

'Do I look good?' Jackal gulps drily. 'It's not about looks.' He chants, 'It's about being presentable and er… what did Roberta use to say? Hm? Ah, yes. I have to look comforting. But how the hell do I look like that?'

The date with Syr did not count in his mind, so Jackal wanted to make a good impression— Not as Eina's senior or Rose's junior but as a potential partner. Since he set his mind on enjoying the fantasy setting for all its cliches, he would settle for nothing less than an awesome Harem.

His get-up includes a breezy grey tunic with the v-neck of the article stitched loosely by black threads and a pair of dark brown ankle-long trousers touching the hood of his boots. Knowing that Eina likes a man with combed hair, Jackal parted his hair 3/4th but did not slick them down and instead afforded himself a more casual look.

Amor Square, a popular meeting spot in the southwest main street of Orario is as busy as it is in the evening. He finds men like him, in their freshest outfits waiting around the fountain spot, wherever his gaze flicks over. At times beautiful women wearing frilled skirts or elaborate tops would locate their partner and meet with them cheerily. He even discovers a few men and women grumbling under their breath before leaving with glum looks.

Now he has similar fears. What if he gets stood up? Eina wanted to meet here instead of at her doorstep so he could do nothing about it. What if Eina or Rose, or both have an emergency that needs their attention, and he is left stranded?

Because of such fears, Jackal carries his trusty Frollet that holds even more frollets!

'I will just go to the Dungeon!' He covers his base. With the breaks prearranged for the dungeon dive in the first place, he loses out on nothing.

'But having my first date in barely a month~ Who knew all I needed to get lucky was to die?' He tickles his sick sense of humor while waiting for the duo.

The soft greeting of the other partners creates a cheery atmosphere in the square. The sweet morning only makes others more comfortable stepping out of their routine and enjoying the joys of life for as long as they can afford to. Late morning's light would bounce off the beautiful fountain with the statue of a thinly veiled woman holding a pot over her shoulders to create a dance of refraction around the pavement.

Marked with a concentration of cafes, Amor Square presents a scenic view and good spots for most adventurers and their dates. They can find their privacy nearby easily and enjoy the comfort of their beloved.

This type of location is hard to come by in other towns and cities— or so he used to hear from other adventurers who traveled to Orario from distant lands.

'Now that I think about it… the item from Jack Bird would easily peddle in this sort of environment.'

A specific item that Jackal has no business showing to Miach resurfaces in his mind. The bird really presented an item with a strange taste. Even the usual rowdy Jackal did not pull that item out.

'I could find lonely men who got stood up and show them a great time.'

Jackal muses. He hadn't tried that item himself, and chances are that it should be used for something else, but its shape leaves a lot to be interpreted.

In his thoughts, Jackal catches sight of red from the corner of his eyes and looks in that direction to find Eina walking beside Rose as the former waves at him with a smile.

'Huff… glad I didn't have to use that item myself.'

Jackal takes the chance to observe their outfits as they cover the distance between them. He feels simply lackluster about the look he mustered using all three of his brain cells— two more than Loki.

Eina's glasses are gone. Since she is not stumbling at every step, she must be wearing some sort of contact lenses. A light green half-sleeve shirt is tucked into her navy-plated skirt with sea-green lining. Her skirt drapes over half the length of her thighs as dark grey stockings cover the remaining portions of her legs. Eina's outfit is as simple as his, but she arguably pulls it off better.

Rose, on the other hand, is a whole different beast. Her long red hair is pulled back into a lone ponytail with wavy locks framing her face to hide the fuzzy bits on the side of her head that extend to her fluffy ears.

A cut-sleeved black top with a rounded-off neck and slated camel-brown trousers make her stand out. Her usually fuzzy and messy wolfish tail is clearly brushed slickly and sways with each step.

Jackal smiles back as he shakes off his irrelevant fears and waves back. He is already here. If his outfit is truly lacking in their eyes, he'll just make up through other means.

"Hey, looking good!" Jackal grins, but he curses his existence.

'Fuck! Talk about giving a good impression!'

"You, too," Eina surprises him with a natural smile as she looks at him before adding, "You wouldn't want to compete in the outfits with us now, would you?"

"Nope, I learned my lesson with Lili," Jackal eases a bit.

'It is surprisingly… Easy? Is it supposed to be easy?'

"I will only compete when I can grow cat, dog, or wolfish features," He chuckles and finds them freezing for a moment. But paying no attention, he takes this chance to greet them properly.

"It is nice to see you two."

"You, too," Rose snaps out of her thoughts and smiles softly. Her glimmering yellow eyes regard him warmly, and the base of her glossily brushed tail twitches briefly.

"You didn't wait long, did you?" Eina questions and looks around. Her gaze would find other girls hugging their partners openly. She quickly averts her gaze and smiles at Jackal again.

"Not really," Jackal shrugs, "I just didn't want you two to keep waiting, so I got here a bit early. Should we go eat something?"

Rose and Eina glance at each other before Eina grins, "Not hungry!"

'But… I am.'

"And you?" He looks at Rose.

"I woke up early and had a meal," Rose contemplates before tilting her head, "How about we buy snacks we can enjoy while walking?"

Eina's gaze glints with approval, and she supplants, "Indeed. Let's look around. The cafes here are a rip-off. We don't want you to waste your hard-earned income now that you are trying to make it on your own."

For a second Jackal recalls how much he has wasted on Mama Mia's ale. But in his defense— You never refuse when Mia personally fills your mug.

For a moment, silence filters in between them. Hanging out with each other should have been easy but calling it a date just makes all three of them feel more awkward. And it is now that he has to admit that the thing with Syr was a date. A comfortable one, no less.

'How did she do it?...'

He tries to glean the secret of the universe held by the playful waitress before realizing something.

'She played me like it was a usual day, not a Date… huh.'

Grinning suddenly, Jackal lets go of his inhibitions— maybe a disastrous move to someone else, but Jackal would try it nonetheless. If he gets rejected, so be it.

"I hope you know a fun spot to hang out at then," He smirks at the duo. Seeing that they are as awkward as him only helps as he bends his arms on his sides in an inviting gesture to link each other's arms.

"Come on. We'll stop by every stall on the way! I only had this date in my mind that I didn't think to eat before coming."

He had indeed planned a bit. For instance, he had picked out a cafe they would find a seat in…

To be honest, that is it. He has no other game, but that's where boldly paving a path for experience becomes paramount. Mistakes build experience.

Eina and Rose glance at each other while a figure hiding her pink hair in the distance gazes intensely and pumps her fists!

'Do it!'

And she squeaks joyously internally when Eina links to his left arm and Rose connects to his right arm.

'I underestimated Jackal-senpai! He is rather bold! How lucky for them~!'

Meanwhile, on the opposite side but equally distant from the couple, two hooded figures observe Eina and Rose hug Jackal's arm and leave the area.

"Syr? Is it really the best use of our time?" Ryuu whispers under the hooded cloak, "Mama will get angry…"

"Grrrr! Let her!" Syr snarls cutely and willfully. "I will take the burden of whatever chore Mama punishes you with! This is important, Ryuu! Look at that man… asking two women out at once!"

Ryuu rolls her eyes under her cloak.

"I really don't think this is right," The elf voices doubt again.

"No, it is fine," Syr huffs. "We are just protecting him. Don't you like how he would cheer Mama with his antics and take over your portion of dishes from time to time."

"Because you get him that drunk!"


"It is extremely relevant. Jackal-san should have some privacy…"

Syr looks back with her grey-blue eyes as wide as they can be. The sheer pity Syr's gaze would evoke from others melts Ryuu a bit, and she sighs softly.

"Fine, you always find time to miss out on work."

"Hmm~ Thanks, Ryuu!" The cloaked Syr gets in for a quick hug that Ryuu doesn't shy away from despite being an elf and releases another sigh.

"Are we going to follow him all day?"

"God, no!" Syr shivers, "Mama would skin us if we miss the evening rush. We… we just have a date of our own for the time being~ Isn't that fun?"


"How cruel!"

— — —

2 Hours Before the Date.

"Just to be clear!"

Misha crosses her arms and sticks her nose in the air haughtily.

"You two want my help. So, you two will listen and do what I instruct!"

Her gaze sweeps over Eina and Rose on their chairs, dressed in loose and comfortable pajamas.

Eina did not want Jackal to pick her up from her house because she spent the night at Misha's, and Rose joined them early morning.

The crumbs of bread they feasted on could still be seen sticking to the corner of their lips, but Rose pays it no heed due to the topic.

"Yes, yes," Eina does not argue. "You are more experienced than us. But this isn't any date of that kind! We want to talk to Jackal-san privately and confirm that he isn't acting too rashly."

"Could have done that in his home!" Misha grins. "But noooooooo!" she drawls teasingly. "Eina wanted a little payback~ He kept you up some nights, so you're going to reciprocate, hmm?"

The pinkette wags her brows and then cups her chin, "Honestly, Jackal-senpai looks more like a treat every passing day. And the fact that he is the same age as us but got into the job early only paints him in a better light."

Looking down at the uncomfortable half-elf, Misha giggles, "You wouldn't mind if I hitch myself to his wagon, would you? Our Senpai does want a harem."

Eina scoffs and looks away with cheeks packed with air.

"Do whatever you like. Can we just get on with this?"

"In a minute," Misha hums and looks at the silent Rose.

"Rose-senpai… didn't you go on a few dates before? Why ask me what you should be doing?"

Rose seriously considers the question and frowns. She isn't shy by any means, but her emotions are hard to rouse. And this has been a problem for some time now.

"They never talk," Rose sighs. "After the first date, they lose interest in me. I don't know why."

Misha exhales a weary sigh.

'A romantically awkward half-elf and a werewolf senior who probably scared away all her suitors with her silent glare. Now the two of them will team on poor Jackal, who is somehow filled with life in these few weeks. Yeah, it's tough.'

"Let's start with outfits! I'll give you a few tips as you try on some of your clothes."

And so it began.

Misha's long, long tenure of counseling anyone in need of scoring an entertaining date— Certified by the fluffy goodness of Rose Fannett.

— — —

'I'm doing it!' Jackal's chest puffs out unconsciously. He has surpassed his previous life's accomplishments by having two beautiful women in his arms.

Sorry, Roberta. Your Honey Bunny is going on a romantic adventure! Thank you for everything!

The trio attracts mediocre attention.

A harem is many adventurers' dream, and the noblest of these men have accomplished such goals to some extent. Even Finn is a man dabbling in this culture and would have succeeded if he didn't have an amazonian chip on his shoulder.

"Are you two sure you don't want to eat anything?" He questions and looks to his sides oddly.

They stopped in front of many stalls, but it has only been him who ate snacks.

Eina and Rose share a glance before recalling Misha's advice.

'Don't eat anything that will make you gas up or uncomfortable. You're planning to spend the entire day together, right? Eat and drink only during lunch. But of course, when Jackal-senpai offers you to eat something, don't shoot it down snappily. Do it politely and considerately. And if Jackal-senpai offers nothing, dump his ass!'

"It's fine," Rose takes the polite approach. "You can eat all this bloaty stuff."

It comes across as rude seamlessly. A sassy talent in the making, this one.

Eina's lips part open, but before she can come up with an excuse, Jackal laughs, "Don't worry! That's my plan! When I go to the dungeon tonight, I'll have another weapon in my arsenal— Bio-Chemical Warfare!"

Rose gives a faint smirk in response.

'THAT worked?' Eina rolls her eyes internally.

No way this is normal behavior on a date.

"So you two wanted to ask me some stuff, right?" Jackal breaches the topic, "Should we find a good spot to settle for now?"

Eina considers the proposition for a moment and nods.

"It's not anything serious, but… it has just been hard to not have a proper conversation." Eina admits and smiles, "But I don't want this to be the reason why we cannot enjoy our time off from work."

"Oh, sure. I don't mind easing your worries. It's just a couple of questions, right? Besides, I would feel super bummed out if you two didn't worry the least bit about me."

"Given our collective experiences, I imagined you dying the first week. To be precise— a war shadow." Rose muses aloud.

"Rose-senpai!" Eina shoots Rose a glance, and the werewolf inclines her head with an embarrassed look.

"I did not mean anything bad—"

"No worries. This happened to Jun fellow, right?" Jackal shrugs, "Again, I get it. That's why I am eager to answer your doubts. Then we can enjoy the rest of the afternoon and evening!"

Feeling more than appreciative, both the girls discuss where to settle in temporarily while Jackal stops for another crepe.

Eventually, they travel to Harvest Garden— A garden maintained by the Demeter Familia within the pie-block between North Main and Northeast Main streets.

Unlike traditional gardens, the Harvest Garden boasts a beautiful grape yard that grows all kinds of berries. It is divided into four sections surrounding the central hill where the visitors can rest, bask in the sunlight, and gaze at the neat rows of plants from a higher point of view.

The trio locates a good spot in the central hill. Had Jackal known their destination beforehand, he would have stored a bedsheet in his frollet. However, Eina comes in the clutch with her own frollet.

'Now that we purchased our Frollet each, always keep an extra set of clothes and underpants. Also, store good stuff like scented candles to set a romantic mood in the evening if needed and extra hand towels, sheets, and the kind. Who knows when you may need it!'

Eina wasn't sure what Misha did on her dates, but she must have had some wild experiences to come with all this knowledge.

"So, let me start," Rose begins the moment they sit. Her fuzzy red ears perk attentively, and she looks at Jackal seriously.

"Are you taking appropriate safety measures in terms of weapons and emergency items that can help you buy some time in emergencies?"

"I am. And when Lili tags along, she can help a lot by scavenging the magic stones. And as we are well aware, dungeon prowling comes with an unavoidable risk. For that reason, I only step down a floor when I am absolutely sure of my strength."

"How are you sure of your strength and skills?" Eina couldn't help but question.

"My skill," Jackal replies. "It allows me to compare myself to the monsters of the dungeon. So, when I beat a specific species 10 vs 1, I am sure I can deal with something better than that. But I'm not talking about brute might. I am talking about their advantages. For instance, Killer Ants have hard shells. Once I dealt with 10 of them at once I grew sure I could take on a Hard Armored or two."

Jackal keeps his answers clear and concise, unlike his usual crack responses. If they can be kind enough to go out with him, he can most certainly return the favor by being sincere and appealing to their trust in him with genuine responses.

Eina looks thoughtful. She then continues. "Is there no way we can know about your Familia?"


"What about your beef with Soma Familia? That was more than rash." Rose sighs softly. "That was far too dangerous."

"Yeah… I was too pissed at that moment," Jackal clicks his tongue before smiling, "But you should have been there. I pummelled Soma."

"That's not what I meant. Jackal… you weren't like this before. You crippled the familia members. Even for a change in behavior from either falna or a skill… that is too drastic. I… I'm worried," Rose's ears drop slightly as she gazes at the rows of berries planted in front of them. "I'm worried that you have experienced something… harsh. Something unforgiving."

Jackal looks at her and then at Eina.

"Was that it?" He questions Eina, "Was that the root of your worries, too?"

To be frank, even in the guild, he was closest to Rose and Eina. Rose mentored him, and he, in turn, mentored Eina despite the startling lack of age difference. He simply joined the Guild earlier because of his stellar interview.

Others might accept him as is because his interactions with others started when he arrived in this world.

Eina and Rose are different.

"The first few days I kept on believing that you were abusing some substance," Eina thins her lips and averts her gaze, "Sorry."

"Man, that's a tough one," Jackal lays on the sheet and crosses his hands behind his head.

"Can I skip this question?"

"You can," Rose smiles, "But you would also be breaking your implied promise of relieving us of our immediate worries. And I was led to believe you never break your promises."

Jackal tosses her an unamused look before rolling his eyes.

"It's not trauma, guys. If you'd believe me, I am happy to be alive. Yeah, I'm not the same old Jackal. I can't just declare that I am better than I was before even if I feel like it. I guess you will have to accept my change as a fact."

"A fact?" Eina furrows her brows.

"A fact," Jackal nods. "I changed. That's all. That's a fact. If that is truly unbearable to the two of you… it is also an acceptable response. I truly hope it doesn't, but I'm not that glaringly stupid to not understand that you might not like this change."

"It's not that," Eina sighs and lays beside him. She gazes at the canopy of the tree they settled under and smiles. "I really enjoy your bento. That didn't happen before. I also like how you stood up for Lili. But I didn't like what you did to the rest of the Soma Familia. I… It's as you say. I may have to accept it as a fact. Any chance that you'll tell us the reason why? Even if you brush it off… we're not inept to understand that such changes come with a reason."

"Who knows. Maybe if we go on more dates I just might~" Jackal snickers and then adds,

"And why do you think I fed you with Bento? Girl, that was all part of my plan! I'll leave you addicted to my taste, and then you will have to ask for more!"

Eina scoffs loudly and looks away. Her slightly longer pointed ears flush red.

"Your bento is getting better," Rose admits, and a little envious, for god knows why, she decides to lay beside him. Unwilling to press and dishevel the fur of her tail, she lies on her side facing Jackal. Her nose twitches unconsciously as she takes in his scent and flushes for a moment.

"I hope you two are less worried from now on."

"Actually," Eina smirks, "I won't have any reason to worry from now on."

Jackal glances at her in annoyance as she continues to stare back smugly.

"So you're saying I should come back injured?" Jackal huffs.

"What? No!"

"I expected you to be a better professional," Rose comments in a muted tone as Eina flinches. Now it's Jackal's turn to smirk smugly.

"Fine!" Eina relents with a scowl. "Just because you're practically saving me a small fortune by taking care of my lunch!"

"And just like that, you have fallen into my trap!"

Rose looks at the bickering duo with a smile. She doesn't like to speak much, but that does not mean she avoids her emotions like a plague. It just means that whatever she feels is simply far more genuine. The peaceful moment lasts for a short while until—


A stomach rumbles in defiance.

Eina and Jackal stop and look at Rose whose stoic face betrays nothing. But the pink dusting on her cheeks and her tail stiff in embarrassment says a lot.

"I change my mind… maybe it is time to eat something." Rose hums calmly. She is the senior. She will never lose face.


*Narrator Voice*

She lost face.


Alternate Title: Syr Guides Jackal, Misha Guides the Girls; The Date Stalkers! Ryuu: Not me!; Pulling two Women; Mistakes Build Experience; Never do Bloat on a Date; The Building Bio-Chemical Warfare to be Unleashed on Monsters; Genuine Response; A Fact of Change; Jackal's Keikaku!; The Rizz Bento; Rose Could Maybe but Most Definitely Go For Lunch; Unwilling to Lose Face; Losing Face; His Scent; Her Stomach


Psst, hey, wanna join the dark side and share some powerstones? If yes, follow the path of your seniors!—

TrademarkDZ, Chase, and Markbeanz!!

Read 15 advance chapters here—

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