
Chapter 34.4 : Princess

Step by step, Captain Simo, who was now dressed in layers upon layers of thick clothing moved through the endless snow that had no end in sight.

Occasionally, Simo made sure to clear his face of any snow that had managed to make its way through his thick scarf, allowing him to see clearly for just a few moments.

With each step that Simo took, the surrounding snowstorm seemed to further intensify, but even so, this was simply an illusion, as even though Simo was heading north, he was not traveling nearly fast enough to be able to see such drastic increases.

But even so, Simo, who had been born in the snow, could not be compared to the average person, and was able to quickly move to the snow, as if there was nothing obstructing him.

In the end, it took Simo over an hour of going through the snow at a rapid pace to finally arrive at his destination, a small unassuming building, which at first glance seemed to have been built in years when the winter was less harsh and abandoned soon after.

But upon further glance, those with an extremely keen, or perhaps even superhuman eyesight, would be able to notice the three men dressed in white, lying down on the roof of the building, pointing their guns out into the distance.

Truth be told, if Simo was not aware of their existence beforehand, not even the elite sniper would've been able to notice the existence of the men, who were probably the three snipers in the entire Purple Rose Regiment that were closest to him in skill.

In the end though, Simo and these three did not have any reason to have conflict with each other, as all of them served and took orders from the same person, the Princess, who was the only one who could order the Purple Rose Regiment.

Technically, if he wanted, the King could override the orders of the Princess, but both he, and the Princess herself knew that the regiment would not follow his orders in the slightest.

After a few moments, with their keen eyesight, as well as their eyes which were used to the snow, the three snipers recognized Simo, causing them to slightly lower their weapons and allow him to approach the building.

As such, after around 30 seconds of walking through the snow, Simo finally entered the building.

Much like its exterior, which was like any other building, the interior of this building, at least at first glance, was also extremely simple.

As such, after taking off his snow filled shoes, Simo quickly made his way towards a certain room, which had a small metal hatch in a corner, painted the same color as the floor itself.

A few moments later, Simo opened the hatch and began climbing downwards.


As she looked at Simo, who had just arrived in front of her, a faint smile couldn't help but appear on the face of Princess Morgana, who was dressed in a long purple dress completely unfit for the freezing temperature outside.

"Simo, it seems as though the mission I have given to you has been completed," said Morgana as she got up from her chair.

"Yes Princess, the experimental subjects, both dead and alive, have been sent to the facility down south, unfortunately, the bodies of the pirates had to be handed over to the Marines," said Simo as he slightly lowered his head, causing Morgana to faintly smile.

"That's good, how much interference from the military have you faced?"

"The Military seemed a bit more eager than normal to impede our actions, but it was nothing that we couldn't deal with," said Simo, causing Morgana to shake her head.

"As expected, my naive and foolish father still cannot see the larger picture, it seems as though his patience is running thin..." mumbled Morgana as she shook her head.

"Simo, destroy the lab in the south and secretly take the remaining experimental subjects with you to the third lab, make sure to maintain complete secrecy and destroy everything, do not leave anything behind, father must not hear of this," said Morgana, causing Simo's eyes to suddenly widen.

"Princess, but what the experimental results, it would be extremely wasteful to abandon them like that!?" said Simo, a completely baffled expression on his face.

"Do not worry Simo, everything of value obtained from that lab is within my mind, as for everything else, it's insignificant scraps, as long as I'm somewhere, wherever that is, research can begin immediately," said Morgana as she faintly smiled, causing Simo to nod after a moment of hesitation.

"I understand Princess, you will is my command," said Simo, as he bowed, causing Morgana to smile.

"Very well, rest in this compound for tonight and head down south tomorrow, your room has been prepared," said Morgana, causing the tired Simo to once again bow before walking away.

As she looked at Simo's departing back, Morgana couldn't help but let out a faint sigh.


Later that night.

Step by step, Morgana walked through a long underground tunnel, each one of her footsteps sending sound to both ends of the tunnel.

With each step Morgana took, her elevation slightly rose, causing the temperature to drop, and after around an entire minute of walking, Morgana finally arrived at her destination, a large metal door.

In just a few moments, with ease unbelonging to someone that did not seem to have any sort of obvious muscle, Morgana opened the door, which weight at least several tons with one hand, the snowstorm that was happening outside to enter the tunnel.

A few moments later, Morgana walked out into the world of snow in front of her, still dressed in her long, purple dress.

As she felt snowflake upon snowflake land on her body, Morgana couldn't help but let out a faint sigh.

"Father... it seems as though you really cannot understand..." mumbled Morgana as she stared at the beautiful landscape in front of her, which had charmed her since she was a child.

In truth, deep down Morgana knew that not even Simo himself, her most loyal follower understood her intentions, and simply followed her orders out of loyalty towards her.

A few moments later, Morgana, who did not seem bothered by the snow, nor by the extreme cold, let out a faint sigh and shook her head before walking back into the tunnel.

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