
Patience Is Necessary To Achieve the Grand Cause

Right now, the conflict is still going on. 

A year wasted is a year late to unify.

So, not all measures could be implemented perfectly and there would be mistakes and there would be errors.

But they must do the best they can with the circumstances that they are in. 

The measure that Aeryon wanted to establish was the system of checks and balances.

Double agents to monitor loyalty and have severe consequence for betrayal to deter disloyalty.

A lot like a secret Internal Affair department.

But Mayeux proposed that this department should not be established fully at this moment.

All of this takes time.

It is not like a game where you built and agency and then next day, there is already qualified personnel.

All of this takes time.

It is the same for the spy agency and the same for the department surrounding it.

Not only it needs time, it also need resources.

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