
Dreams and Death Whisperer

Today was too quiet. Considering the emotional mess that happened yesterday, or the physical mess I'm expecting tonight it's still too quiet around here. Waking up I walk downstairs slowly before realizing something wasn't right. No twins fighting, no Carrie yelling, this is off. I tried to shift only to find myself unable too and that's when I knew for a fact something was wrong.


I called out to the house's residents only to be left alone. I make my way to the door and upon opening it I realize my house shouldn't be in the middle of the woods. Although I was freaking out I still took time to notice the dullness of the world around me. Grey skies and trees an absolute colorless world. As usual however whenever I'm set in my mind the world has to prove me wrong.

Fireflies out of nowhere started lighting up around me before flying together and stopping one by one forming a trail. Without hesitating too much I follow the trail that the fireflies made out for me as I continue deeper into the woods. A forest was already creepy enough in the dark. Imagine it when every tree has the same dull grey color, no sounds, no smells, even the leaves don't shake. I walked for about 20 minutes before coming to a cave that the fireflies won't enter.

Taking it as my cue, I moved forward into the cave but apparently didn't need to move too far. My. body bumped into a large snout right by the entrance as a large golden eye opened up right next to me. The large creature slowly stood up as I backed up a bit. The creature shook off its drowsiness as it's eyes locked onto me. It's eyes brought me a sense of suppression while behind it, it's tail was thumping against the walls. Wait a second...tails?

"Human it's been a long time since I've spoken to someone" the gentle yet sly voice emanated from the vulpine figure as I swirled around me leaving me in a whirlpool of fur and tails. "Yes you definitely meet my requirements and maybe even more so. It's been a long time but I have no intention to waste this opportunity young one. Do me a favor and help me become complete. Once you do, my power is at your disposal."

It's eyes met mine and I was stunned by the sheer amount of power I felt. Without asking my opinion the giant fox disappeared in what sounded like a large bolt of thunder, something that big moving that fast is terrifying to think about. But I had no place to think as two shiny black rocks were currently glowing with electricity. I stepped closer to see them as the current faded. Without that lightning bound to the stones I grasp them in my hand and felt a pull on my body as I was suddenly pulled through the forest back into my 'home' at a breakneck pace.

The moment the door to my house was shut, I 'woke up' back in my bed for real. One look out the window was enough to see the skies and one look at my claws were enough to know I'm awake. "So was it all a dream then?" I spoke to no one in particular. Jumping out of bed I was a bit startled to hear the thud thud, falling onto the floor. Bending down I take a good look to find two pitch black shuriken on the ground. "Huh so it was real...complete you huh?"






Hearing the usual bickering happening downstairs oddly enough gave me a sense of relief. After all if they're energetic then they're fine. I stop worrying about them and put the shuriken in my dresser for now. Later I'll have a chance to talk with Marin about them.

Dialing my phone as I head downstairs I make a quick call to the named beauty and as soon as she picked up "Hey Marin, are there any foxes in town?'

"Kitsunes? Not that I'm aware of?" I explain to her my story a bit and she said when there's a chance bring them to her and she'll run some tests to find their owner. "Well if that's all you need Oliver, I'll get going I'm sure you have party prep to make as a host "

Exiting the call I unknowingly sat down in the living room as someone placed a cup of coffee in front of me. "Good morning Mr. Alpha. Please don't sleep in and leave me alone with these twins in the morning anymore."

With a slight chuckle I turn my head to see Carrie practically begging as Malia made her way into the living room. "Hehe alright Carrie from now let's leave you to breakfast duty and the twins are your chore boys now."

Her eyes lit up as she practically bounced to the kitchen kicking open the door "ETHAN GET A MOP, AIDEN CHOP CHOP TO THE DISHES WHY ARE YOU STILL STANDING THERE ACTING--- SCRATCH THAT SHOWING OFF YOUR DUMB!"

With a small smile on my face I enjoyed the moment as Malia plopped next to me and dropped her head in my lap adjusting herself for the most comfort as she spoke "Being human is annoying. The clothes are itchy, I can't sleep in that bed, and what the hell is with this bra? It's horrible!"

Seeing the pouting coyote it brought a smile to my face as I used my hand to pet her head giving her a sense of calm, Malia's canine instincts are by far the strongest in the pack including myself, due to years of living as an actual coyote. "If you don't want to sleep in the bed you're more than welcomed to put a nest in your room and sleep as a coyote."

Her ears perked up at that but still she asked "What if I can't turn back? What if next time I turn its more permanent?"

Feeling her unease I simple stopped petting and just kept my hand in her hair switching the emotion from calm to stability that she was feeling. "Malia or coyote either or is apart of my pack. No matter what troubles you face Malia please believe in me to solve them."

Our eyes met and I can see her trust in me which solidified as she spoke "I've already put my everything in you. The minute you caught me I didn't submit to your spark or reason, I gave everything to you as my alpha. Trust included." She brought her arms around my waist and held tightly like I was gonna throw her back into woods.

There was no reason to keep speaking. Somethings need to be experienced for oneself. Show her with actions that she put her everything into the right person. We sat there in a comfortable silence as I played with her hair a bit more until the door bell rang. I was a bit lost on who it was considering the party wasn't until tonight and Demarco wasn't supposed to make deliveries until two. Seeing no one answered the bell, it rang again before a slight knocking sound was heard.

Malia was in a happy mood at first, but then the ringing broke her out of that so when I saw blue eyes on a scrunched up face as she leapt out of my lap and walked to the door I knew to expect trouble. With a sigh I got up and followed my coyote as she opened the door.

"Hi! My name is Lydia from across the str- BOOM- eet? Did she just?"

Almost choking on the laugh that almost escaped my lips, I looked at Malia in front of the closed door who had already turned to return to the sofa but paused seeing me standing there. "What?" she asked "She was annoying me."

That was the first time my pack met Lydia Martin.

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