
481 Global Law

Wolfe poured everyone a coffee, and the foreign Sergeant Priya reluctantly returned to her seat.

"Who is in charge of the Demon? I don't know about this continent, but it is considered a criminal offence in Luangan to allow your Familiar to attack others." She demanded, still not getting the memo from her superior that she was in real trouble.

"In charge of the Demon? You are misunderstanding something. The Demon is the one in charge here. He is the most powerful one among us, and he is the one that defends our village from attacks." Priya explained with an evil smile.

Team Leader Sylvana silenced her subordinate with a spell before she could go on a rant and then sipped her coffee to mentally prepare herself.

"This is good. Magically grown, I take it? That's such a rare thing these days." She sighed, then sipped again on the coffee.

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