

"Do you know anything about Tristan's past or his origins, Satomi-san?" Deaton asked carefully with a hint of caution. 

Satomi on the other hand only shook her head slowly. "I have no knowledge of his past, his origins, or any single idea of how his life had been until I found him. Well him and the little lass over there."

There was nothing to tell so there was nothing to safeguard. 

This confused Deaton and his answer came in from Elias before he could ask the bothering question in his head. 

"From the day Satomi brought them back, the boy had no memories of his past. Hell, he had no memory of anything. Even his basic instincts as a human were severely lacking."

"Eh?" Deaton's surprise elicited a laugh from Elias with how floored he looked. 

"It was my bite that turned Tristan into a vampire." Satomi said and Deaton's eyes lit up in understanding as he caressed his chin in contemplation. 

He spared a glance at Tristan and a few conclusions came to him almost immediately. "I see. Though rare, an Alpha's bite can trigger the innate nature of a person instead of turning them to a werewolf."

"Is there any reason for digging into my unknown past? For all we know, I might have been a poor child suffering from amnesia or something similar." Tristan commented offhandedly to the side, not actually thrilled about the idea of someone trying to dig up his past. 

It was like he said, he might have been one of the millions of helpless children all over the world and meeting Malia must've been the best decision his child self made. 

What he wasn't comfortable with was the little probability that there was something behind the veil and with the emergence of it would mean forming a connection with a past he never cared much for. 

What if he had a life, parents, friends, family or maybe even a terrible traumatic experience that locked away his memories? 

It might seem heartless, but he'd rather the past remain as obscure, unknown and unimportant as it has always been growing up. 

Deaton gave a light smile in understanding. "I think it's plain for all to see that you'd rather your current life have nothing to do with your past."

"Quite obvious, I would say."

The druidic(former) veterinarian nodded and left it at that. "Like I said, it's all hypothetical and conjectures on my part." 

"Is there a chance of something like this happening again?" Malia asked what she deemed the most important question that everyone had somehow missed, for some unknown reason. 

The doctor shrugged, being as clueless as everyone else was on the main matter. "I have no idea or any form of assurance to give you on that."

Malia huffed in disappointment, feeling almost fed up with how many walls they seem to be hitting when it came to things concerning Tristan. 

Deaton asked Tristan a few simple questions just to check up on his state as an Alpha before turning back to Satomi. 

"His emotions are stable and there's no fluctuations in his state of mind to make his abilities and physical strength go out of control. He's doing alright for an Alpha at his age as much as I can tell, so I'll be going back now given there is nothing much I can do at this point."

"It's alright, Alan. And thank you for your suggestions." Satomi thanked him after which he left. 

"This is getting annoying with every passing day." Malia said, looking thoroughly frustrated by all the spontaneous episodes she's had to deal with ever since Tristan became an Alpha. 

"Brett, would you and Lori mind spending the next few days over with these two troublesome children?" Satomi asked Brett who had been quietly sitting on the stairs since before Deaton came in. 

Brett gave her a thumbs up. "No problem. Ironically how Tristan's the one we are keeping an eye on instead of Malia."

"Haha, real funny there, hotshot." A sarcastically dry reply was what Malia gave to Brett's words which made him laugh even harder. 


The next few nights passed and luckily for those tasked with keeping an eye on him, Tristan didn't have any violent episodes again nor did he wake up randomly at night and disturbed Malia's sleep, much to the coyote's boundless happiness. 

"Tristan, what's up man!" Boyd's boisterous voice didn't fail in trapping the pale teen's attention as it was intended. 

"You are being unnaturally cheerful and loud this early in the morning." Tristan dully noted but Boyd just smirked at him. 

"I guess you're not going to ask me why, right?" Boyd asked as he threw an arm over Tristan's shoulders. 

Tristan gave him one of his trademark blank stares. "I explicitly did not ask that question for obvious reasons."

Boyd laughed at his friend's antics, his smirk growing more patronizing at Tristan's perceived misfortune. 

"I kinda asked Erica out and she's down for it." He said. 

Tristan showed no reaction whatsoever to the big reveal. "I guess that's a mission accomplished for you."

Boyd groaned as they walked into the cafeteria that was as usual, crowded with students. "Just how thin is your emotional spectrum? It's hard to differentiate between sarcasm and nonchalance with you." Was his complaint as they sat down after getting their food. 

Tristan shrugged as he ate an apple. "Good sarcasm is hard to differentiate from normal speech."

"Okay, what is it? You're being more irritable than usual and I doubt it's Allison or Lydia, so what's up with you?" Boyd asked Tristan while giving him a pointed stare. 

Tristan tilted his head very slightly as he returned Boyd's stare. "Huh. How could you tell?" His reason for asking was simply because he felt like Boyd was seeing through his expressions with too much ease as of recent. 

Boyd scoffed as he munched on his grub. "I'm like your only male friend in this school, Tristan, just as the way you're mine. It'd be pretty lame if I couldn't read your face given how much you use it for communication instead of your mouth."

Tristan paused for a second, thought it over, and then nodded. "I guess that makes sense. But don't worry about me, what about your date with Erica?"

"I thought you weren't interested?"

"I'm not. It's called changing the subject, you idiot." Tristan replied. 

"Oh god. I hate it when you're being a smart-ass. It's frustratingly repulsive to me 100% of the time."

"Hey guys."

Allison barely managed a greeting before her body slipped into the seat and rested her head on Tristan's shoulders. "Let me rest for a bit."

"What's happening with you, Allison? You look like you haven't slept a wink in 2 days." Boyd exclaimed upon seeing how drowsy and weary her eyes were. 

Allison's voice was barely above a whisper at the point. "It's because I haven't gotten one."

Tristan looked at her but she just grumbled for him to stay put so she could enjoy her small rest. 

Under Boyd's astonished gaze, Tristan took his other apple and started slicing them to diced pieces and slid it in front of Allison. 

"Eat. You look like you're dying from blood loss with how pale you look. I'm supposed to be the vampire here and I look more healthy than you."

She chuckled with a groan while Boyd just watched with mirth in his eyes at the dynamic between the two of them. 

"You know, if I didn't know any better I'd have said that the both of you were dating." Boyd commented and laughed at how Tristan behaved as if he didn't hear what he said, while Allison almost choked on her apples and flipped him off. 

Just like he had been that morning, Tristan left the table and went back into his head to continue going over the opinions Deaton had laid down concerning him.

The more he thought about it, he realized that Deaton's hypothesis on him being connected to nature in an abnormal way looked more plausible than the others. 

"What's up with the princess?" Erica came in with Cora in tow and sat beside Boyd who almost let out a goofy out-of-place smile but schooled it in when he felt Tristan's eyes on him. 

"Hey Tristan." Cora called out to him at the same time that Lydia arrived. 

"Please stay a little longer." Allison quickly held him down along with a plea as soon as she felt he was about to get up and leave. 

She felt like if he left now, she would outright faint from losing the last smidgen of comfort she's gotten in the last few days. 

"What's up with both of them? Are they trying to set Malia off?" Lydia pointed at Allison's wretched form leaning on Tristan while helping herself to Allison's apple slices. 

"Beats me."

Tristan on the other hand was fed up. 'Can't they just understand?'

Yes, he had a very strong control over his impulses but having all these people all around him most of the time tickled on his urge to sink his fangs into them. 

Even Allison, who he was used to, still sometimes catches him off guard. The collective obliviousness they all had made the urge more tantalizing, making Tristan deal with the never-ending frustration at the end of every day. 

Normal life of an everyday teenager vampire. 




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