
Chapter 6 ─ Catching the Viscount

After agreeing to help us, Jessica gave us a map of the mansion.

The problem is that it was too old, the kidnapped girls are supposed to be in the basement, but we don't know if they changed it.

So we have to go on a rampage and destroy everything.

Before heading to the mansion we went to the slaver who put the slave mark on Russell.

The reason?

There is more than 50 meters of room to search and if we split up it will be easier to find them.

The slaver asked me if I was right to remove the slave mark as he could escape.

I said yes, without waiting that long.

Mary's safety is important.

Also, I told him this "If you try to run away, after I rescue Mary, I will find you and cut your throat while you sleep".

My words were real threats.

So I ran first to hear if he turned off the road and he followed behind me the whole time.

We reached the mansion, jumped over the wall separating the city from his house and hid in some bushes.

I told Russell my plan.

"It's simple what we'll do, we'll search the whole mansion until we find them. Then we kick the viscount's ass and send him to jail."

My plan was simple and undeniably going to work.

Russell stared at me as if I had said the stupidest thing in the world.

"How do you expect to pull that off? For starters, there's only two of us, we can't create a distraction and infiltrate."

"If we need a distraction for that. I'll be the distraction."

"I've said it before and I'll say it again. These little things I must get past if I am to one day be the..."

"Aye aye, such a god of swords."

I glared at him angrily as he mocked my mission.

I swear you'll pay for it later.

"Fine. Begin the operation!"

I ran straight out the door.

It was many meters to go, I shouted to Russell as I felt my breathing quicken.

"Whoever finds Mary first will get her out of here, whoever doesn't will get their ass kicked by that octopus!"

I pulled out my sword and decided to do the same thing as that time, I gathered the magic power in the sword.

The guards became aware of my presence, it took a short time to gather the magical energy and I threw it.

The ball of green energy was heading for the door.

A huge explosion occurred.

As smoke surrounded the place I shouted.

"Mary! Where are you?"

I drew my sword and began to slay the guards as I demanded to know Mary's location.

"Tell me where Mary is!!!? You can die after you do it."



Russell was looking out from the shrubs at the surreal situation he was seeing.

"He actually went straight to the door, destroyed it, and started screaming Mary while demanding to know the location."

"I don't know if I'm unlucky to meet such a suicidal idiot or if I'm paying for my sins by hanging out with this mindless idiot?"

He sighed a little and after watching as the gate guards made their way to the mansion, he took that opportunity to go around the house and enter from the left side.

"But it doesn't hurt that he's an idiot. People say idiots never die, and if that's true, this kid will be the god of idiots."

"Where's Mary! Tell me!"

After entering, I started attacking the idiots that got in my way.

With my sword, I blocked their attacks, cut their necks, sliced their arms and kicked them to use them as shields.

These guys don't respond.

I demand that they tell me where Mary is before I kill them.

I'm really starting to get angry.

I think I'll just kill them and whoever I see running away I'll tell them to tell me where she is.

Ah, I inadvertently killed everyone while I was thinking about it.

No, one guy is running, his trousers are falling down and I can see his hairy ass.

I rushed up and kicked him and he fell down the stairs.

I followed him downstairs.

After watching him try to get up I put my foot on him.

"Where is Mary? I mean. Where is Mary and the other girls you kidnapped?"

The guy didn't answer me, instead he insulted me.

"Fuck you idiot. You'll be dead before─"

*Cut off*

I cut the fingers off his hand, blood was pouring out in heaps staining the expensive velvet carpet.

"Don't you understand idiot? Your life is in my hands, if you don't abide by what I say you die."

"You'll die anyway, but I won't leave you suffering like you are now."

I proceeded to cut off the fingers of his other hand.

He began to cry like a little child.

"I will repeat it one last time. Where is Mary and the other girls?"

With tears in his eyes he answered me.

"They are in the basement. It's east of this direction, hidden under a door in the last room."

"Please let me live. I'm doing this to bring money to my family."

I glared at him as I approached.

"Do you think Shannon cares that your family is crying for the guy who kidnapped her daughter? Because I'm capable of tracking down your family and killing them, in fact, that's what I'll do."

With those words and the worried look in his eyes, I took his life in one move.

Will I go after his family?

Of course not.

I don't know who they are or where they live.

But... if it's too late for Mary.

I swear it'll be the first time I've ever killed children.

No, I think I've killed them before?

It feels weird to feel emotions I've never experienced before.

Including something called "impotency".

I don't know what it is, but it's something I don't want to experience again, even though I never experienced that.

I went in the direction you said to look for Mary.


Viscount Heving was quiet in his office when he heard an explosion and then screams.

"What is it?"

The chief butler went to investigate.

After a while he was still hearing those voices.

The butler returned and before he asked him anything, the butler informed him in a calm tone.

"My lord, I am afraid there is bad news. We have been invaded by intruders and they are tearing the manor apart."

"Intruders? How many are there?"

"So far only one has been confirmed, but surely his allies must be inside. This is a facade no doubt."

The viscount bit his tongue.

"This is strange. Why just now? This never happened with my father or my grandfather."

"And it happens precisely when I return home─"

The viscount's eyes widened as he discovered something.

"Damn it! That son of a bitch really did it."

Which is wrong.

"This is an attempt to trap me without a doubt! That damned Duke Realight really did it!"

He was wrong.

In the capital surely Viscount Heving made an enemy of some important noble and now pays the consequences, is what he thinks.

"It must be them, those guys who call themselves the [Blue Roses] must be infiltrated."


The viscount began to tear his office apart.

He looked at the butler after calming down a bit.

"I want you and the new acquisition to take care of the intruders."


The butler left the room, the viscount biting his nails as he muttered his situation.

"Nothing will happen to me. As long as I am an [Internal Member] I am guaranteed safety by the [Executives]."

"No one can touch me, not even that damn duke."


"What's going on?"

The leader of the kidnappers was about to lower his underwear when he was notified by a guard.

"There's trouble! An intruder broke in and is yelling for the girls."

"Do you know who it is? How many are there?"

"No. But all we know is that he's shouting 'Mary!' 'Where are you?' as he attacks us."

"Tch. If he's this crazy it's no use finding out which one of these bitches is Mary. We must kill him quickly as they are valuable commodities these girls!"

The men started to leave, the leader of them grabbed Mary and threw her into the cell.

"You got lucky this time."

She didn't understand what was going on.

"Who is the one coming to get me?"

She couldn't think of anyone she knew who would.

But there was a residual image in her mind.

Someone she couldn't believe was responsible.

"He wouldn't gain anything by rescuing me. Let alone messing with dangerous people."


Russell was walking down a long corridor thanks to the fact that there were no guards nearby.

(According to the map, there should be a room at the end of this corridor).

After turning left.


He found it.

He went straight to the door...

"I didn't think I'd run into one of you so quickly."

But he stopped when he heard a voice.

He turned slowly and saw the viscount's butler.

"Look sir, I will tell you for your sake this. Stay out of my way."

He threatened to show his sword.

Next thing, the old butler approached at a great speed.

Russell noticed him in time to dodge his blow.

As he was close to the wall, he could see the old man's fist begin to crack the wall and then it collapsed.

Russell was stunned by this surreal occurrence.

"An old man could do that! No. Not even renowned martial artists can do."

Martial artists.

People who instead of learning fencing or using weapons, use their fists, legs and even their skulls to beat and kill their enemies.

They are feared even though they are unarmed because there is a martial art known to work against armed opponents.

But even with that knowledge, it was impossible for Russell to imagine that a grown man could do something like this.

"Wait a minute."

He said as he stared at the butler's appearance.

Sweat beaded on his brow and his knees trembled.

"No. It can't be you."

"I remember it well when I was a boy and infiltrated the coliseum of the Avrora Empire."

"A man without armor who fought hundreds of opponents, even killed 100 men with one hand bound, he was the most famous of all the slaves, being called the champion of the coliseum."

"It can't be you... Cedric, Bloody Iron Fist."

The butler─ Cedric gathered up the sleeves of his uniform.

"It's a name I'd forgotten, but it's as you say. My name is Cedric and you are an intruder in this mansion."

"I was tasked with eliminating the intruders."

He exclaimed as he moved his body back into position for a quick attack.

I got lost.

That guy told me to the east, but when I went to that direction there was a forked road, I took the one I thought was the shortest.

But when I asked a guy whose legs I cut off, he told me it was south of the mansion.

I need to improve my sense of direction!

I arrived at a hall where all the tables had mysteriously been cut off.

Before I left, a gust of wind came from a doorway and I dodged it.

"That attack was fast enough to be dodged very easily. I guess you have good skills to be able to dodge my attack as well as detect it."

It was a woman's voice speaking through the smokescreen.

She was walking towards me, after stepping out of that curtain I was astonished, not because she is a woman, but due to her appearance.

It was the first time in my life that I had ever seen someone with ears like that.

It was an animal's ears on a person's body.

Her hips were so long that they were tied up to her thighs.

Her clothes were strange, but the same guy who told me about the katanas indicated that they were usually worn by warriors from the east.

Her shirt looked like red pajamas which showed part of her chest with her shoulder exposed.

Her clothes were called "Hakama" for her shorts that showed her thighs, with bandages on her legs, arms and even her breasts.

Which were as big as her blue eyes.

"My name is Saren, I am a former S-rank adventurer."

"S-rank adventurer! What the hell is an S-rank adventurer doing here?"

That made me very curious, but she didn't give my question any importance.

"That's an unnecessary question for someone who is my enemy."

She unsheathed her katana, which had a red sleeve with black, with a two-meter long blade.

I wanted to end your life quickly, but you have chosen the path of painful death."

"As a [Samurai], I will eliminate you in the name of my master."

I thought it was impossible for such a large object to move easily, but she approached me and with that large sword she cut the door into pieces.

"Is this a joke?"

"That was amazing!"

Her sword skill is great.

She is an enemy worth defeating.

No, I must save Mary and not this dog-like eared girl with that huge tail.

I drew my sword.

"You're in my way to save Mary. If you don't want to die, stay away!"

"Your cause is noble, but I'm afraid I can't let you. Come on!"


We both shouted as we approached each other to kill each other.


We move on to the fanservice with the poor victim of this volume, Mary.


The countdown to the end of the volume began.

The adrenaline and action is pumping through the roof!

With this chapter we kick off the real fight scenes.

Enjoy it as you will soon miss these fights.

Siegburncreators' thoughts
Chapitre suivant