
Preparations For War.

At that moment, Maulketh had his choice, which was one to his benefit. He was not going to become a father any time soon, his Concept at that moment was boiling over within his psyche. While not conscious or aware, it responded to his wishes and he did not wish to be a father any time soon.

He kept it restrained until he opened his eyes and moved his fingers off his chin. He opened his mouth, but he did not speak. He snapped his fingers and instantly an invisible shockwave of Tyranic Essence blasted his entire harem and without them noticing pushed down any wishes of children they may have had.

He was making the more harsh choice, but he had to be firm in this. He would have as many children as they wanted, but not yet. Not when he was about to go to War with a plane of existence like DC. He could not allow any weakness at this point in time.

The only ones he excluded Astrid, Celestine, Tiamat, Ophis, Trihexa, Athena and Runeas. Everyone else, especially Kuroka had their eyes go blank for a moment before she blinked.

"You mean that?"

He nodded.

"Yes. Once things settle down, I will grant your request. As many as you want, but for now, you need to give me the time I need."

Kuroka nodded with a smile.

"Got it."

Trihexa crossed her arms and walked next to him.

'What did you do?'

'I simply did what I needed to do. You understand right?'

'I do. Even if we can stay in a Time Formation, this isn't the time for it. She will understand in time.'

Ophis agreed with Trihexa.

'True. Besides, what is a few more years.'

Tiamat had some reservations, but they were just minor ones.

'I understand why you did it, but still, would have been easier to just tell her.'

Astrid jumped in.

'Kuroka was in an emotional state, she had been wanting this for a long time, but it kept on being pushed back more and more. And she was dragging the others into it, so he did what had to be done.'

Celestine felt the same.

'True. That girl really wants babies doesn't she?'

Maulketh exhaled and looked at his entire harem who had been mildly brainwashed. Athena and Runeas realized something was wrong, but they did not bring it up. They would ask him later, so for now Maulketh prepared to leave.

"Everyone, go speak with Heaphestus, Azazel, Ajuka, and the Dwarves to get Symbols of Power for yourselves. If you have them, get more or reforge them. For me, I have some places to be."

He walked off before in a burst of power he returned to his true Dragon God form.

"Grimnar, Leman, with me."

Both of his familiars returned to their true sizes showing how much larger they were Both of them were 1,500 meters tall and nearly a mile and a half long. He opened a massive tear in reality before spreading out his massive wings and taking off followed by his two familiars.

Maulketh's harem began to leave the training Dimension while Maulketh entered his Personal Realm. He and his two familiars arrived at the safe mansion he built for his 'servants'. A few of them had died, while others were still fighting strong like Killer Croc, King Shark, Clay Face, Killer Frost, Live Wire, Harley, Freeze, Kirk Langstram, and a few more.

When they all saw him, each and everyone began to look up in sheer horror and awe. He was now truly the size of a mountain, and the sheer pressure coming from him was extraordinary. He noticed that several of his servants were drawing more and more power from their blood like Croc.

He was looking more and more draconic than ever, same with Clay Face, King Shark, and Kirk. Their animalistic bodies were more compatible with his blood than regular humans like Harley.

"Well then, it truly seems you all have been hard at work. I think you all have stayed here long enough, I want you all to return to your world. Do what you want within reason, don't be raping or whatever or killing kids. Everything else, go wild. Just go and enforce my will clear."

Croc nodded.

"Yes, my master. Can I kill the members of the Justice League?"

"If you want to."

That brought a grin to his draconian face.

"I shall slurp the marrow from Superman's bones."

Freeze smiled.

"I can return to my wife at last."

Several more began to voice their desires to get revenge against Batman, Superman, or any other hero in the League. But Harley actually raised her hand showing little fear for him.

"HEY! BOSS! Where'd you take Ivy? You plucked her out and then nothing?"

He lowered his head and looked at Harley who was wondering where she went.

"She is assisting me with a project where her ability over plants can help. You can rejoin her when she wishes to return, until then, I got a job for you Harley. When you return, bring me Damian Wayne. Son of Batman."

That brought silence to the Villains. Ivy began to stick her finger in her ear as she thought she misheard him.

"Wait, Wayne, Bruce Wayne is Batman?"

He nodded.

"Yes. Bring me the child. But before you all go, I have something for you."

He squinted his eyes tightly and two large tear drops spilled out. Just like the rest of his body, it was made of Tyranic Essese, Void Energy and Conceptual Energy rolled into one. Those two drops split into several larger drops that fell on each of his servants.

Instantly they were absorbed into their bodies where the blood he had given them used the energy to forcefully mature their bloodlines. Each and everyone began to experience the agonizing effects of becoming closer and closer to true Dragons.

He did not numb their pain at all using this as a chance to see who had the right to become true Dragons. He watched as 4 of the meta-humans began to scream before they mutated into a giant bulbous lizard-like monstrosity with purple glowing tumors.

He was shocked as that had never happened before. This caused his Patron to speak to him.

'Void corruption.'

'Void Corruption?'

'Too weak to resist purer Void Energy. You are getting stronger, good job.'

With that, the communication was ended as he looked at the 4 writhing monstrosities. The souls of the poor Meta Humans were still there, but that made him angry. They had his blood, and they could not resist even a little Void Energy.

'How dare you?'

His Concept fell on those 4 and he forcefully changed their forms back to normal as he forcefully fused the rampant energies into their souls mutating them, but protecting their memories and consciousness.

But the 4 Metas had looks of pure horror on their faces and the agony was not ending. The Void Energy was still there, and it was trying to mutate them, but his Concept brought it to heal.

"You 4 bring shame on me. That pain you feel shall follow you until you overcome your weakness. Now get going."

He opened a gate to DC, now much easier with the purer Void Energy and especially the powers he stole from Barbatos. The 4 former Void Spawns, ran into the Portal in fear, desperate to bring his favor back on them to remove the pain of the Void Energy gnawing at their souls.

As for his other elites, they did not feel the same fate as their bloodlines matured properly bringing them to new levels of power.

"You on the other hand bring me honor. Go, have fun."

They all entered the portal uniformly into Gotham City. When that was complete, he walked off and opened another gate. This one on the other hand opened up back to Tarturus. When the three of them stepped into the portal, Maulketh raised his head high.

The Void of Chaos, the source of all Greek Life was below Tartarus, which was below the Underworld. He and his two familiars stepped out of the gate just above Chaos, the origin of the Greeks.

Any lesser being who fell into Chaos, which was both a thing and a god would be erased from existence. Here was where all Faded gods went, and he was planning to enter it and absorb its power for himself.

He turned to Grimnar and Leman with a smirk on his face.

"So you two, care to jump with me?"

Grimnar, his ever-loyal self gave a three-headed bark while Leman huffed like the cat bat dragon thing he was. This would be the strongest foe that Maulketh would face in his new life as Chaos was a being above anything he had faced.

But he would not fear, he would not retreat, he would not falter. With a roar, he spread his wings wide open and flew down into the rolling Chaos shadowed by Grimnar and Leman.

When the three of them plunged into Chaos, they felt the powers of Chaos try to erase them. Even Maullketh's mighty armor, which had been reforged in a black hole, began to be erased.

It was not destroyed, just erased, and Grimnar and Leman began to experience the same. But not one of them showed any pain, three linked Domains of Tyrrany instantly burst from them which fought off the energies of Chaos.

Maulketh's armor began to regenerate before being erased again, but he drew in some of the energy of Chaos which was 'endless.' The Energy was absorbed into his Dragon Hearts and Demon Core which purified it, fused it with Conceptual Energy, Tyranic essence, and Void Energy and began to use it.

Grimnar and Leman followed his lead, fighting off the power of Chaos before using its energies for themselves.

'Take your time. Here, time is meaningless.'

Taking his advice, Leman and Grimnar drifted toward him before holding on to his legs. He smiled as suddenly, Chaos seemed to 'react' causing the danger to themselves to increase.

Even the mighty Concept of Tyranny began to be pushed down, which instantly caused it to rage. It pushed back harder and sped up the process of drawing the energies into the three of them. It drew on the Concepts of Infinity, Chaos Karma and Destruction all at once which caused it's strength to rise a level.

Even the agony that Grimnar and Leman were feeling was not enough to get them to abandon their master. They held on as he had not grunted at all, despite that his armor which was living armor was being erased.

It was a pain he could not describe, as it felt like a part of himself was just gone. But his body fought back and his armor was starting to get reforged healing over faster. But, already his tail blade was gone, erased, but he did not panic.

In moments it was back before it was gone again, in a process that sped up more and more. Even his proud horns went through the same thing. One moment they were there before they were erased which strung at his pride.

A Dragon's horns were treasured as they also controlled their magic, and they felt agonizing to lose or break. But he did not falter once, and he actively began to draw in more and more energy into his body which caused all sorts of problems in his insides.

'Ddraig, care to lend a hand?'

[On it.]

Ddraig's soul had grown far stronger than before being on the level of a True Dragon God. He actually recreated his Principle of Domination before ascending that into the true Concept of Domination. This time it was his own, and not one stolen from God.

The Concept of Domination is linked with the Concept of Tyranny causing its effects to become even stronger. This would take a while, but it just might be what he needed to get the advantage he needed when he would take on Darkseid and the rest of the gods.

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