
[Bonus chapter]Chapter 314 : Red Moon Tower Master [1/3]

Powerstones will be renewed the day after tomorrow, the current bonuses

100 Pw = 1 chp +

200 Pw = 2 chp+

300 Pw = 3 chp+

400 Pw = 4 chp

500 Pw = 5 chp

600 Pw = 6 chp

Every Sunday the weekly bonuses will be posted 



With her enraged shout, the silver-haired girl unleashed an immense burst of Holy energy from her fingertips. the energy morphed into a silver beam, assaulting the horizon with unmatched power.



The earth-shaking explosion resonated, the silver glimmer of the light, piercing through the chest of the last golem. As its core shattered, the golem lost its strength, crumbled to countless pieces, and scattered across the ground. The trio of golems that dared challenge Mengxi was now utterly annihilated.


Yet, no hint of triumph graced Mengxi's beautiful face when she let her silver light sword fade away. 

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