

Her head lowered in ponder after making thee guard say such with insistence. Pausing to contemplate in Gilead’s words so a real motive could be found.

“… Guilt… if it is guilt… Then maybe I could accept it… Yet now the question would be for you to tell me, why was that guilt born?”

“… It was born from learning after being ignorant… From the beginning, I was an ignorant man, Ma’am, just as you said once we met at the stables of your Residence... I wish to serve one who is proper and clever, unlike my nature that once misjudged your value. Therefore, who my loyalty belongs to… That is simply yourself in my eyes, Archduchess.”

“… I do not trust you.”

“Such may change with time.”

“Neither do I believe your sayings.”

“I am to probe myself trustworthy eventually.”



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