
Crazy And Obsessed.

"Good! I never liked that girl anyway." Emma brushed off, sure that Ana would have a plan.

She was exhausted after Luke's interrogation but she was glad that Ana had acted enough like crazy for Luke to believe her lies.

She sat on the chair without caring if Ana was still standing near the window. She had eaten poison for the woman, the woman should be accommodating.

"Hmm, I knew you would volunteer for the task." Emma's eyes snapped open and all the exhaustion left her shocked body at once.

She glared at Ana who was sitting on the table and writing the letters again.

"I will not.." The door opened and all three of her maids entered at once followed by Luke who titled his head and stared at flushed Emma.

His brow raised in question when Emma bowed her head. Ana noticed fear in the young girl's eyes. The fear she did not see on her face even when she was poisoned.

Luke walked closer. He touched Emma's back as if soothing her.

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