
Chapter 30

Cyrus upon hearing the first thing from the girl's mouth was asking to be turned into a bird, he was stunned at first then he started chuckling.

"Well that's not something you get asked everyday. Unfortunately I can't do a bird, yet. But I can do a penguin, it's kinda close. Maybe later tho I can get you airborne easily, but right now I think there's more pressing matters." Cyrus replied with a smile at first but soon went with a more serious demeanor towards the end.

He looked at all the others and zoned in on Mance Rayder. "I'm told you were looking for me Mance Rayder, or do you expect me to call you as they do?" Cyrus asked with a raised eyebrow.

Stunned the kid knew him at first but then remembering that the Starks and Night's Watch were always close, so his desertion would definitely be known in case they saw him south of the wall.

"Nay, Mance is fine, Stark lad. There was much I wanted to discuss. Come inside and w-" Cutting him off Cyrus spoke up lacing his voice with mana so all that gathered could hear.

"Aye, I know what you wanted to ask and speak on and rather than speak privately I'd rather all hear, it's their choice after all as well. I have spoken to the Lord Commander of the Night's Watch to inform them of my father Lord Eddard Stark, Lord of Winterfell and Warden of the North, current Hand of the Kings decision. You will all be allowed south of the wall. However only those who will man the castles and fight what comes for us all. You don't have to kneel but you will have to fight. I am here to give you the time needed to get to the wall. Do not go to Castle Black or the other two castles, although it is allowed there is much bad blood between the Watch and yourselves. Man your castle and your families can settle nearest your castles in the gift, no raiding villages south of the wall. You wanna raid go North, we are no longer Northers and Free Folk, we are the living. The dead care not what else we call ourselves. If you raid unprovoked and want to besmirch our generosity, you'll soon find out the dead would be the least of your concerns." Making sure to get the point across he mixed [Intimidating Shout] in that last part, fully getting his point across.

"My brothers are sending men to each castle as we speak. They will open the gates allowing entry to each. I leave the choice to you all on the castles you choose, only three are manned and you all know which ones so if you get killed approaching one you shouldn't, don't go expecting the you 'didn't know' to work." Cyrus made everything as clear and simple so that the magic would do its work.

Even though many didn't understand his language but thru his mana he was able to ensure they completely understood him, this way the ones interpreting to them couldn't try anything against the other clans or not telling it all.

Tormund stepped up and asked, "Aye, and how will you be 'buying us time'?"

Giving the big red bearded guy a grin he said, "Easy, give them something else to focus on. I'm sure you probably noticed they are injuring and capturing now rather than killing as they first started when they appeared. They have completed their original goal and have started a new and they need us alive for that they plan next, but trust me being captured is much worse than being killed. So I will be focusing on their routes, I will rescue all I can but I will only be able to go so far North before I myself would be in trouble, so after you're in your castles keep a look out for those I am able to save."

Stunned by his admitting to attacking the dead that they had so much trouble killing stunned them. "You know they aren't easy to kill, right?" Tormund asked incredulously. He had fought those undead and although he made it out it's not one he would go looking for purposely.

But now this kid was going to go do just that. He had his wife taken in the last attack a few days ago, he thought she was killed but his fear was confirmed and now he was itching to fight if the kid knew what he was really getting himself into.

"Aye, I know exactly what they are and yes they are a tough enemy unless you know their weakness. Holy and Fire mostly. The weak ones are also weak against dragonglass, Valyrian and other magic weapons work efficiently. Plus I'm kinda their worst enemy considering Paladin and all. I can feel their presence like a beacon of darkness within the light. So yeah, oi wait. You ain't thinking what i think you're thinking, right?"

Cyrus questioned.

"Aye, if you thinkin' that I'm thinkin' of joinin' then sure. Guess that answers if ya got a good head on them shoulders, aye Mance." Tormund answers back as he elbows Mance a few times.

"You sure? I don't really wanna babysit you know. Well I guess I could use a decoy, herd them in for me, not a bad idea." Cyrus started liking the idea more.

Tormund was shocked at the casualness he told him he would be bait if he joined. Ygritte chuckled and decided to join just because she wanted to see where his confidence came from, plus he did say he could give her a chance to fly.

After making sure everything was set up with Mance, Cyrus said his goodbyes to the Giants and walked out to the clearing as the two joined him. After Cyrus got into the clearing he broke out his [Turbo-Charged Flying Machine] stunning the two and all the Free Folk watching.

"It only has two seats but they are of decent size, or one can stay don't care." Cyrus replied while getting into the drivers seat.

Ygritte ran and jumped in the front with Cyrus sitting in his lap, Tormund just shook his head and got in behind. "Ok, passengers this is your Captain speaking w-" "I'm right bloody behind you why the hell are you speaking into that box making your voice louder." Tormund interrupted, annoyed at Cyrus voice coming from a speaker behind his head which startled him a bit. Cyrus continued to speak thru the intercom to reply. "Because I'm the Captain and Captains can't talk directly to passengers, didn't you read the instruction manual?" Tormund just stared at Cyrus then smugly replied "Ain't knowin how to read and write so no."

"Didn't you check, there's one in picture format too, or can you not understand picture books too? Now shut it or you're getting left behind. Now where was I? Ah yes, This is your captain speaking, welcoming you to the maiden flight of Stark Airlines, please remain securely fastened and in the seated position at all times with all valuables secured in their designated area, keep your hands and arms in the vehicle at all times. Emergency parachute can be found under the seat. Screaming shall not be tolerated. Please enjoy your flight and thank you for choosing Stark Airlines, where you can trust your pilot is the best in the world." Cyrus said as he lowered his goggles handing one set to each as he went over his pre takeoff flight announcement.

"Oh and for Gods sake no puking outside of the designated [Bottomless Bag] found to your left. I don't want to be picking up frozen chunks of whatever you ate last. Especially you girl if you're deciding to sit here."

After that he started the mount up, a rod extended up between the two seats. Tormund and Ygritte watched as it extended up and began to spin as the frame rumbled from the turbo jet engines powering up.

All the other Free Folk looked at the contraption unaware what was going on trying to see what would pull the weird shaped sled.

Then Cyrus punched it. Helicopter blades appeared out of the shaft, providing the lift while the jet engines fired blasting them into the air giving it its forward motion. Flames firing out the tail of both engines.

Back with the Free Folk on the ground, many who had moved in closer to inspect the sled were blasted back, rolling backwards into the crowd, some even having their eyebrows, mustaches and top parts of their beards burnt off. Many shouted in amazement at the sled flying in the air like a comet.

Many seeing what happened began thinking this King was magical and wouldn't mind kneeling if they really had to, even though he didn't ask yet they figured it was only a matter of time till he did. Many also found a new hope, they had a more definitive goal, a brighter future. What human hasn't ever dreamed of flying in the air. They knew there was only so far they could run before the dead would eventually arrive and defending from a castle was much better than an abandoned fishing village. Plus if they could get a sled like that getting away would be easy.

With renewed vigor they dispersed into groups and headed for the unmanned castles, each group vowing to not approach the 'Crows' unless they're approached first. Only allowed to attack if to defend. They had the dead to worry about already, plus none wanted to have Cyrus and the giants after them. The Giant Clan had all split up between the groups to act similar to wardens. They ensured each group stuck to their word, threatening crushing those against the friend of giants. They loved his [Conjured Refreashments] and he always gifted them a bunch so they were extremely loyal.

Also after hearing that the Starks would be supplying new weapons to help fight soon they were excited. They saw his sled fly, what kind of weapons would they get from him? None knew but as word quickly spread of the Wolf King and his flying sled their journey to the castles was much more pleasant.

Since they all heard and understood him during the talk, it was able to bring the clans together a bit more than they were before. No leader could spin words that could cause friction between clans. It's the downfall of having an interpreter as your leader, they can spin it however they wish and their followers wouldn't know any better. But now they knew what rules they all needed to abide by and it wasn't asking much. If they had freedom North of the wall to raid and have an outlet for those who felt the need sounded reasonable.

Though it wouldn't be villages they raid it would be the undead. If they were given weapons to better fight the dead they would gladly take up the fight. Many of them lost loved ones and friends to the undead.

Seeing his own groups new found vigor and cheerful demeanor, like the cold winds didn't feel as cold anymore to them, Mance knew even if the Starks didn't strip him of his title as King Beyond the Wall it was already stripped of him as soon as Cyrus Stark showed up.

He didn't mind, he only became King to save as many as he could and he too felt hope, a better hope he could've even asked for. He felt that even if he is executed for abandoning his watch years ago, at least his people will live and be given a chance to fight. He too wanted that chance to fight and at least die avenging his family and not by some lord. But if it gives the others the chance it's still worth it to him.

Back on the flying machine Tormund was strapped into his seat puking into his bag, pale faced and looking at the cause of his sickness.

Cyrus had seen Ygritte handling everything like a champ, eyes sparkling and her laughing so he began doing aerial acrobatics to test her limits. She definitely had the makings of a pilot. Tormund not so much. He didn't do badly in the beginning but once the flips and swirls and doops and dives were thrown in, it caused him to no longer question if the bag matched its name.

"Truly Bottomless"

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