
Chapter 150

Chapter 150 End

  Waking up again, Petyr found facing endless starry sky.

  "Awake! , Lord Petyr."

  Hearing this voice, Petyr trembled.

  He struggled to sit up, only to realize that he was in a small boat, and the one sitting in front of him was Samwell Caesar, who was paddling towards the port of Blackwater Bay.

  "Sam..." Petyr forced a smile, "How did you find me?"

  "A little bird told me." Samwell said with a smile.

  In fact, after being led by Arya into the secret passage of the Red Keep, Samwell guessed that Varys might steal "Littlefinger" away.

  After all, Varys has a "criminal record". In the original book, this spider secretly let go of the "little devil" Tyrion Lannister who was locked in a prison.

  Therefore, he has been sending Falcons to monitor outside the exit of the secret passage, and then he found the whereabouts of these two people.

  After Petyr heard the "little bird" in Samwell's mouth, his first reaction was that Varys had betrayed himself.

  But the next moment he immediately denied this possibility, the eunuch didn't need to play with himself like this.

  "Where are you... taking me?"

  "Of course I'm taking you back to King's Landing, Lord Petyr, you have to attend the trial tomorrow, so you won't be late."

  Petyr's heart felt cold and warm , the summer wind blew past, his body was shivering in cold.

  Only then did he realize that he was completely soaked through.

  Petyr immediately guessed that he should have been taken for a swim in the sea by Samwell.

  But the problem is, his broken arm—

  Petyr quickly lowered his head, and sure enough, he saw that the white cloth bandaging the severed arm had been completely dyed red, and the blood was still dripping , and it had accumulated into a shallow puddle on the boat.

  All of a sudden, Petyr felt a burst of dizziness, and fell back weakly.


  "Sam." Petyr lay on his back, feeling as if all the strength in his body was flowing away with the blood from the wound. He tried his best to concentrate his gradually lax spirit, and begged, "Help me, save me!"

Samwell put down the wooden oar , came to Petyr, grinned and said:

  "Sorry, Lord Petyr, I accidentally let your wound soak in the sea water. I would like to help you deal with it, but unfortunately, I don't know how ."

  "It's very simple, I'll teach you." Petyr resisted the urge to curse, and tried to put on a smiling face, "You first head the sword till red, and then press it on my wound, burning the flesh and blood. The bleeding will stop..."

  "Oh!!, Petyr, why bother." Samwell didn't bother to continue talking with this person, "You know I'm here to kill you. Don't make useless struggles and Save yourself some dignity."

  "Sam, listen to me, don't kill me. I'm useful, I can give you everything you want!"

  " Hahaha!" Samwell laughed, "Petty, you have nothing but give me everything I want? What will you give me?"

  "I have nothing? Hahaha..." Petyr also laughed loudly, "Samwell Caesar, you are so underestimating me . Since you can guess that I killed Jon Arryn and you spread rumors about me and Lysa Tully, can't you see my control over the Vale ?"

Samwell chuckled: " You think that you can control Vale with the help of that orphan and widow ? Even if you marry Lysa Tully, will the nobles of the Vale obey Baelish's orders?"

"Of course I won't just rely on the mother and child .My control over the Vale is far beyond your imagination." Petyr tried his best to seduce, "Want to know? Sam, help me stop the bleeding first."

Unfortunately, Samwell looked at him quietly, indifferent.

  Petyr only felt that his body was getting colder and colder, and the feeling that his life was passing away made him extremely terrified.

  "Sam, listen to me." Petyr had no choice but to continue to show his worth, "I worked as a tax collector in Seagull Town for five years, same way I increased the tax revenue of the largest trading city in the Vale by ten times! To and from the Narrow Sea ,the merchants, Sailors, adventurers, and bankers are all my friends! Do you know how big this power is?

  Those stupid nobles who only know how to wield swords and spears can't understand this power, let alone control it But , I can!"

  Samwell frowned, a little surprised by Littlefinger's vision, did this guy become the spokesperson of the emerging bourgeoisie? However, this is not surprising. After all, the other party can be the Master of coins, and he must be a powerful presence in the economic field.

  Of course, there must be some bragging in it.

  Before the start of industrialization, the so-called bourgeoisie were businessmen with a little money, and their energy was limited.

  Petyr saw that Samwell hadn't moved, so he had to continue to give evidence: "Do you know that the Corbray family in Heartland City is about to go bankrupt? Lord Leonor Corbray wife passed recently, and I introduce him to someone, not a noble lady, but a commoner! A lowly commoner!

  Of course Count Leonor did not agree, but I have seen his struggle and hesitation. Why? It's because that commoner is rich! Believe me, He will agree sooner or later!

  There is also Lord Gerald Grafson of Seagull Town, who has always wanted to give his son to me as a squire, and Lord Lindley of Snakewood City, Lord Wakeley of Candlehole City... They are all caught in the financial crisis and they overcame all thanks to my help!

  Believe me, Sam, I don't need that stupid woman Lysa Tully at all, as long as Jon Arryn is dead, no one in the Vale can stand against me!

At most, that bronze Jon is a bit Trouble, but I have plenty of ways to isolate him...

  so, believe me, Sam, pleasr stop the bleeding!"

  Samwell rubbed his chin, thinking about the information revealed in Petyr's words.

  I have to say that although I know that this person is full of lies, some of the words may be true.

  For example, this person really did not take Lysa Tully as a chess piece very seriously, and he was also merciless when killing that woman in the original book.

  Another example is Earl Leonor Corbray, who indeed married a commoner woman in future and became the laughing stock of the aristocratic circle. This also shows that the Vale noble's may really be on the verge of bankruptcy.

  As for Bronze Jorn, in order to oppose Petyr's custody of young Robert and the right to rule the valley, he did form an "Alliance of the Righteous", but he was drawn in and screwed by Petyr several times.

  "Sam..." Petyr became weaker and more panicked, so he had to continue to reveal the secret, trying to impress Samwell, "Think about it, Jon Arryn promoted me to be the Master of Coins, is it just because I am his vassal? Or is it because Lysa Tully can make that old guy who puts honor above all else compromise? No!

  Jon Arryn understands my worth! He knows this kingdom can't do without me!

  The Iron Throne owes a huge debt of up to six million gold dragons. Do you really think that this was squandered by Robert alone? Do you know that the whole of Westeros is about to usher in a storm!

  Only I... only I can save this!

  Believe me, Sam, your mother is from the Florents, isn't she. I tell you, the foxes in Brightwater are going broke too! The one who married Stannis Fox...Damn it, my brain is so dizzy that I can't even remember her name...But did you know that in order to alleviate her financial difficulties, she turned her back on the belief of the Seven Gods and borrowed money from the followers of the Red God!

  And Hightower in Old Town, regardless of their glory, earns a lot of money from ocean trade, but they don't know the risks at all! As long as a big storm or a rampant pirate attack destroys their fleet..."

  Samwell saw that the other party was getting more and more exaggerated, so he interrupted with a smile:

  "Okay, Petyr, you treat me as a three-year-old child, and a few words can scare me? According to you , is it true that all nobles in Westeros are about to go bankrupt, and can only rely on your support?"

  "You don't understand, you really don't understand... But, Sam, even if you don't believe what I said, you should know the current situation in King's Landing, right? Robert's death was planned by me, and you should have guessed it with your intelligence. "

  "Yes, I guessed it." Samwell saw that Petyr dared to admit such a thing, it seemed that he had lost too much blood and his mind was confused, of course, it might be that there was really nothing he could do, so he could only confess his secret's .

  So Samwell wondered if he could squeeze out more secrets: "So? It's no good for me if you planned this."

"Why not?"

  Petyr said quickly, "Sam, can't you see it? Now the situation in King's Landing is completely under my control. Eddard Stark is a brainless idiot, and Cersei is a desperate lunatic. Every step of theirs is so easy to guess, I can easily play them . As for the 'Red Viper', he is barbarian with only brute force, because... anyway, I can kill him easily. Believe me, believe me, Sam, the city garrison is under my control, and There's the Kingsguard, and there's mine... Really, I'm not kidding you... Don't look at me that way... Really, I could even give you his name... Ser Mandon Moore, Although he was recommended by Jon Arryn, in fact...follow my orders...

  Sam...Sam, as long as you help me, we can control King's Landing and let the situation of the Seven Kingdoms evolve according to our ideas...

  Sam ...I can help you sit on the Iron Throne...

  Sam...save me...save me..."

  Unfortunately, no matter how Petyr tempted him, Samwell remained unmoved.

  And as the blood loss increased, Petyr's eyes began to blur, and his words became more and more illogical.

  Samwell thought about whether to help him deal with the wound, so as to spy more information, but in the next second, he dismissed the idea.

  Samwell really didn't have the time to distinguish whether what Littlefinger said was true or not, and this person was too dangerous, if he was not careful, he might fall into a trap.

  Therefore, it is better for this one of the biggest conspirators in Game of Thrones to die.

  Moreover, only after he die can Samwell could continue his plan.

  After making up his mind, he left Petyr alone , and went back to rowing.

  "Kate...Kate..." Littlefinger's voice became weaker and weaker, and finally he said Catelyn Tully's name.

  Samwell listened silently, and suddenly felt that this was probably the only sincerity in this man's heart.

  Of course, this relationship has also the biggest incentive for this man to become a careerist.

  A little noble fell in love with the Duke's daughter. If it was in a fairy tale, it might become a legend.

  But alas, this is Game of Thrones.

  "Kate...why...don't reply to my...letter..."

  The night fell, reflected in Petyr Baelish's gray-green eyes, and finally completely froze into darkness.


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