
Chapter 20

"It been three months since your brothers were given the mission to bring back the magic stone from that village and there have not been any message from them ever since. Tell me, Hamon, Why is that?"

The white-haired man said in a gentle voice but you could see the irritation in his eyes even if he tried to conceal them from the man kneeling in front of him.

"I have no idea, Licht-sama. The village you sent them to has indeed been destroyed, we searched the entire area but couldn't find the stone which meant they completed the mission. We also found traces of battle which also means they encountered something."

"Are you sure your brothers didn't betray us, Hamon?"

"Hanson and Ingres will never betray you, Iicht-sama. After all, we owe you our lives."

None of them had the idea that the group they were talking about have indeed encountered something and that something or someone killed them because they had faith in the strength but that was soon about to be shattered.


The massive door of the room was suddenly pushed open and a man walked in.

"Master Licht, we have new information about the whereabouts of Hanson and his group."

"Really, that's great news. How did you find them?"

"One of our members has the tracing or tracking magic attribute which allows him to track down anyone as long as he has something of them and I gave him some things that belong to Hanson and his men but he couldn't trace them."

"Huh! What do you mean he couldn't track them, you just said you have news on the whereabouts of my siblings."

"That's because I do, I know what happened to them. The only limitation of the Tracking magic is that the user can't find anything that is not alive which also means Hanson and his crew are no longer among the living."

"No, it can't be possible to. How can they be killed and who is strong enough for them in that forsaken realm even a magic knight captain can't survive a fight with those two so how."

Hamon had a breakdown as wondered to himself in shock and he wasn't the only one because Licht was also shocked at the news.

"What did they encounter that they couldn't escape from? Did they meet a magic knight captain, no that's impossible. What will a knight captain be doing at the edge of the forsaken realm."

Licht couldn't think of anything that could have killed those people because they were one of their group's strongest teams with the five of them having strength that either matched or surpasses magic knight captains yet they are dead.

"You people should investigate the cause of their death and report to me anything that you find useful."

Licht quickly dismissed Hamon and the other guy to leave the room and right after they did another person came out of a portal.

The is a young man with a red tattoo on his left cheek and patches of white hair in his messy black hair. Under his hair hides a third eye in the middle of his forehead.

"Do you know who killed them? Ryha."

Licht asked the person who came out of the portal whose name is Ryha.

"From what I found on the battlefield, they did encounter someone strong and that person also has the stone."

Ryha answered in a somewhat lazy tone as if he doesn't care but deep down he too was wondering about the identity of the person who killed them.

"We need to retrieve the other stones while the investigation to the identity of the killer is being conducted."

"If you say so."

Ryha nodded to Licht's words and opened a portal for them to entered.

Meanwhile, back in Hamon's chamber you could see a giant ancient magic circle drawn on the floor and in the middle of the circle was Hamon with a dark expression on his face. He had an ancient-looking scroll in his right hand while a family photo of him and his brothers in the other hand.

"They have to pay for killing you, Hanson, Ingres. But I can't avenge you without knowing who killed you so dear brothers, help me find your killer."

Hamon placed the photo in the middle of the circle and went out of it before opening the ancient scroll to reveal an ancient spell inside it.

This ancient spell is a type of forbidden spell that deals with the souls of the dead. The spell pulls the souls of a dead target into the body of the caster and shares the memories of the dead souls with the caster but the consequences of using this spell are enormous. The caster will have his soul corrupted the long the dead souls stays inside them and some also lose their sanity after the spell is used but those who retain some clarity will no longer be human because they will be physically deformed.

Hamon decided to use this spell because of his anger for the death of his siblings and also because he can somehow survive and still be a human. Hamon was born with the magic attribute of body modification which allows him to modify the body of any living thing according to his desires, he can even combine two bodies to create a new one and the only limitation is that he can't turn an animal into a complete human and also a human into a complete animal so he modified his mind to withstand the knowledge of the dead souls.

"I call upon the gates of the soul realm..."


Hamon began chanting the spell in an ancient language and the wind and the room started to pick up and became heavier and colder with every word that left his mouth until the room was completely frozen.


The magic circle on the floor then release a blinding white light that illuminated the room and when it died down, the was a floating hollow gate above the circle.



The hollow gate was the gate to the soul realm or the realm of the dead. The gate quickly opened and two souls were ejected out that entered Hamon's body.

Hamon became dazed the moment the souls entered him as the memories of the souls flooded into his mind and luckily for him the information he wanted was about the killer so it only took a minute and the souls of Hanson and Ingres went back into the soul realm before the gate, magic circle and the scroll disappeared.

Although it took a minute to finish the memory transfer, Hamon's soul and mana were still corrupted and his body also started to transform.

Pitch-black demonic horns protruded from his head and his body also started twisting and turning as he started transforming from the handsome he is to an ugly creature.


"Body modification: Body transformation."

Hamon fell to the ground and screamed in pain as his body went through the transformation but he was able to cast a spell on his body before the transformation was completed. His body glowed a little bit before his body returned to its normal appearance but there were still the two demonic horns on his head.

"*Huff* *Huff* I may not... be as strong as you... but that doesn't I will give up. *Huff* You just wait for me, strange boy."

Hamon got up from the ground and muttered to himself as he found the killer but he knew he was not the opponent of the boy so he decided to prepare himself until he is strong enough.



Meanwhile, back at Hekylo village Madara was currently sleeping in his room when he suddenly got up and sneezed.

"Who is thinking about me at this time of the night, could it be Charlotte?"

Madara wondered and although he was right about that, the person who made him sneeze wasn't her.

He went back to sleep after thinking about it for a few seconds.


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