
His Hurt

It came again… the tune. Resonating in my head like a repeated rhythm.

The tune… and then the images played, I stood in that same hall of trees, but this time I didn't linger long, I walked in hopes of reaching the end of it, a desperate cause of the action for the pull was too strong. I walked further and the more I did the tune got louder, I could almost get the sound of it... almost.

It was someone vocalizing, no… not just one person but more.

Suddenly everything starts to fade and with a blink from me, the whole image and connection are gone. Everything was lost to the deep ends of my mind.

But this time I didn't forget.

I flicked my eyes open, and everything began blurry but with several blinks my vision cleared and I met with a familiar bed ceiling.

I'm back home?

I subconsciously gripped the bed and turned to my side, finding William sitting there, a smile instantly found my lips.

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