What had just happened?
I tried to think where things went wrong but could not find where I made the mistake. I thought back on the days leading to now to see if I missed something.
Celeste had gone to her friends bachelorette party and was staying in a remote island. The people who were watching her for me reported she landed safely. I was concerned about her going because having events like these was not super common back home.
The most a bride would do would be a quiet dinner with friends. I wondered if she would be as wild as the other women of her country would be at these events. I could not picture it. She exuded class and grace that made me think she stood above behaving that way.
As much as I wanted to get reports on her activity my parents had arrived instead. I knew they were coming but I did not anticipate Celeste having an event during the time they would be here. My parents in particular my mother had been begging to meet her. I figured since we would get married anyways meeting them now would not be a big deal.
"Oh I can't wait to see her. Is she really a red head? I heard her paternal family is known for their hues." Ever since I was a young boy her family has been a point of discussion for my mother. She once told me in secret that her family wanted to marry her off to Celestes father but he turned out to already have been married so he was off the market.
She did not have any particular feelings for him but rather craved the power and money we would gain. So when the opportunity presented itself, my father and mother like wolves hunted for a chance to go for the neck.
I was hesitant but upon receiving her information and meeting her in person, she was everything I wanted.
My parents arrived and took the day to relax and get used to the time difference. I drove them around using the spots from our first date to showcase the city. "The city is much larger than I was anticipating. It is truly a different culture than home isn't it mio figlio." My parents did not want to eat out so we made food in my home.
"Your mother is right if our daughter in law wanted to stay here would you agree?" My father was a man of few words but when he does speak, he hits you with difficult words to ingest. My future with my wife. I have thought about it many times and I was not entirely opposed to staying here. It would be a different lifestyle but my work often includes me traveling. So Celeste being near family may be useful.
"Marito! Are you crazy? Of course he would come home. I can already tell you are considering being here because it would be closer to her family. But trust me, your wife would have a much easier time living at our home than here. Besides I will be there to help her and be her support and friend."
I never went against my mother, so what she says is what will happen. "I see." 'Maybe she is right, if she stays she will have time to see that boy.' That was my other concern. I figured because between the time she and her ex broke up to now, no other man has been in her life. So I assumed she was too untouchable for any regular man.
But when we walked into the diner for breakfast and I saw his eyes. When I saw the way he looked at her I knew he loved her. I have never seen such honest eyes, he stared at her as if she was the whole universe. Wrath coursed in my veins, how dare he covet what was not his to take.
That memory reminded me of that man also being in the wedding party. Would they cross paths? I decided to text Celeste but she never ended up responding. I figured maybe she was busy but that irritation stayed in my heart.
I anticipated her being home a few days later but was shocked to hear she came back early. My eyes and ears who watched her did not know why but some emergency occurred it seemed. As worried as I was my parents kept me occupied from reacting right away. My mother had started making lunch so when I helped her I missed seeing that Celeste was coming.
It all went downhill after. She came but then left angrily. Claiming we were over. "Dante my son are you ok?" In anger, once Celeste had left I ran off to my office.
"I need some time alone mother." I tried to control my anger because it was not directed at her and also if she heard a slight hint of yelling, she would go ballistic on me. I heard some muttering on the other side and soon my fathers voice broke through. "Come out when you are ready."
Their footsteps faded out. Leaving me alone with my thoughts.
"This can't be right. She was fine taking me to a friends wedding as a date, that can't mean she felt we were rushing things." I felt a headache forming. No woman has ever made me feel as frustrated as I was right now.
My phone rang interrupting my spiral but the distinctive ringtone stole my attention. It was the people keeping an eye on her. "Young master, we have a report." I lied down on the sofa, hoping to ease my anger away. "What is it?"
"The young lady has made some strange movements. I confirmed she visited the young master of the Cortez household prior to coming here." That sentence made me shoot up from the couch as if I was electrocuted.
Thats it. I knew she would not say something out of nowhere. He said or did something to her. Though my heart was racing a million miles the hour, my voice was calm and steady. "I see. Where is she heading now?"
A few flipping of pages was heard on the other end of the line. "She went home." I assumed she might return to him but she did not. Which meant there was hope to change her mind.
new chapter! thank you to those who have kept up so far with the story :) it means a lot to me!