
Chapter 51


Before I went to the room I'd be borrowing in the mansion, a thought suddenly came into mind.

Since it was a rare opportunity, I thought I should ask to borrow the hot bath as well. Hot baths are rare in this world, and the only ones who have them are nobles and other rich people in society. Like expensive treasures and eccentric clothing, they are a show of wealth.

Looking around the hallway, I tried to search for one of Julian's maids. It was night already, so most of them are about to take their rest as well. Luckily, I saw one of them patrolling. When she saw me, she immediately greeted me and bowed.

I'm already accepted in this territory as an honored guess, so they treat me with respect. But more than that, I'm actually friends with Julian's maids already, after all the many times I visited before.

"Excuse me, is the bath okay to use?"

"Yes, Eria-san! You're free to use them if you want."

They would usually ask their boss first for permission, but that isn't necessary now. If they did ask Julian, he would only get angry and tell them to realize I was important enough of a guest to do whatever I want in the mansion. I saw it happen before, and I don't want to repeat the awkwardness again.

"Do you want me to help you?" she enthusiastically ask.

"N-no... I'm fine by myself..."

All of Julian's maids are pretty, so I'm embarrassed to have them help me take a bath when I can do it myself.

"Uuh..." she dissapointedly frowned and said, "Please, let me at least guide you there."

"Um... Nn, thank you," I nodded.

Making a gleeful smile, she walked ahead, and I followed behind her.

"We're always happy when you come around here, Eria-san," she said.

"Is that so?"

"It's always tense when only Julian-sama and the head butler is around..."

I can see that... Julian and his old butler always have this serious atmosphere around them. Maybe that atmosphere becomes even more tense when I'm not around...?

"So it's nice when you come visit us. Everyone in the mansion brightens up! Even those two!"

There was still a short distance left before the bath, so we managed to talk some more.

"So, when are you going to marry Julian-sama?"


Marry...? Who?

"I was jealous of you at first since I have a crush on Julian-sama, but I realized it's only natural for the two of you to become lovers... I can't compete so I gave up. Hehe..."

"Huh? But we're not like that!"

"Come on, Eria-san... I know you're both trying to keep it a secret, but everyone in the city knows you and Julian-sama are in a relationship already," she said with an innocent laugh.

"I-is that true?"

So everyone in the city has that misunderstanding? How am I only hearing about this now?

"So..." suddenly blushing, the maid talked again in a whisper, "I heard Julian-sama is good in bed... is that true?"

"Why are you asking me that...!? I don't know...! In the first place, we're not lovers!"

"Fufufu... you're blushing so much! Well, if you're embarrassed to talk about it, I won't ask any further."


"Here we are... see you again tomorrow, Eria-san." seeing that we reached our destination, she promptly left with a bow.

"Haa..." I heaved a sigh, trying to take in the contents of our conversation.

I suppose it's only logical that people would think of Julian and I that way. After all, we've had a close relationship all this time. But we're benefactors of each other, so I thought it was only reasonable for us to spend a lot of time together.

The warm air flew over me as I opened the door to the bath. Since the air was misty, it was difficult to see. However, I can still make out the appearance of the large pool of warm water that occupy most of the room.

The room itself is like an indoor onsen, or something similar to that. It's what I imagine what a palace bathing place would be like - a large space where the king can relax in peace, surrounded by his female servants.

I took off my clothes in a casual manner and put them on a space on the walls. There were towels prepared there too, but I didn't take any since I'll be bathing alone.

After washing myself clean in one of the showers, I finally dipped myself in the spacious spread of warm water.

"Fuu... as I thought, this feels great."

It reminds me of the past, when I take vacations to go to one of those popular hot springs.

"Huh? Eria...?"

A familiar voice called to me out of nowhere. I was supposed to be alone, but...


Maybe because the air was misty that I didn't notice him, but... there he was on the other side of the pool, staring at me with a bewildered look on his face.


Do you guys think of Eria as a guy or a girl?

ShoujoStoriesBakercreators' thoughts
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