
employing the expertise of the night wolf guild

Its hardly heard that a nascent realm expert beat a human realm expert, cases where such happens is when the nascent is one with martial spirit fighting against the human realm expert without martial spirit

And that too, the nascent realm expert would have to have a good martial spirit, but here they have witness the opposite, a human realm expert is been defeated by a nascent realm expert and the human realm expert got martial spirit, a good one at that

For now there is nothing they can do or say, a lot of the information had been withheld by the patriarch, from the little they knew I don't have a Martial spirit, the meeting was dismissed by the patriarch sending them all back to what the were doing or areas they were heading

Noah remain in the main family mansion by grandfather other with a strict instruction stating nothing should be heard outside the Newman family about the my prowess, everyone knew right not to disobey that instruction


"Do you mind explain yourself young man" a voice I know too well entered my hearing immediately I woke up, its the voice of the one that had knocked me out in the first place

I groaning sat up rubbing that backnod my neck that he had hitting giving him the not fair look, he didn't bother nor change his expression, his gaze was still Stern and dead pin on me, sighing helpless I asked for water first to drink before talking

He didn't deny me that, handling over a cup of water, after which he expected me to start spilling as am done drinking it " which part do you want me to explain, there are many event that happened during the cause of the battle " I fein ignorance of what he was asking for

"OK, OK, OK, I recall now" seeing his hands handing towards me for a smack, I did as if I just remember "you are referring to my last attack right, well that is a skill from the technique you handed me, is it too weak"

"Am not talking about the techniques strength, am talking about how the level o your attack spike up to that of a human realm expert and not any weaknon at that, secondly why are you suddenly short on blood almost ookikg like a moving corpse"

"Oh that, its a techniques I chance upon, I used together with the one you saw Early" I spoke the truth, I have used quite a huge amount of blood energy to power that skill, it brought the power to a level that could hurt a human realm expert

If I have added a bit more blood energy, I might have end up killing the young man, I also told Grandpa everything and the deduction I have drawn in my way here, the guy was furious, if not that there was any evidence except just my words

He would have match down to the people involved mansion, still he had to calm down, this isn't the time to let rage blind him, I appreciate the guy perfect control of his emotions seriously, he could it well handled

"Do you still have the technique with you" I shook my head to him, he didn't push, whether am saying the truth or not he didn't bother "that technique is powerful and dangerous as you can already tell, if you had failed to take out your enemy in one go, you won't live to fight another day"

Nodding in acceptance to his words, I couldn't agree more, right now the other choice in my mind is look for a way to edit this technique to reduce the draw back, there most be a point somewhere that could drop the draw back while increased it function

"Why do I feel you are having a crazy thought in your head" he raise his brow starring at me who is lost in thought

"Ha, its nothing grandpa" a lazy smile escape and appeared in my face

"It better be, get some rest, you would be leaving as soon as Noah recover fully, both of you are heading for no man's forest, I can't have the promising seeds of Newman family weakwhen it comes to battle experience" saying that he stood up from the sit he had sat close to my bed about to leave the room

"You did great by the way, seems like you didn't lie about our Martial spirit, I would advice you to keep it secret even from those within the family, not everyone can take the news of such heaven defying Martial spirit easily"

I got the underlined mean of that word, though their aren't infight in the Newman family due to the patriarch, there are still those cramping for power, they are secretly building force awaiting the day the patriarch would get up to say good morning

Everyone is training their young line to be the patriarch choice of successor and all, for someone like me who is seen as an outsider, it would cause a lot of stir if new get out about my martial spirit

"Grandpa can you do me a favor, help me get and blood related and power surge skills you can get your hands on, please" acting like a good boy adding please at the end of my request

He halt his step at the door for moment at my request, he already got clues of what I intended to do with them, he didn't say anything than shook his head before leaving, he wasn't ready to explain to my how it is to write techniques, not to talk about rewriting one but he would leave me to find out for myself


Inside dark Forest within one of the many caves found in there stood three figures, two female and a male, the male was rampaging through the many corpse in the cave giving off an awful stench with out a care

"Am sure he was lying here dead before I left" the male grumble once again after he had search through all this corpses for the tenth time

Ella head her nose with her hands from the amount of stence inside the cave, she could bare such awful stench and wouldn't be here if not for how important this is to her "so you are saying he survived after you left"

"That is the question, did you not noticed the cave entrance when we arrived, there is no way that weakling can do such, he most have gotten help from someone, but who beats my imagination" Tina cut Ella short bringing up her own point of view

"Do you think its someone from the Newman family?"

"No Ella I doubt that, if it was them, that guy you met should have showed a reaction, we all know how he is, he hardly his how he feels" Tina replied still lost in her own thoughts

"Who ever this person is, he most really be a power figure, for him to bring someone back from the dead, I definitely don't want to cross path with him" Alex spoke shivering from the numerous thought going through his head

It was at that time Ella sighted a corner of the cave with small opening being force opened, on the ground is a scattered piece of home and rotten flesh "I guess I now know what happened to those guys legs and arms" she said pointing at that end

Both of them followed her finger trail to where she was pointing at and could see what she too had seen, but Alex walked closer inspecting the hole on the cave "this wasn't here when I left"

"Wait you are saying you aren't the one that did this" Ella asked, her frown growing deeper, more she stay here in this cave, more things get mysterious

"What do you take us for Ella, we might be cruel and all that using poison and experimenting on slave, we aren't that barbaric to do such a thing" point at the gruesome sight on the floor "we are still human and certain things irritates us" Alex scolded mildly

"When I left I didn't mutilate any of the warriors that came with him, we only attacked them unexpectedly, they couldn't defend due to it been unexpected and the use of silent poison made it easy"

"" silent poison? "

"Its a poison we recently created, you should know already we are immune to lots of poison due to our Martial spirit, the silent poison is a colourless odourless gaseous substance, once permitted into the air, those that takes is it in would gradually lose their strength for a giving amount of time

Much of it would be notice and would rapidly drop the person strength, so you have to be discrete using it" Ella had a confusing look while this long explanation "what am trying to say is they were helpless in our hands and none escape

The other reason we used this method is in case the Newman are in a search rampage and found this cave, they can't trace it back to us as none of poison would be left in their body, it would have faded away"

"All in all I still don't know how this bastard survived but my guess is its related to this place" point at the small caving hole in the wall "now he is back at the Newman main mansion, we can't deal with him again and the family would be protecting him double

They can't take action against any of us because they got no prove, best we can do now is lie low and wait for a chance to strike, maybe this time we will engaged the expertise of the night wolf guild" Tina suggested with the other two agreeing with her plans.

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