
Taste of Freedom

"Isn't this a little excessive!?" Khio fumed, kicking another knight in the head and downing them. Three lay at her feet unconscious, another two lying by Rhetta.

"There are too many knights around here...It's not for us seeing that they felt safe only leaving us with four." Rhetta looked around, thankfully with no other knights in sight.

"Looking at the uniform they're not local knights. These belong to the second division. The security of the village should be under the supervision of the lord's knights, not imperial knights." Rhetta notes her observations finding the entire situation to be out of the ordinary.

"Did they find out about the escape!?" Khio's panicked voice provides another possible reason.

"Rhetta!! Khio!!"

They stop dead in their tracks when they hear their names shouted in the distance and from the direction they had been running from. As opposed to the bitter and angered voices of the knights, the voice they heard almost sounded harmless in comparison. They can hear the hurried running approaching, they ready themselves for a fight unable to see who is rushing through the trees towards them.

Florian bursts out from the tree line, almost running right past the two people she had been looking for. She smiles and goes in closer proximity towards the two cautious and confused people. Khio tenses up, reading to engage in a fight with the stranger. Florian plods to a rock and sits down trying to catch her breath.

"I finally...caught...up...I have to speak...to you..." She talks between each panting breath. Florian had been under the idea that their first impression was not absolutely terrible. Upon gazing at the two former knights she sought out, they never dropped their guard.

The stranger before them, an individual whom neither of them had ever seen previously, not only unlocked their cell but followed them the whole way and screamed their names the whole time in doing so. Rhetta heaved an annoyed sigh at knowing their location got announced to everyone. "I came here to save you" Florian proudly states as if wanting praise for her courageous actions.

"We don't know you. You have no reason to save us." Rhetta draws a firm line, not wanting to be indebted to someone unknown.

Her caution is not unfounded when considering the situation of standing atop a precarious position. One where she was trusted with imperial secrets and within a day, had the entire empire hunting her down as a traitor. While Rhetta may have contained a smidgen of gratitude for being rescued, having to owe a stranger or even worse, the group affiliated with the individual a favor is never worth it. Negotiations were only applicable when both parties could offer something of equal value, anything less is extortion.

"I don't know the full reason why, but the great Sage told me to find and help you." Florian explains... "Whatever you're wrapped up in, it's probably not your fault."

"Damn right it's not our fault. We're being framed! Tell that to your damn Sage!" Khio jumps in, evidently upset by being framed for a crime which neither of them committed.

'Why would the Sage want to help us? He's notorious for not touching anything to do with the imperial family.' Rhetta begs the question.

Given the situation, both Khio and Rhetta are in a position where no one can really be trusted. Including this 'friendly' stranger who offers her help so readily. However, Rhetta did believe it would be easier to keep this person within their sights and if she were truly trying to help them; there is nothing to be lost. Even if she turned out to be a traitor, the two could easily take care of it.

"Fine. We will hear you out at the very least." Rhetta yields

Whether this judgement call is a mistake or not is yet to be seen. Florian lights up and thanks them. Khio is still irked, unwilling to truly give the stranger a chance. Furthermore the suspicious nature of their meeting, and awfully coincidental timing of her rescue. The fact that she slipped away from the knights unscathed, Khio believed that Florian potentially may have been helping.

Upon closer inspection, Khio notices the swelling on Florian's cheek from when she had the cell gate slammed in her face. The red and swollen appearance made her resemble a chipmunk. Khio finds her initial hostility and wariness fading as she can only regard Florian as a small animal after seeing such a pitiful sight. Being a person who holds such a soft spot for small and defenseless animals she buckles. Florian notices the sympathetic looks from Khio, and touches her cheek. She winces in pain and can visibly see the guilt on Khio's face.

"I'm sorry about your face..." Khio mumbles out an apology. Florian perks up a little after hearing the apology. There is progress in the relationship even as meager as receiving a half-hearted apology. It is in the hopes that a little trust might form.

Rhetta stops walking, trying to find her sense of direction. She is very sure they ran away from the execution grounds and away from Hayle. The question still remained as to where the next village is and which village it is. Khio walks ahead and finds a footpath cutting through a field. It proves to be better than nothing, and they decide to follow the unknown road.

All the paths converge into a single dirt path. Following it down for a ways, it branches off into various other paths. A small, worn down wooden sign acts as the sole guide on the confusing road. The forest line on one side, and on the other nothing but open fields. Rhetta reads the faded signs. Three names which correspond to their respective roads. The first road leads to Pran village, the second to Llyn village and finally the last road to Orkney village.

Rhetta settled on choosing Pran village. Of the three written, she could only personally account for Pran. Due to a very brief visit she once paid to meet an informant. For better or worse there was a peculiar little tavern that acted as neutral ground. Knights and criminals could mingle like friends inside and fight each other outside. The peace is strictly upheld and secrets are kept, for people with their own circumstances there was no better place to go.

"We should head to Pran, we'd be safe there."

"Pran? What's in Pran?" Khio asks

"A tavern."

"Our circumstances have finally driven our sweet Rhetta to drinking." Khio makes an accentuated action of wiping away fake tears. Rhetta rolled her eyes at the action. The whole lot obviously looked worn down. They trudge down the long road that cuts through the open fields.

Florian gazes up at the sky continuing along, following the people leading the way. She tries to ignore the not so hushed whispers of Khio and Rhetta who walk ahead of her. Florian couldn't help but think that even though the land was devoid of life, it's peaceful. Quite an odd thought for someone who hadn't left the temple for the past few years.

"We should just get rid of her quickly. I can just knock her out." Khio punches the air, shifting to a batting action while trying to persuade Rhetta.

"That's enough Khio. Just leave her be." Rhetta grabs Khio's hand to stop the motions, the two look back and steal a glance at Florian who waves with an innocent smile. They stay under the impression that she is oblivious to their conversation. Rhetta and Khio continued their observation... noting the way Florian gawks, glances and stares at everything around her as if it's her first time outside.

"She looks...a little daft..." Khio comments, Florian trips over nothing and Rhetta, who was about to rush to her defense, realized Florian didn't help her own case in this matter.

"See! Why did you stop me!? We should get rid of her while we still can!"

Rhetta had no words in response.

"Just because she's from the temple-"

"That's even more reason why we should listen to her." Rhetta speaks plainly, pushing aside her personal opinion of Florian.

Khio grows frustrated with Rhetta's constant avoidance of conflict on the matter "We all know the archbishop is under the emperor! He practically waits on him and uses the temple influence as he damn well pleases."

She grasped at every and any reason not to trust Florian.

"If she is really working for the temple, why would she be trying to help us? Instead of letting us get executed. Be honest Khio, without her we may not have gotten out as easily." Rhetta's words impact heavily with a sound logic that is hard to dispute. "I'm not naïve enough to think its for nothing. It's obvious she didn't free us out of goodwill but rather on the Sage's instructions."

Khio remains silent, fuming, yet taking the advice to heart.

Of the two who had unexpectedly become friends, they often clashed with obvious differences in opinion. Though sometimes they complimented and balanced one another. Khio had been a person of impulse and action whereas Rhetta is more conscious and calculative.

Rhetta weighed their options and the safest was this way. Better the enemy you know...

It's a known fact the Sage and archbishop are at ends with one another.

"In our situation Khio...a common side is better than standing alone and getting caught in the crossfire. I know how you feel but right now she is the best option."

"I still don't agree with it! For all we know the temple could have been the ones who accused us in the first place!" getting worked up by the topic, Khio raises her voice.

"Can I stop pretending that I'm not listening?" Florian interjects, startling Rhetta and Khio. They stop walking and turn towards Florian.

"Firstly, my name is Florian. I haven't had the opportunity to formally greet you both. Though I sincerely hope you'll take care of me." A calm voice and friendly smile irks the two. It's obvious that Florian came from the temple with such a superficial smile. "I understand that you're in a bad situation and looking for answers. I was sent here by the Sage yet I can't even tell you the reason. Seeing that he didn't actually give me one."

I struggled to think of something to put here in the thoughts. Today was an autopilot kind of day. I can give pleasantries and hope your day has been a good one. ^^ Thank you for reading and supporting the story thus far. ~

RiordansCatcreators' thoughts
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