night.

"Hey, shouldn't she be acting differently now?" I asked Teles

"Hmm, yeah, usually she'd faint before changing..."

I looked back to Silvia who was working on a piece of clothing to pass the time, we both noticed she hasn't changed at all.

"Umm hey, Silvia?" I asked

"Hmm?" she looked back at us

"You uh, feeling any different?"

She paused what she was doing to take into consideration of her surroundings, her face quickly lit up out of pure shock.

"N-no I don't, I feel completely like my old self!"

We all smile, "I can't believe it, another one of my crazy ideas worked!!!" I said in disbelief

"The things you can do will surprise me!" Teles said as she looked at the wristband I gave Silvia

"As long as you keep that thing on at nighttime, there should no longer be any more problems here got it?" I explained

Silvia slowly approached me, "Thank you Takeo, I really mean it!"

I flashed a smile as I held her hand "Of course Silvia, we need to be there for each other!"

Her face started to look a bit nervous "Umm is it okay if I do one last thing?"

I noticed her discomfort "Oh sure, what is it?" I asked a bit confused


Without further warning, Silvia quickly lunged toward my face, pressing her lips against mine, I was completely shocked at first, yet I stood completely still. It wasn't even a quick smooch either, I think she was pressed up against me for at least 10 seconds, I even felt her tongue go inside my mouth, jeez she was clearly prepared for that.

Once Silvia broke the kiss she quickly turned around, placing both hands over her flustered cheeks as she closed her eyes with a satisfied grin.

"That was nice..." she said

Teles' face went from overjoyed to an outraged expression to what just happened, I wasn't looking, but I could tell her face was red with anger, even nice girls have their limits!

Me, however, I didn't move, in fact, I COUDN'T move, I just fell backward onto my bed with a terrible taste in my mouth.

"Iau tunk poaiserr ehhhhhhhh...." I muttered

Teles shot towards my direction, "Wait a minute...."

She proceeded to examine my face and smelt something strange

"You smell like... poison!?!?!?!" Teles shouted in shock, Silvia quickly spun back around in quick velocity "Wait what!?!?"

"Your saliva is venomous Silvia!!! You never noticed that???"

"Umm umm, not really..." Silvia responded teary-eyed

"Hawg oww, Ive gat sovin two fitx dis" I tried to say,

Teles teleported away and came back with something in her hands, "Here Takeo, drink this!" Teles poured a carton of milk down my throat, and in a few seconds, I was feeling better again!

"Ugh! That was the worst!" I whispered to myself as I sat back up holding my head.

I soon noticed Silvia running up to me again apologizing profusely

I've got a headache so I don't feel like taking this much further "It's fine It's fine!" I say putting my hands on her shoulders "You didn't know!"

Silvia paused, then continued to cry, her face pressed up on my shirt, Teles who looked annoyed again tried to pull her off. All the noise we made woke Rei up she was at the doorway complaining at us, yet also confused about the display she's seeing at the moment.

"This is gonna be one **** of a long night...." I thought aloud shaking my head.


Whats a weapon you want to add in Minecraft (It can be any weapon you like/want)

Spider_Thiefcreators' thoughts
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