
Chapter 107. Mineshaft

I hit once, and the block broke, I hit again and I got the same results, I did this for a while until I suddenly stopped, took out a torch and placed it on the right wall, then back to breaking blocks.

That's what I've been doing the whole day, or at least that is how much I think passed, it's very hard to tell the passing of time when I'm underground.

But since I've worked so hard results were plentiful.

Unfortunately, I was starting to get tired, but I didn't want to take a break until I found an unexplored cave system.

So that's what I did for the next few hours until finally, I arrived at a dark cave.

"Finally! I can take a break."

I blocked the newly made hole and started to dig around, in a few minutes I had two large rooms where I could comfortably move around.

"This should be a good place to make a temporary base, I need to repair my diamond pickaxe as well."

While I have a small amount of experience with breaking certain ores, it's not enough for my tool to be fully repaired, that's why I decided to make a furnace room.

With this, I can smelt the ores and repair my tool, two birds with one stone.

I already have experience with doing something like this, and stone is the one block that I don't lack, or more exactly deep slate stone.

I placed the Crafting table down, then a bed and a double chest not too far after, and then I started to craft a bunch of furnaces and placed them in the other room.

I planned to isolate the two rooms with a door, so I could sleep peacefully and not die from a heatstroke.

The wall was full of furnaces, I carefully split the cool that I had to be equal in every furnace, and then I also split the raw ores so smelting would go faster.

"I'll make them into blocks afterward to save some space in my inventory, I already have some problems with that. I so want a shocker box right now!"

Suddenly the room was lit like I was on the surface, not only that, the heat started to slowly build up, which was my cue to leave the room.

With the preparations done, I went to my bed and laid down comfortably, this was my first time sleeping underground and for some reason made me excited like a kid sleeping in a tent while camping.

After a few minutes, I fell asleep.


I woke confused at the ceiling I was seeing, then remembered that I was underground. After talking with myself to get up and start working I finally did it, then continued with some stretching to wake myself further.

After everything was done I checked the furnace room to see the progress, but when I opened the wooden door a wave of heat washed over me like I was in the Nether.

I quickly closed the door and splashed myself with some water cooling me off.

"Well if wasn't awake before I am now for sure. I think only three were still running, the others looked to be done."

After I felt prepared I opened the door once again but this time I stayed behind it, making the heat wave not as dangerous as before.

After a few minutes passed I decided this was enough and entered the furnace room and checked up the loot I had.

-130 iron ingots

-50 gold ingots

-145 copper ingots

Of course, I didn't forget to hold my pickaxe in hand once I got everything out of the furnace, and now it was as good as new, ready for another mining session.

I went to the other room crafted the ingots into blocks and placed them in the chest.

"Well this is over, let's do the fun part."

I smiled ready for some action.

With the potion of night vision and invisibility chugged, I could now explore the cave without any problems.

I broke the blocks blocking my entrance building a wooden tower to know where I have my base, then I looked at the huge cave for the first time in its full glory.

It was huge and it kept going deeper until bedrock, I could see groups of zombies and skeletons already walking in the darkness with the occasional spider here and there.

But like I expected, nobody saw me, so I carefully climbed down so I wouldn't take fall damage by mistake.

After all, I didn't have armor on me right now.

Once I arrived by a lava river I managed to find and mine a dozen ores which put a smile on my face.

Cave mining was always the beast.

Unfortunately, I didn't get a lot of gold even with my fortune pickaxe, but this was just the beginning.

I walked around some more, maybe pranking some of the skeletons to start a fight with the zombies, which quickly devolved to skeletons versus zombies, it was an epic battle but the fact that some of them could attack from the distance made them win the fight in the end.

The spiders instead weren't that interested in the fight, opting instead to just patrol the area without interfering.

The cave system was huge and slowly I filled my inventory with a lot of ores, at some point I decided that it was not worth mining copper anymore even if the villagers were willing to buy it for some reason.

I even found some diamonds which made me smile, no matter how many I saw.

As I was exploring along the dark tunnels, suddenly something caught my attention, it wasn't a special ore or monster, interest it was a block of wooden planks.

"What's this doing here? Is this a cave found by the other miners by any chance? No, that can't be possible they place granite as a way to mark what's explored."

I got closer and saw that it wasn't only one plank, instead, there were more, and soon I realized what this was.

"A mineshaft!"

This is the second one I've seen since I got into this world, but the other one was pretty close to the surface so it didn't have a lot of good loot, I wonder what I would get from here instead.

I walked along the wooden tunnels and slowly saw marks of past civilization, there were even some lit torches on the wall, undistributed by time.

I found some rails, some minecarts, and finally a chest, which I quickly opened.

I found a lot more items than I expected, there was some bread, enchanted iron pickaxes with a fortune but almost broken, torches, copper ores, coal, iron nuggets, and an almost broken iron shovel.

While interesting, it wasn't something that I would be too excited to get, still, I took the ores, torches, and bread.

Who knows how many years this chest was last unopened, but when I took the bread out, it was fresh like time was still.

As expected from the almighty chest, it was amazing.

But my inventory started to get clusterd so I put a Crafting table down and made ore blocks to have more space.

With this done I continued to explore the mineshaft, but as I was exploring more and more I came to a realization.

All the mobs that I've seen now we're spiders.

Was there a nest in here somewhere, or maybe even a spawner?

No that can't be possible, from what the System told me, only the void can make those, and if there's a spawner here that would mean another monster Lord.

As I explored more I found some interesting rooms that weren't in the game, such as the furnace room, which had a lot of smelted ore that I took without looking back, and the foodcort room, which had some food in it, but I decided to replace my bread with the golden carrots I found.

But what caught my attention was when the stone and wooden tunnels transitioned into brikstone.

"I think this is connected to a ruin."

This discovery made my blood boil, unfortunately, there was something that blocked the entrance to the ruins.

Everything was covered in webs, I couldn't even see what was past it.

I got closer and tried to cut some of it only to feel some of the web moving then I stopped.

Out of the densely packed web, one of the worst enemies you could find emerged its head.

Poisonous spider.

It was smaller than the regular spider and green, it got closer to my location and looked at the damaged web only to see nothing.

I quickly equipped my diamond sword and slashed its head off with one swing.

Diamond gear was too overpowered, but even this didn't make me feel safe.

"Should I wear the armor? But then they can see me."

I decided to continue slashing without my armor, continuing with the initial strategy, I only needed to pay attention to the moving web.

My sword kept splashing destroying web after web, I made a tunnel two blocks wide just so don't accidentally tangle up in one of those.

As I got deeper I suddenly stopped and put the sword in my inventory as I saw some webs moving on my right.

After a few seconds, a green head with eight eyes popped and looked at my progress with confusion, slowly it got out and I took my sword and chopped its head off like the other.

"There's a lot less than I expected!"

Something from behind hit me pushing me into the web, and not only that I began to feel sick.


Blood came out of my mouth.

Fortunately, I wasn't completely thrown into the webs, so after I put some force I got out, quickly swinging my sword to whoever attacked me.

And it was a good thing that I did because in my reckless swinging I cut the spider that did all of this to me.

I could also finally see it.

It was bigger than the others, closer to one of the originals, but now his leg was cut and hissing in pain, but the pain only got worse as his leg caught on fire out of nowhere slowly bringing him to death.

Unfortunately, I couldn't enjoy it's suffering because I was poisoned and hissing sounds came beyond the great web.

I had to run.

At great speeds, I arrived at the wooden section of the mine, and since it was smaller then the others, I could block it off immediately.

After I felt safe, I took a bucket of milk from my inventory and drank it like there was no tomorrow, the pain was too unbearable for me to wait it out.

Unfortunately, that resulted in me losing the invisibility effect and the night vision, which meant that now I couldn't see anything because I forgot to put a torch down.

I opened up my inventory and I could still see it with no problems, it didn't give light around me, which meant I couldn't use it as a light source.

But that didn't matter since I had torches with me that lit up the tunnel I was in.

"That's it, I'm going to purge that nest if it's the last thing I do!"

But for that, I needed some gravel, and unfortunately, I didn't have a lot of torches with me to light everything around, so I had to drink my last night's vision potion.

I equipped my diamond armor and went to search around for some gravel, something that I completely ignored on my mining session, but now was my tool to ravage.

I looked all over the mining tunnels, but had no luck in finding them, not even one block!

I had to go back into the cave system to finally find some, but I couldn't get too many since monsters kept coming after me.

Zombies and skeletons were not a problem, maybe a little annoying, but the creepers were dangerous no matter what armor you had on.

So after I got what I wanted, I crafted some Flint and Steal and went back to the tunnel that I just blocked of.

"Time to burn some pesky spiders."

How will the MC deal with the spiders, would it be worth it? 

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