
[Bonus chapter]Chapter 383 The Girl in the Nutrient Tank 1/2 [1/2]


"The Demon Temple... is Bloody Butterfly? If the Demon Temple truly has consciousness, doesn't this mean that our ultimate goal... has left the Abyssal Demon Horde's protection and come to the human world?! This is a once-in-a-millennium opportunity,  Holy Father if we seize this opportunity! Find that Bloody Butterfly! Focus all our combat power, we might be able to eliminate it directly! We could end this disaster that has lasted for over five hundred years!"


After Kael finished his prayer, Kain couldn't contain his excitement and stepped forward to share his thoughts with the Pope.




His suggestion did not earn Kael's approval.


The Pope slowly turned around, shook his head helplessly, and directly denied Kain's plan.


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