
Chapter 5: Bell and the Chienthrope

'Fourth day of my transmigration to Orario. And my second day on the job. And gotta say, I got a lot of information last night. All tho the adventurers are dangerous, they provide great information. And Ryuu and Syr helped a little too. And right now I'm taking someone's order. Coincidentally, it was the same man as yesterday.'

"Nice day sir, what do I get you?" I said while looking at him.

"Hmm? It's still early so get me a coffee please. Black." He told me his order to which i noted on my pad.

"Coming right up." I said while walking back to the kitchen. It's still morning and not a lot of people are up yet. Only the adventurers who are going to the dungeon in droves and the shopkeepers, who are setting up their shops.

'And even some adventurers came here to get their lunch for today. Like that Bell I met yesterday. And Syr seems to interact with him a lot too. Maybe that's why Ryuu said that yesterday about Syr worrying about Bell. Oh well, The coffee is ready now so i should give it the the old man.' I thought before taking the little plate with the cup on it, and bringing it to the man.

"Thank you, son" He thanked me.

"Not a problem." I said with a smile. Which seemed to radiate light for the ones around us who saw my smile, while some straight up blushed. But Ryuu came the next moment, the moment she understood the situation. Which was immediately, she glared at all the people who stared at me.

'Wow, Ryuu is a great defence system.' I thought while smiling at her. And when she saw me, she blushed for but a second before returning to her usual face.

"You can take a break Meq. I'll take over. She said to me and then proceeding to walk towards the duo adventurers. They were probably here for their bento box.

'Anyway now that I got a little break, I should organise the information I got yesterday. So first off, I am in a city called Orario, which is also called the centre of the world. This is because of the dungeon, which is also the only dungeon in the world. And the dungeon is right under the cylinder-shaped tower that is called Babel. The city counts 8 districts with the tower right in the middle.

Now the more important and pressing one, familia's. Familia as it says is a sort of family that is under the leadership of a god. The members receive a falna from the god they serve and will then get a status. In the beginning they will be level but thru training and struggle in the dungeon they get excelia. which the falna will absorb or something and you get stronger. And your falna will update too it seems but I don't know how. And if you have enough excelia it then seems you can level up to the next level. But it seems to take a while to level up. Also i found out that there are a lot of familia's and gods but there are 2 who are at the top. Them being the Freya familia with the only level 7 adventurer ottar the king. And then there is the Loki familia who have a multitude of high ranking adventurers like Finn the braver and the up-and coming Ais the sword princess.

hmmm? If i want to become stronger I need a falna and to do that I need to join a familia. How bothersome. I don't know who would want a 12 year old kid. They will shut their door before I even have the chance to speak. But even if join the familia, what will happen with this job? Well I guess I can only take the nightshift and go to the dungeon in the morning. That way I can still work here and go adventuring. Anyway next topic. Gods.

Well I know Marika was a god and I a demi-god. But they don't seem to feel that. Probably because i'm not one anymore. But I can feel them tho. They release divinity. Probably to differentiate them from the mortals.I should ask Ryuu later on how to join a familia. I hope she can help.'

With my thoughts ending i went back to work, before Mama Mia begins to yell again.

Now that some time passed there were more people coming in. I went to the people who just came. I smiled at them.

And like the others, they were dazed.


It took a minute before i talked to them. "Uhm, table for two I presume"

And then the man snapped out of it and nodded. "Uh, yes."

I just nodded and said. "Then follow me."

Then i showed them their table and gave them their order.

"Thank you, Miquella."

"Yes, thank you."

"Hahaha, you're welcome." I said before walking to the next costumer.


After the cafe was closed, we were all cleaning up. I helped of course.

I put more space between the tables, so that if the adventurers were drunk they wouldn't run into each other, and it wouldn't turn physical.

While Ryuu was moving the table and I the chairs, Syr came to us.

"Hey, you guys. Do you want to accompany me to the market area? Mama Mia gave me a list of the things we will need but it's too much for me alone." Syr asked us.

"Sure." Ryuu answered before putting the table in place.

"Yeah sure, we're already done anyway." I said, shuffling the chairs under the table

"Allright!! lets go"

And like that we went to the market area. We bought the things on the list and went back. But as we were walking we walked past someone which i didn't even pay attention to, but then Ryuu spoke up.

"Wait a second, you, little Pallum. Let me see that knife you're hiding in your cloak." She said while looking at me. Giving me a signal with her eyes. [a/n I don't remember how to spell this race and on the wiki it was spelled like this so pls comment if i'm wrong.]

then looked at the knife in her hand and recognised the knife.

'Uh? Isn't that bell's knife?' And I then understood why Ryuu stopped her. Then I gave her a nod, readying my right hand.

"Ryuu?" Syr looked at Ryuu weirdly.

"I want to find out if it belongs to someone I know, who lost theirs" That clearly agitated the stranger as she started to shake a little.

"Y-you must be mistaken. This is mine. I'm sorry, but I can't help you." She said with a quieter voice at the end.

"Alright miss, give it to me. I know of only one guy with a knife of that design. And those markings are special too so I bet no other adventurer will want to invest such resources on a knife. And I'm very certain it's not yours." I said as i fired a disc of light at the knife.

It connected and the knife flew out of the girls hand. "AAHH!!" The knife landed on the ground while the girl ran away.

"Go after the girl, I'll get the knife." I said to Ryuu to which she nodded and went after her. Syr followed after Ryuu.

I just sighed and picked up the knife. 'Hmm, special markings indeed. What a masterpiece. I don't know what it does but it sure is a pretty good ability. Anyway I have to catch up.' I ended my inner dialogue as I went after the others.

After a while I saw them, and I spotted a new figure too. It was of course bell, helping what seemed to be a girl with animal ears.

After helping the girl bell immediately began to panick.

"HEY, have either of you found a knife around here!! It's jet black from top to bottom and it's really really really important to me!!" He exclaimed in one breath.

"Looks like this?" I came out of the alley, approaching the group.

"Huh? Miquella? That's it, my knife." *sniff* *sniff*

'Ah, shit' He began to tear up.

The next moment he rushed at me while crying.

"AAAAAHAHAHAA!! You found it!! Thank you so much Mister Miquella!! You're the best!!" He said while holding my hand.

And i just hit his head.

"No touching too much Bell. And here you go. Now you can go and hold Syr's hand." I said giving Syr a wink. To which she blushed. Amusing Ryuu.

"Please forgive me goddess. I swear I will never drop it again." Bell prayed for some reason but I just ignored it.

"So, where did the Pallum go?" I asked Ryuu.

"I don't know. When I came out of the alley i saw Mister Bell with this Cienthrope." She answered.

'A chienthrope huh?' I thought suspiciously.

"a Pallum? Were you chasing one?" Bell asked.

"Yes, She had your knife" I answered, But I saw the Chienthrope droop. And Syr saw it too.

"Anyway, we should really be going." Ryuu said

"uh? Okay, thanks again." He thanked us

And Syr walked up to the girl, while I went to give bell some advice.

"Bell, seems like you know her. Let me give you a piece of advice. Beware of the girl. Keep an eye on her." I said before walking over to Ryuu and Syr as she also was done talking to the girl. But before I joined them I gave my goodbye's to Bell.

"Stay safe, Bell!!" And he snapped out of his thinking

"Huh? Oh yeah, until next time Miquella" He said before also leaving.

And i joined with the others and asked.

"She was the one who had Bell's knife right? Why didn't you tell him Ryuu." I asked. to which she replied.

"He's too naive. He needs to learn to doubt."

"Yeah, Ryuu is right. Bell is way too innocent" Syr added

"Well, I can't argue with that." With out conversation ending we went back to the pub. And there goes another day



1700 words BABY. WHOO.

I kinda had fun making this one but i want him to join a familia as soon as possible. Right now Loki is first, then Hestia and then Freya. But i think all those famalia's are kinda overused. But I got a comment from 'Cris_Vilas' yesterday and he proposed to make a new god/goddess never seen in the anime or light novel. So as Miq his theme has everything to do with light I searched some gods of light and found the following: Baldur - Norse mythology, Amaterasu - Japanese mythology. Apollo for the greek mythology but he was already in the anime so that's a no no.

So i think I will lean in more to the new god thing. But alas your choice.

AND I SWEAR TO GOD, THE AMOUNT OF TIMES I HAD TO GO BACK AND CORRECT AN i AND TURN IT INTO I IS ASTRONOMICAL!!!! Like how can people write like this!!! We don't have such a stupid rule in my language. BUT I FUCKING BET I SKIPPED SOME!! So if you're someone who is annoyed by this mistake, I'm so sorry about this. But English isn't my main language. But pls leave a comment at the paragraph where I fucked up.

Anyway, thx for reading, hope you enjoyed. Leave a comment, Leave a review. Maybe some stones.


Have some idea about my story? Comment it and let me know.

Endless_snowcreators' thoughts
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