
To tired my bones are going to fall off

The photo shoot today was simple. Lin Ye had been given some words to say in front of the camera. She held up the piece of paper as Ye Ling did a bit of touch-up to ensure that she looked good when she started the shoot. 

The studio room was big and it was separated into two. One half was where Nu Yang and Yuan Mu were having their photo shoot and the other was where she would have hers.

The director introduced himself. He was a middle-aged man named Zhe Fungxi. He was an acclaimed director both locally and internationally. 

The two of them introduced themselves with the help of Chu Shuang. 

To say that Chu Shuang had hit the jackpot with this show was an understatement. He had managed to secure the most followed woman in the country to be the star of his show and also managed to have the best director on it, it was a double-win. 

Lin Ye's popularity was going to help the show soar to unbelievable levels. 

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