

Slumber was blessed upon them deeply and uninterrupted until the rise of the sun became too high in the skies for a woman to continue sleeping. However, scared she woke up, for the deep rest made the night before appear false given the bliss.

“!?…” — She flinched, confused by the sensation the empty dream left. Staring at the hand that she had laid on the man being grasped by his hand, glancing up to see if his eyes were open… to find a peaceful demeanour in the spouse whose grasp would not lose hold of her body.

‘… haha… he’s still asleep…’ — Ewelina fondly smiled at the peace in his face. Letting her head rest on him to admire the handsomeness he could never lose in her eyes… eventually noticing the layer of cold sweat that covered the spouse. — “… Aslak…? Husband, wake up… I will need to wash you…”





“nh…” — In pain, a whine the man gave… one that would leave him motionless, and unresponsive for days…

Chapitre suivant