


A murmur crawls up between my lips as my hand tries to reach out to him. Not even a glimpse can be seen. Where am I? Didn't we just teleport? "Verena, wake up" A voice echoes. Confusing me. Where is the voice coming from? All I see is the darkness conquering me. 

"Amedeo, where are you?" I throw a query back. Only to receive a silent response. "Amedeo?" I wander off, although I can see nothing. Just like a blind person, I stroll around while attempting to feel the surrounding. But it is just air. It feels like I a floating on the sky. "Verena?"

Amedeo's voice permeates into my eyes. "Shit, this is not supposed to happen" A faint whisper from him comes up. What? Did he realize the situation now? "Amedeo!" From the top of my lungs, I shout. Panic starts to crawl on my spine. "Verena, can you hear me?"

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