

She lowered her head into a bow to the king and her brother glanced at the two, knowing why his father was looking at her dumbstruck and she smiled at the king as Sora glanced at her with her eyes narrowed, knowing something was not right with what she was seeing, even Yuna sensed something in the air but didn't want to pry. 

"Your Highness, my name is Seraphina, I believe the prince told you about our purpose for coming here?" Myalis asked and the king glanced at the young man who nodded and the king exhaled deeply before smiling a little. 

"Yes, he did, welcome to our home and thank you, for saving his life, I appreciate your actions beyond words," He said with a gentle smile one that Myalis missed seeing. 

She knew he was not her real father but that didn't mattered, he loved her as his own and deep down she knew it, he didn't care about blood relations. 

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