


1. It is never a good thing for too much power to be concentrated in one place.

2. As Monsieur Rikudou Sennin said, there shall be conceit in those with too much power and envy and fear in those with too little power.

3. Things that have too much power infused into them tend to want to explode.

4. To diffuse a ticking time bomb, one needs to release the energy in multiple directions lest in attempting to release the energy from a single point, forcing that energy through the eye of the needle causes a calamity.

5. Spreading the energy reduces the likelihood of a Cataclysmic Explosion.

6. Charity, like Bomb Diffusion is all about Energy Distribution.

7. The act of Charity is literally the act of diffusing a ticking Time Bomb.

8. There is an ulterior motive behind every Virtue.

9. The fact that something is yours by the intention of the giver does not mean you can claim it before it has been given unto you. That is how a gift becomes a curse.

10. A gift becoming a curse is 100% of the time how a Supervillain in a good Superhero Movie is born, especially the ones with severe self-inflicted injuries. You get all the power you want but at the expense of pain that cannot be relieved.

11. Even the gods understand this which is usually why they have a severe case of Schizophrenia.

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