


Lots and lots of blood.

That was all she could see staring at her hands. Fair and pristine, yet those hands were covered in the blood of more than a thousand souls. 

They were clean of course, she would always meticulously wash them, but still, the taint remained. The crimson liquid haunted her, a relentless spectre that brought on sleepless nights.

A light November breeze blew, whispering of the cold night that lay ahead. One most definitely filled with angst. 

Alas, she couldn't lay there thinking to herself forever, she had a job to do, and she was going to get it done. 

Raising the hood of her black bodysuit and mask over her nose, she left only her icy blue eyes visible. They had repeatedly been the last thing her victims saw, and she intended to keep it that way.

With light agile movements, she scaled her way down to the balcony of the penthouse suite below her, and in only a matter of minutes, let herself in. 

She sat, blending into the darkness, waiting for her prey. 

Her prey didn't disappoint, only a short while had gone by before the owner of the suite arrived. 

He was a beer-bellied old man with a fetish for having young girls pleasure him despite being married with grown children. As he was also the manager of a successful construction company, he was wealthy and held a hefty sum of shares in his company. 

To her, however, all that didn't matter, he would still end up like all her other victims.

Pale and lifeless. 

He walked in drunk and with two skimpy-dressed women hanging by his arms. 

The lights clicked on in the room and sharp gasps rang out. They were all paralyzed with fear upon noticing her casually perched on the sofa.

"Hello Mr Wang", her voice rang out breaking the silence

Dropping the origami Lily in her hands on the table, she slowly stood up and walked towards them savouring her time.

The two women took off running for their lives, but she paid them no heed, her business lay with the man, and she would soon be done anyway. 

All traces of alcohol had been wiped off from the man's eyes as he stared at her, fear etched into every crevice of his face. 

"Wh-who are you, wh-what do you want from me?", he grew paler with every word and she watched beads of sweat roll down his face,

She remained silent as if she hadn't heard him. There was a dead look in her eyes as she kept her gaze trained on him. She watched his eyes nervously dart to the door behind him, he was hoping to make a run for it.

"You cannot delay the inevitable Mr Wang, so I suggest you don't torment yourself"

She wasted no time after that, and there was soon a dagger hurling through the air in the direction of his eyes.

It missed by a hair's breadth connecting with the door behind him but hadn't left him unscathed. Blood slowly dripped from the long slit by the side of his face, and the phone hidden behind him fell to the ground.

He soon joined his phone on the floor, writhing and gasping from the lack of oxygen. The wooden floor soiled crimson as life oozed out in a bright red river from his mouth, nose and upturned eyes.

She remained indifferent to the gory sight before her, and she watched calmly as his life force slowly drained out from him. 

She felt empty as she stared at him holding on to his last ounce of life, " Also before I forget, your wife says goodbye"

She walked past him as he finally gave up, she removed her dagger and sheathed it back carefully. She walked back to her origami lily, gently caressing its paper petals and laying it on the murky pool of blood beside him. 

The lily absorbed the blood, tinting itself red as it danced slowly over the shiny liquid.

Her job was done.

She climbed back out to the balcony and disappeared back into the expanse of darkness stretched out before her.

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